Staff Parish Relations Committee
First Year Review of Clergy in New Appointment
Completed form due in the District Office 2 weeks prior to SPRC Meeting with DS
Charge: Pastor:
INSTRUCTIONS: After careful reading of the descriptions, score each area for evidence of effectiveness
using the scale below. If an item does not apply to this clergy or there has not yet been an opportunity to
observe this quality, mark N/A.
S for Satisfied N for Needs Immediate Attention
A. How have your introduced and welcomed your pastor to the congregation, and how have you
facilitated opportunities for the congregation to become acquainted with your pastor?
B. First Impressions: Ministry of Word: Preaching & Teaching (Score: S or N)
1. Sermons reflect careful preparation that is prayerful and complete. ______
2. Sermons teach Christian discipleship that is relevant to daily living. ______
3. Sermons have a balance of good news and a challenging call to discipleship. ______
4. Sermons and Worship have an appropriate level of passion. ______
5. Worship creates opportunities for people to experience or connect with God. ______
6. Shares leadership roles in worship with lay servants, speakers, and the laity in general. ______
7. Communicates clearly and effectively in both written and spoken forms. ______
8. Supports Christian Education needs of all age groups and personally leads Bible studies ______
C. First Impressions: Ministry of Order: Leadership & Equipping of Laity (Score: S or N)
1. Demonstrates effective leadership and overall administration of the church. ______
2. Demonstrates effective and appropriate leadership of staff. (Where applicable) ______
3. Actively encourages and fosters a culture of shared ministry with the laity. ______
4. Encourages laity to develop and use their spiritual gifts for ministry and leadership. ______
5. Regularly offers Confirmation & Membership Classes for youth and adults. ______
6. Is intentional in developing and inviting newer members into leadership positions. ______
7. Regularly encourages laity to consider where God may be calling them into ministry. ______
8. Actively encourages laity to participate in District and Conference events. ______
D. First Impressions: Ministries of Sacrament and Pastoral Care: (Score: S or N)
1. Provides regular opportunities to participate in Holy Communion during worship. ______
2. Clearly communicates that all are welcome to participate in Holy Communion. ______
3. Ensures that shut-ins and those in nursing homes receive communion on a regular basis. ______
4. Encourages parents to have children baptized and takes time to prepare them. ______
5. Invites all members of the community to remember/renew their baptismal covenant. ______
6. Regularly visits shut-ins and the hospitalized and encourages laity to do so as well. ______
7. Offers opportunities for healing prayer in worship and other appropriate times/settings. ______
8. Provides pre-marital and marriage counseling to those who are engaged or married. ______
9. Takes time with families in preparing funerals and does follow up visitation afterwards. ______
E. First Impressions: Ministry of Mission and Service: (Score: S or N)
1. Regularly lifts up and encourages participation in mission and service opportunities. ______
2. Personally participates in mission and service in the local church and the community. ______
3. Challenges members to share Christ in practical ways in the wider community. ______
4. Is present at fellowship gatherings and activities of the church. ______
5. Is personally visible and active in the local community seeking to build relationships. ______
F. First Impressions: Interpersonal and Relational Skills (Score: S or N)
1. Is available and approachable. ______
2. Is trustworthy, confidential, and non-judgmental. ______
3. Is even-tempered. ______
4. Is a non-anxious presence (able to be calm in the moment) in meetings and one on one. ______
5. Works at building and strengthening relationships with others. ______
6. Is open to feedback and takes critique well. ______
7. Is able to communicate in honest and caring ways. ______
8. Deals appropriately with those who have authority and oversight of her/his ministry
(D.S., Board of Ordained Ministry, SPRC) ______
G. First Impressions: Personal Spiritual Formation & Self Care (Score: S or N)
1. Demonstrates evidence of a consistent personal devotional life. _______
2. Lifts up accountable discipleship and spiritual formation as a priority for all people. ______
3. Demonstrates integrity; actions and behaviors that reflect stated beliefs. ______
4. Participates in continuing professional education and study for ministry
(please indicate specifics in comment box below). ______
5. Is involved in a peer group for learning, accountability, mentoring, and support. ______
6. Is attentive to regular self-care of body, mind, and spirit. ______
7. Demonstrates a balanced personal and family life outside of church and ministry. ______
8. Takes personal Sabbath time, days off, and all four weeks of vacation. ______
H. First Impressions: Connectionalism / Stewardship (Score: S or N)
1. Supports and invites participation in District and Conference Events: i.e. Camping,
Emmaus, District Leadership Training, etc. ______
2. Serves in District and Conference leadership: Mentoring, Boards/Agencies,
Connectional Responsibilities, etc. (List below Committees/Boards on which Pastor serves). ______
3. Special Sundays Promotes and encourages participation in Special offerings
(UMCOR Sunday, etc). ______
4. Personally tithes and encourages tithing and proportional giving as a Spiritual principle. ______
5. Is aware of and uses resources and programs that effectively develop a healthy and
growing climate of stewardship in the church. ______
6. Provides clear leadership in helping the congregation fully participate and celebrate
the connectional work accomplished through Ministry Shares. ______
District and Conference Leadership:
First Impressions: After reviewing the responses given above, please identify the strengths and growth
areas which may have the most impact in your current ministry setting:
I. First Impressions: Pastoral Strengths:
J. First Impressions: Areas Needing Intentional Growth/Improvement:
Continuing Education plans to address growth areas and enhance strengths:
Any other Information you would like to share?
__________________________________ __________________________________
Pastor Date SPRC Chair Date
District Superintendent Date
For churches served by a Local Pastor or DSA:
We give permission for this information to be shared with the District Committee on Ministry
___________________________________________________ ________________________
Name & Signature of SPRC Chair Date
___________________________________________________ ________________________
Name & Signature of Pastor or DSA Date
Completed form due in the District Office 2 weeks prior to SPRC Meeting with DS
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