48 Schoosett Street • Pembroke, MA 02359 | P. 781-826-5139
www.SouthShoreRealtors.com • info@SouthShoreRealtors.com
South Shore Realtors
is the second largest Realtor
trade Association in MA consisting of over 3,000
and other professionals related to the real estate industry who serve the South Shore and
As an administrator of a Realtor
ofce, you have the opportunity to join South Shore Realtors
as an administrative member to gain the valuable resources and relationships your Broker/Owner and
appreciate. Administrator members consist of ofce managers, marketing and social media
staff and other REALTOR
ofce employees, while not engaged in real estate brokerage or sales, have
interests in information concerning the real estate industry and association objectives.
BERSHIP. The real estate industry is a
demanding and ever-changing business
environment where REALTOR
administrators are expected to understand
all facets of the REALTOR
and the industry to support Broker/Owners,
and clients.
Knowledge of the Code of Ethics, the corner-
stone of being a REALTOR
, and industry
trends and topics will help streamline your
position and enhance the value you already
provide to your REALTOR
ofce. From
technology training programs, to valuable
networking and industry leading events, the
Association provides the knowledge, skills,
and insights that build toward success.
Communications. Receive Association’s
monthly newsletter and weekly emails
containing valuable industry information
and schedules of upcoming events, meetings
and seminars to keep your ofce informed.
Educational Opportunities. You receive
reduced rates to timely industry programs
and workshops.
Networking opportunities to develop con-
tacts, build relationships with REALTORS
and afliate members and participate as
a volunteer on committees and task forces.
Invitations to member only events such
as free monthly networking get-togethers,
awards ceremonies, timely industry
programs, seminars, technology workshops,
advocacy events/excursions.
Afliates. Build relationships with com-
panies your rm can do business with.
Access to Member Only Pricing. Enjoy
member pricing on all programs and events.
Social Media. Connect and communicate
with other members through Association
social media sites and "The Launch", an
online collaborative resource just for
Association members to connect, engage
and share resources and experiences.
Knowledge. Gain a better knowledge and
understanding of Association benets,
programs, and events to keep your Broker/
Owner more informed.
South Shore Realtors
puts you at the fore-
front of advocacy efforts on Beacon Hill and
Capitol Hill to shape policies that tackle
barriers to the real estate industry and the
growth of homeownership and the protection
of private property rights. The Association
alerts you when action needs to be taken
and provides you the professional resources
to obtain your desired results.
Receive the training you need to assist your
ofce to stay compliant with their Realtor
membership and maximize their benets.
Resources Relationships Results
48 Schoosett Street • Pembroke, MA 02359 | P. 781-826-5139
www.SouthShoreRealtors.com • info@SouthShoreRealtors.com
Administrator Membership
I hereby make application, in the class designated above, to South Shore REALTORS
, and enclose the current annual
dues fee of $80.00. I understand that I am eligible to join under the REALTOR
Administrator Member Class because I
am employed by a REALTOR
Broker/Salesperson and do not engage in the business or act as a broker or salesperson,
directly or indirectly, either temporarily or as an incident to any transaction, other than in an administrative capacity.
Print Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred email address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Oce Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mobile/Cell: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Business Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Street Town State Zip Code
Business Phone: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Business Fax: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Principal/Manager/Designated REALTOR® of your oce (please print) : _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Preferred Mail (circle one): Oce/Home Preferred Publication (circle one): Oce/Home
Name (as you want it to appear in Roster): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Address: : ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Street Town State Zip Code
Processing of your application/payment will be expedited if you follow the procedure outlined. Incomplete applications will be returned.
Dues, in the amount of eighty dollars ($80), as set by the Board of Directors, payable to South Shore Realtors
must accompany
Payment Amount: $80.00
Mail Check or Payment information to: South Shore REALTORS®, 48 Schoosett Street, Pembroke, MA 02359
Payment: Visa/MasterCard/Discover/Amex/Check # __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Exp. Date: _________________________________________________________________ CVV: _________________________________________________________________________ Amount: __________________________________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Today
s Date: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
I hereby certify that the foregoing information furnished by me is true and correct, and I agree that failure to provide complete and accurate information as requested, or any misstate-
ment of fact, shall be grounds for revocation of my membership if granted. I further agree that if accepted for membership in the Association, I shall pay the fees as from time to
time established. NOTE: Payments to the Association are not deductible as charitable contributions. Such payments may, however, be deductible as ordinary and necessary business
expense. Please consult with your accountant.