Name: ___________________________
Grade: ________________
Date: ____________
TOPIC: _________________________________________________________
_______ pts.
Voice & Diction:
_______ pts.
_______ pts.
Eye Contact:
_______ pts.
_______ pts.
3 Plenty of research/facts. Cited sources. Clearly supports opinion.
2 Some research/facts. “Gets message across.”
1 No research/facts. Opinion not strongly supported.
0 Didn’t clearly state opinion. I’m not sure which side they were on.
3 Spoke loud and very clear. Easy to hear and understand.
2 Couldn’t hear a few words and was somewhat clear.
1 Spoke low and too fast. Rushed through speech.
0 Couldn’t hear or understand a word.
3 2:00-3:15
2 1:29-1:59; 3:16-3:20
1 1:00-1:28; 3:21-3:25
0 0:59; 3:26+
3 Barely/never looked at the paper. Great eye contact with audience.
2 Looked up at the audience sometimes.
1 Read from paper never/barely glancing up at the audience.
1 Never looked up. Read the entire speech from paper.
3 Seemed genuinely interested in topic. Seemed excited to present.
2 Somewhat interested.
1 Didn’t seem too interested in topic.
0 Obviously bored/indifferent about topic. Totally unenthusiastic.
TOTAL: ________