Town of Fort Myers Beach
\\FMB-DC1\Folders 2\Community Development\Administrative Documents\Applications, Permits, Forms, etc\Updated Permit Applications WORD\Letter of Substantial Compliance - Landscape.docx
To: Town of Fort Myers Beach Community Development
Re: Project Name:
D.O. Number:
Building Permit Number:
Request for: Initial Inspection (no fee) Re-inspection (fee required)
An on-site inspection was performed by me (or my authorized representative) on
I have determined that all work has been completed to the specifications of the approved development
order plans.
I hereby certify that the development is in substantial compliance [as the term is defined in the LDC
Section 10-183(b)] with the approved Development Order.
Attached hereto is a list of minor deviations from the approved Development Order plans, which are minor
changes as per the Land Development Code. The changes are highlighted on the site plans which have been
signed and sealed by the development’s Landscape Architect. These changes are submitted as a Minor Change
for approvel by the Director of Development Services prior to inspection.
With the approval of the listed minor changes, I certify that the development is in substantial compliance with
the approved Development Order.
Executed by the above development’s Landscape Architect on by:
Signature of Landscape Architect of Record
Printed Name of Landscape Architect of Record
Florida Landscape Architect Number
Phone Number
Town of Fort Myers Beach
\\FMB-DC1\Folders 2\Community Development\Administrative Documents\Applications, Permits, Forms, etc\Updated Permit Applications WORD\Letter of Substantial Compliance - Landscape.docx
1) Letter of Substantial Compliance must be filled out completely, signed and sealed by
development’s Landscape Architect of Record.
2) A request for final inspection must accompany the letter of substantial compliance.
3) Changes:
a) If the as-built construction contains minor changes from the approved development
order plans that are inconsequential and which do not substantially effect the
technical requirements of the LDC, an application for a Minor Change (see LDC section
10-120) may be submitted along with the letter of substantial compliance.
Pursuant to LDC Section 10-183(a), please submit:
1. Three (3) site plans, highlighting the changes and sealed by the development’s
Landscape Architect.
2. A list of the changes in letter form.
b) If the as-built construction contains changes from the approved development order
plans that effect the technical requirements of the LDC or which exceed the limitations
of LDC Section 10-120 for minor changes, an application for an Amendment (see LDC
Section 10-118) must be submitted and approved prior to submission of a letter of
substantial compliance by the Landscape Architect. .