Roofing & Siding
Match Kit
Will your roofing or siding repair match?
Use this kit before the repair!
Protect your homes appearance and value with a
good match to your existing roofing or siding. ITEL
matches the color and features of your damaged
roofing or siding to currently available material
then locates suppliers that sell the replacement.
As an independent testing laboratory that does
not sell siding or roofing, ITELs results can be
trusted to be the best match for your home.
Replacing damaged roofing
or siding?
Collect a roofing or siding sample from your home
Send the sample to ITEL
Find matching roofing and siding for your home
using the ITEL report
This kit will help you:
Unzip the
Pull the
Cut siding
to remove
For vinyl siding , a zip tool or other steel prying device can
be used to hook under the butt (lower) edge of the panel and
pull it away ( “unlock” it) from the panel below it.
For metal siding, use a screwdriver or prybar to unsnap the
butt edge. Do not use a zip tool on metal siding.
1. Find the panel you want to remove, locate an exposed
seam at one end of panel above it, and slip the prying device
under its bottom edge. Pull downward and slide the tool from
one end of the panel to the other, releasing it from the lock
of the panel below.
2. Gently bend out the upper panel, exposing the nail hem
of the lower panel. Take the nails on the lower panel out
using a claw hammer or nail-puller.
3. Use metal snips to remove the lower panel; snap any
loose panels back into place. For moisture protection, use
duct tape to cover exposed areas.
Removing vinyl and metal siding
Siding sample sizes
Sending the recommended sample size for each material will make sure you receive the best
match for your siding.
When collecting the sample:
1. Collect a full height section including the nail hem,
weep hole and 1 foot of length (see illustration to the
right). If possible, the section should include the
manufacturer's markings, which are embossed or
printed on the nail hem or back of the sample.
2. The sample should be taken from a low,
inconspicuous area on the damaged elevation.
3. Tape sharp edges with duct tape to help prevent
injuries during packaging and shipping.
4. Use duct tape to cover exposed areas, preventing moisture penetration and further damage to
the elevation once the siding is removed.
Nail hem
Butt edge
Vinyl siding
10" of length
Weep hole
1. Collect the sample (siding)
Read all directions before removing your siding or roofing. Keep safety in
mind when collecting the samples. Be careful around sharp tools, edges; and ladders;
always use tools and safety equipment such as gloves and eye protection properly. If you
have safety concerns, ask your siding or roofing contractor to collect a sample for you.
Removing asphalt shingles
1. Loosen the adhesive and nails from the target shingle
and shingle above it using a prybar. Do not take the
shingles closest to the edge (“starter shingles”). These
may be different from the other roofing.
2. Once the surrounding shingles are separated and the
adhesive seal has been loosened, gently rock the shingle
back and forth to remove it.
3. To protect exposed areas from moisture, tack a plastic
sheet under the remaining shingles. Nail through the
shingles into the top, bottom, and sides of the plastic.
Sending an extra shingle from the original roof installation
eliminates the need to remove a sample. A shingle blown
off the roof may also be a good sample, but verify that it is
from your roof before submitting.
If you remove a shingle, use appropriate safety
precautions for ladders and tools.
Pull the
1. Collect the sample (roofing)
Asphalt shingle
Full length
Minimum sample
Roofing sample sizes
Sending the recommended sample size for each material will make sure you receive the best
match. Samples smaller than one full piece may
affect the accuracy of the match.
Clay, concrete, slate and other roofing samples:
1. Collect a full tile when possible. The sample should
include the overlap where adjacent tiles lock together
(where applicable; see illustration to the right).
2. Include clear photos of the roof that show any color
variations in the tiles. Most clay, concrete, and slate roofing
materials have some natural color variation.
Asphalt shingle samples:
1. Collect a full shingle when possible.
2. If only submitting a partial shingle, make sure
to include at least one and a half tabs as outlined
in red in the illustration to the right.
Full width
Clay tile
adjacent tile
ITEL Supplies
The bottom part is your
receipt and includes the
tracking number.
The top part of the UPS
label is the
shipping label and should be placed
on the envelope.
You can download a pre-paid label at
Send the samplePlace the
completed form and material sample in
a sturdy shipping bag or box, attach
the label, and seal the envelope.
If sending a clay or concrete roof tile, tightly pack the tile in a box
with padding to prevent breakage. You can drop the sample off at
any UPS
drop box or take it to a UPS
store. Drop box and store
locations are available at www.ups.com/dropoff.
The fee for shipping the sample is included in your total invoice, so
there is no need to pre-pay the shipping.
Ship the sample to ITEL
Fill out the Test Request Form
6745 hi ips Indust ial Blvd
acksonvi le 32256
hone 800-890-I E (4835)
ax 904-363-2379
www tel nc com
Siding and Roofing
Test Request Form
Enclose o m n a sealed p ast c bag i the sample s wet
2 Read the enclosed inst uctions o col ect ng he samp e
Send the c eanest east-damaged sample poss b e
oday s Date: _____________________________
Da e Damage Occurred: ______________________
Homeowner's Name:
City, S ate, and Zip Code:
(Damaged house)
e Number:
Fax # OR E-ma l Address
Insurance Company (Complete if your siding or roofing is part of an nsurance claim)
Insurance Company:
Claim Number:
Adjuster Name:
Adjuster Phone Number:
Adjuster E-mail Address and Fax:
Sample Enclosed (Include one form per sample):
Siding enclosed
Year siding installed: __________ (if availab e)
Col ect a oot sect on hat nc udes the manu actu e
numbe i ava lable nclude the u l height o he s d ng he
top na lhem to the bot om butt edge see inst uctions example)
2 Col ect a ull sh ng e o ti e (see n t ons o
3 Col ect a sample om he same as the damaged e evation
Roofing enclosed
Year roof nstalled: __________ (if available)
Test and Shipping Fees* B lling (check ne):
Ca l me for c ed t card
Check enclosed
Insurance: Check this box only
f your adjuster instructed you to
send a sample as part of your
nsurance claim The Insurance
Company section above must be
completed. The test results and
invo ce wi l be sent to your adjuster.
For securty, do not
inc ude your credit card
number on this form. An
ITEL account
representative w ll
contact you for cred t
card payments.
Checks should be made
payable to
ITEL Laboratories, Inc.
Sample Siding
Test Fee
*Fees valid through 12/31/17. Contact ITEL Customer
Service for current fees or visit www.itelinc com
Please contact our Customer Service team at 800 890 ITEL or customerservice@itelinc.com
Check the box to
indicate payment type.
For credit cards, an
ITEL representative will
contact you for
payment. For security,
do not include your card
Your form may be slightly
different than the example.
1. List your information.
Complete the enclosed
form. All information is
required except where
2. Insurance company
information (complete if
the damage is part of an
insurance claim).
3. Check the appropriate
box for enclosed sample.
2. Send the sample to ITEL
Reading the ITEL report
The ITEL Roofing or Siding Evaluation report will be quickly returned to you by e-mail or fax as
noted on the form submitted with the sample. Reports are returned the next business day after
the sample arrives at ITEL.
1. Your information and the
insurance company (if applicable)
2. Identification of the original
roofing or siding and a supplier (if
product is still available).
3. If the original product is not
available, similar matches will be
listed along with a supplier. The
section will not appear if the
original product is available.
4. An analysis of your original
siding or roofing.
5. Additional information to help
you understand the results.
Attn John Homeowner
From: ITEL Laboratories, Inc.
Phone: 800-890-4835
E mail:
CONTROL #:RR0987654
Customer: OTHER Cust. ID: OTHER0001
Adjuster: N/A
Additional: Homeowner Rep: John Homeowner E mail/Fax: jhomeowner@ema l.com
Date Invoiced: 7/16/2009 Date Received: 7/15/2009
Insured Name : John Homeowner Claim # : N/A
Loss Location: Anytown, MN 12345 Area Damaged: Front roof slope and separate garage north side
The original product is no longer manufactured
in the line King.
Brand/: NationalBrand Type: 3-Tab Standard
Line: King (Discontinued)
Color: Honey Brown
Warranty: 25 years
The original product appears to be the Nationa Brand King Fiberglass 3-Tab standard shingle. The product is no longer manufactured by
Similar matches were found.
Similarity Rating: 1
10 miles away: SupplyCo (555) 555-123 Anytown, MN 1235
18 miles away: Roofs, Inc., (555) 555-0987 Anothertown, MN 12789
Manufacturer Info:
SimilarCo / www.sim larco.com / (800) 555-1357
Brand: SimilarCo Type: 3-Tab Standard
Line: ZX-5
Color: Forest Brown
Warranty: 25 years
Similarity Rating: 2
18 miles away: Roofs, Inc., (555) 555-0987 Anothertown, MN 12789
Manufacturer Info:
AnotherCo / www.anotherco.com / (800) 555-2 68
Brand: Another Co Roof Type: 3-Tab Standard
Line: Econo Shield
Color: Earth
Warranty: 25 years
Comments: Based on deta led color granule comparison, the selections listed are the closest possible in overa l phys cal character stics and color
comparison to the original sample subm tted.
* Similarity Rating:
1= Excellent match in pattern, co or, and spec f cations (candidate for same slope repair).
2= Good match, pattern and spec fications exact or very close; color close (may be full elevation or non-adjacent slope replacement candidate).
3= Comparable specif cation match, no suitable repair match found (quality indicator for warranty determination only).
Shingle type:
3-Tab Standard
Specialty Granules:
Installers should verify visual and dimens onal compatibility before purchasing and instal ing replacement products.
Have a question on these instructions?
Call ITEL Customer Service at 800-890-ITEL (4835), or e-mail customerservice@itelinc.com.
Purchase the matching roofing or siding
Contact the supplier(s) listed in the Original Product or Similar Match section of the ITEL report to
purchase replacement roofing or siding. The suppliers are listed based on geographic distance
from your home. ITEL does not receive a portion of the sale from any suppliers or retailers. You
may need to provide a copy of the report to a contractor, as some suppliers will only sell to roofing
or siding contractors.
Special color or remanufacturing programs may be available depending on the material submitted.
When applicable, custom and special programs will be noted on the report.
3. Find replacement material
report may have a different format then pictured above.
6676 Corporate Center Pkwy
acksonville, FL 32216
Phone: 800-890-ITEL (4835)
and Roofing
1. Enclose form in a sealed plastic bag if the sample is wet.
2. Read the enclosed instructions for collecting the sample.
3. Send the cleanest, least-damaged sample possible
Date Damage Occurred: ______________________
Today’s Date:
Homeowner's Name:
City, State, and Zip Code:
(Damaged house)
Phone Number:
E-mail Address
Insurance Company (Complete if your siding or roofing is part of an insurance claim)
Insurance Company:
Claim Number:
Adjuster Name:
Adjuster Phone Number:
Adjuster E-mail Address:
Sample Enclosed (Include one form per sample):
Siding enclosed
Year siding installed: __________
1. Siding: Collect a 1 foot section that includes the manufacturer
number, if available. Include the full height of the siding from the
top nailhem to the bottom edge (see instructions for example).
2. Roofing: Collect a full shingle or tile (see instructions for
3. Collect a sample from the same area as the damaged elevation.
Roofing enclosed
Year roof installed: __________
Test Fees (per sample)
Billing (check one):
Call me for credit card
Check enclosed for:
Insurance: Check this box only
if your adjuster instructed you to
send a sample as part of your
insurance claim.
The “Insurance
Company” section above must be
completed. The test results and
invoice will be sent to your adjuster
For security, do not
include your credit card
number on this form. An
ITEL account
representative will
contact you for credit
card payments.
Checks should be
payable to:
ITEL Laboratories, Inc.
Test Fee
Sample Shipping Fees (ITEL label)
Next Day
Shipping Fee
$15.58 $22.80
Fees valid through 12/31/20. Call 800-890-4835 or
email customerservice@itelinc.com for current fees.
Please contact our Customer Experience team at 800-890-ITEL (4835) or customerservice@itelinc.com.
Rev. 4/2020; expires 12/31/2020
www.itelinc.com (800) 890-4835
6676 Corporate Center Pkwy
Suite 107
Jacksonville FL, 32276
©2020 ITEL Laboratories, Inc.