Balancing Forces—Lesson 4.4 (optional)
Daily Written Reflection
Scientists pay close attention to when things change and when they are
stable. If a scientist was looking at the Floating Paper Clip Device, when
would she say things are stable? When would she say things are changing?
Make a drawing if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your drawing.
© 2018 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.
Balancing Forces—Lesson 4.4
1. Write an explanation that answers the question below.
2. Your audience is the people of Faraday.
Why does the train float, even though gravity is acting on it?
Scientific Explanation of Why the Train Floats
© 2018 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.
Balancing Forces—Lesson 4.4 (optional)
Chapter 4: Check Your Understanding
This is a chance for you to reflect on your learning so far. This is not a test. Be
open and truthful when you respond.
Scientists investigate in order to figure out how things work. Am I getting
closer to figuring out how the floating train works?
I understand why the train rises. _____ Yes _____ Not yet
I understand why the train falls. _____ Yes _____ Not yet
I understand why the train floats. _____ Yes _____ Not yet
I understand why the train
changes from floating to falling. _____ Yes _____ Not yet
I understand that scientific explanations
can change when there is new evidence. _____ Yes _____ Not yet
What about the floating train or about forces are you still wondering?
Make a drawing if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your drawing.
© 2018 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.