Provisional Member________________________________________________________
BOM Member/s present_____________________________________________________
Date of Visit_______________________________________________________________
Name of group, class or committee visited, if appropriate__________________________
Purpose of on-site visits:
To assess progress in the path toward ordination and full membership.
To support the Provisional Member and strengthen their connection to the BOM.
To gain a better understanding of the candidate in their setting
To include others from the local ministry setting in the evaluation process
For the Provisional Member (only) proceeding to Full Membership:
1. How do you feel things are going here?
2. What excites you about ministry here?
3. What do you find drains your energy?
4. Is there a group/committee that you especially enjoy?
5. What group/committee do you least like working with?
For the SPRC (or equivalent):
1. What are some things that you appreciate about the Provisional Member’s
2. Tell us about some growing edges that you would see in their ministry?
3. What things do you do to support your clergy leader?
4. What excites you about the ministry happening here?
5. Would you recommend them to be ordained? Why or why not?
Observations of Senior Pastor or Supervisor (if relevant)
Additional comments/ observation:
Thoughts for visits with those Provisional Members not
proceeding to Ordination:
Write a paragraph or two describing your observations on your visit with the candidate. How
does the person feel about their ministry? What leadership skills and style do you observe? Are
they addressing any previously identified growth areas?
Feel free to give the candidate feedback if you feel that it would be helpful. Be sure to offer
yourself as a contact person for the Board if there is some question or concern that might arise
for them.
Please submit to Debbie Stevenson, BOM Administrative Assistant and Executive Assistant for the Office of Clergy
Excellence, at dstevenson@michiganumc.org. She will distribute your report to your Interview Team Leader and
the Full Member Registrar. You may direct questions on this form to Debbie as well.