Architectural Elevation Review Procedure
and Submittal Form
residential developments with rezoning conditions concerning architectural materials
must have architectural elevations approved by the Dept. of Planning and Development.
Subdivision Name______________________________________________________________
Contact Name____________________________________Phone_________________________
Contact Email__________________________________________________________________
Please submit the following items for review
o One 8.5” X 11” set of architectural elevations (all sides). Do not include floor plans,
mechanical drawings, etc.
o Copy of Signed Rezoning/Special Use Permit Resolutions
o Complete application package must be clipped or in an envelope. No loose papers
o Submittal packages to be dropped off for the Development Review Section in the assigned
box outside the Development Review Rooms (suite 150)
o Upon approval, approved copies of architectural elevations will be forwarded to the
Building Permits Section, will be provided to applicant, and will be placed in Department
o It is STRONGLY recommended that ALL proposed house types to be built in the
subdivision be submitted for review at the same time.
Department Use Only
Date Received:______________
o Approved
o Approved with conditions__________________________________________________
o Denied________________________________________________________________
By____________________________________________ Date_____________________