Leading Standards-Based Learning © 2021 Marzano Resources • MarzanoResources.com
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Vertical Alignment Process, Phase I
Phase I: Individual examination of a district-determined priority standard
Time allotment: Fifteen minutes
Please examine your grade-level prociency scale in relation to the set of criteria provided. Be sure to record anything that will
help to determine necessary enhancements to your scale.
Criteria Yes No Comments
The language of each level on the scales
is clear and specic. Each learning target
is a single-idea statement of intended
knowledge gain.
Verbs are present, and these verbs and
corresponding context represent a progression
of complexity from score 2.0 to 4.0.
The prociency scale is achievable. It has
enough depth, yet not so much to warrant
an additional scale. Each level on the scale
includes one to three related learning targets.
Each learning target is observable
and quantiable.
Each learning target is written with the verb rst
to provide focus on what the student should
know or be able to do.
Key vocabulary has been identied at the score
2.0 level.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills have been
identied at the score 2.0 level.
Score 3.0 aligns closely to the standards
represented on the scale. The cognitive
demand at score 3.0 aligns to the expectations
of the standards. The passage of text is grade-
level appropriate and is similar to what students
will engage in on the state test.
Source: Hoegh, J. K. (2020). A Handbook for Developing and Using Prociency Scales in the Classroom. Bloomington, IN:
Marzano Resources.