Life After High School Transition Conference
March 16, 2016
at Mohawk Valley Community College Utica
Campus Information Technology Building Lobby
or Room 225
Vendor set up begins at 7:30am
Registration begins at 8:15am
Student Track 9:15am-1:30pm
Family/Educator Track 9:00am- 3:30pm
Vendor times:
8:15AM-3:30 PM
ompany name:
Business Phone: Fax:
E-mail: Website:
Brief Description of your company products or services:
Representatives attending: Emergency Cell Phone:_____________________
Name Position
Name Position
(Optional) Item/Product or Services donated for raffle: (Include information or website address
about donated item)
Value of donation $
(Optional) Sponsorship for attending will
cover the costs of lunch for participants.
will willwill
Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
$100 or more
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Total Enclosed: $ __
I will need: Access to electricity (please bring your own cords)
Table cloth
One 6’ table and 2 chairs
Please describe disability accommodations requested:
If providing a donation either monetary or for raffle, please provide an electronic copy
of your company Logo to: Tamara Mariotti tmariotti@mvcc.edu
Make Checks Payable to: MVCC
Mail this form with check to:
Tamara Mariotti
Coordinator of Disability Services
Mohawk Valley Community College
Payne Hall 104H
1101 Sherman Drive
Utica, NY 13502
For questions:
tmariotti@mvcc.edu; Voice 315-731-5702