Urban Chicken Application
City Clerk’s Office
Keeping chickens in and urban environment requires license approval from our Winooski City
Council. Attendance during the City Council meeting of approval is required. A zoning permit may
be required for construction projects associated with the application.
Please allow 4 - 6 weeks for final approval. An annual registration fee of $10 is required.
Applicants must include a health certificate for the total number of chickens.
Applicant Information
Name _______________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________
Phone ___________________ Email ______________________
Animal/Location Information
Owners can have up to 8 total chickens, no roosters.
Source/Origin of Chickens ____________________________________
How will the chickens be contained and secured (keeping them in, and predators out)?
Please attach a sketch of the property noting lot lines, location of the house, location of the
chicken pen and/or coop, location of fencing, and location of neighboring homes with distances
indicated. Supplement with photographs of the property and visible neighboring properties.
How will the chickens be sheltered? Please provide sketch(es), photos.
Will electricity be provided to the shelter/coop? Yes No
What is proposed for manure disposal?
How will nuisances such as noise and insects be controlled?
Hundreds of cases of animal rabies have been reported throughout Vermont. Please familiarize
yourself with the signs of rabies and how to protect yourself from rabies. Information is available
from the Vermont Department of Health: healthvermont.gov/disease-control