Utah County Attorney’s Office
Bureau of Investigations Complaint Form
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Instructions: Please be thorough and return completed form to our office: 100 E Center Street, Suite 3300, Provo, UT 84606;
Fax: (801) 851-8070; or email to ChelseaC@utahcounty.gov or AlenaA@utahcounty.gov.
Your Full Name: _______________________________________________ Date: __________________
Address:___________________________________ City:_________________ State: _____ Zip:_______
Business Address: ___________________________ City: _________________State:_____ Zip: _______
Occupation: _________________________ Phone: (____) ____-_______ (hm) (____) ____-______ (wk)
E-mail: ______________________________________________________________________________
Full Name of Business, Company, Firm, Person, etc: __________________________________________
Business Address:___________________________ City: _________________ State: ____ Zip: _______
Full name of salesperson, agent, or other representative: _______________________________________
Employed by: _________________________________________________________________________
Did you have a business or personal relationship with the firm or any of its partners, officers, directors, or
controlling persons? Yes No Business Personal How Long? _____ Yrs _____ Months
Please describe the nature of this relationship. _______________________________________________
How much money did you invest with this company? $________________________________________
How much money have you lost as a result of your participation with this company? $________________
Have you contacted the business or person regarding your complaint? Yes No
If yes, please provide date(s) and person(s) contacted. _________________________________________
What were the results of your contact(s)? ___________________________________________________
Have you filed this complaint with another law enforcement or consumer protection agency?
Yes No
If yes, provide name and address of agency, and the person handling your complaint. ________________
Have you or any other victim filed a civil action (lawsuit) in any court? Yes No
If yes, provide name of county / case number / date. ___________________________________________
**Please provide court documents.**
Are you willing to appear as a witness, be sworn, testify, and be cross-examined concerning the
allegations made in this complaint? Yes No
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If no, please explain why. _______________________________________________________________
Copies of the following documents (as checked below) are attached to, incorporated and made part of this
Attached Not Available Document
Advertising Materials
Agreement(s) / Contract (s)
Promissory Note (if any)
Cash Receipt(s)
Cancelled Check(s) (front & back)
Escrow Instructions, Amendment & Closing
Statements (if any)
Copies of all documents which relate to this
complaint and which are not listed above.
List names, addresses, and phone numbers of other individuals who may have invested, or may have
further knowledge of the investment. ______________________________________________________
In a comprehensive, chronological statement, tell us the full story beginning with the date of the first
contact to present. Keep dates and events in sequence and include misrepresentations.
(Note: Include full names of individuals, including witnesses present during the transaction(s). Be factual. Try to
answer the questions “who”, “what”, “where”, and “when.”)
NOTICE: Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. § 76-8-504.5 (West 2004), you are notified that statements
you are about to make may be presented to magistrate or judge in lieu of your sworn testimony at a
preliminary examination. Any false statement you make and that you do not believe to be true may
subject you to criminal punishment as a Class A Misdemeanor.
I, ______________________, hereby say:
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Dated this _____ day of _______________________, 2017
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