Williamsville Central School District is committed to providing a safe, supportive environment free from
harassment, bullying and discrimination for all students. The District encourages the involvement of
staff, students, parents and community members in the implementation of the Dignity for All Students
Act (“DASA”) and the expectation that all students be treated with compassion and respect.
If you believe you, or someone else, has been the target of harassment, bullying, cyber-bullying, and/or
discrimination, you may use this reporting form to alert the building DASA Coordinator.
You may also submit an oral report by contacting a Building Administrator or Dignity Act Coordinator
School/district personnel witnessing an incident or receiving a report of an incident must complete and
submit a written report via WITS (or by using this form if access to WITS is not available) within two (2)
school days. NOTE: School/district personnel must also orally notify the principal, superintendent or
their designee no later than one school day after witnessing or receiving a report of an incident.
All complaints will be treated in a confidential manner. Anonymous reports may limit the district’s
ability to respond to the complaint. A prompt and thorough investigation will be conducted for all
incident reports.
Please complete this form and return it to a school administrator or Dignity Act Coordinator.
I. To be completed by person reporting the incident (or the person receiving the complaint and/or
investigating the incident)
School District: _______________________________ School: _____________________
Dignity Act Coordinator:___________________________ Position:_____________________
Today’s date:______________ Name of person reporting incident:____________________________
Role of person reporting incident (Check one)
Student Target Student (witness) Parent/Guardian Staff Member Other
Name of target: (student being bullied, harassed, or discriminated against)
Names of alleged
Date(s) and time(s) of
Incident(s): _________________________________________________________________________
What was your involvement in the incident?
I was directly involved in the incident I observed the incident I heard about the incident
Where did the incident happen? (Check all that apply)
On school property Cafeteria On a school bus
Classroom Gym Off school property
Hallway Locker Room Electronic Communication
Bathroom At a school function Other (describe):
Type of incident (Check all that apply)
Physical contact (kicking, punching, spitting, tripping, pushing, taking belongings)
Verbal threats (gossip, name-calling, put-down, teasing, being mean, taunting, making threats)
Psychological (non-verbal actions, spreading rumors, social exclusion, intimidation)
Abuse (actions or statements that put an individual in fear of bodily harm)
Cyberbullying (misusing technology/social media to harass, tease, threaten, post pictures (sexting))
Other (describe): ___________________________________________________________________
Who was involved in the incident?
Student Employee Both student and employee
Describe that specific nature of the incident. What happened? (Be as specific as possible). What did
the alleged offender say or do? Include any copies of the text messages, emails, etc. if possible.
(Add extras pages If needed)
If there were any adults in the area when this happened, what did they do?
Types of bias involved (if known): (Check all that apply)
Race Religion Sex
Color Religious practice Other
(describe) ___________
Weight/size Disability
National origin Sexual orientation
Ethnic group Gender
Names of others who may have witnessed the incident:
Was the student absent from school as a result of the incident?
No Yes Number of days student was absent:______________
Does the situation continue to occur? Yes No
You can contact the school administrator, Dignity Act Coordinator, counselor, or other staff member
(whoever you are most comfortable with) for information or assistance at any time.