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Website: college-ece.ca
Self-Assessment of Educational Qualifications Form (Phase 2)
To complete this form, you must download and save a blank copy to your computer. Close your Internet
browser and open the saved copy from your computer files. Now you may print off a hard copy or enter your
information electronically.
Please go to college-ece.ca/individual_assessment_guide to read important information about this form.
Review your transcript(s) and course outlines and indicate the course name and course code that corresponds
with the relevant elements of the performance for each outcome. Check the box for the elements that are met.
One course may cover more than one element of the performance.
Note that vocational learning outcomes can only be demonstrated through theoretical training. They cannot be
demonstrated through practicum or field placement experience, work or life experience.
Applicant’s last name:
Applicant's first name:
Application reference number:
CECE – Self-Assessment Form of Educational Qualifications Form (Phase 2) - 2019
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Demonstration of Vocational Learning Outcomes
Vocational Outcomes/Elements of the Performance
Evidence of course work
(course name/course code)
1. Ability to design, implement and evaluate inclusive
and play-based early learning curriculum and programs
that support children’s holistic development and are
responsive to individual children’s and groups of
children’s observed abilities, interests and ideas
Elements of the Performance (Total 13 there must be
evidence of at least 8 from the two groups listed below)
There must be evidence of the following 5 elements:
observe and identify the learning of individual children and
groups along a continuum of development and in relation to
learning expectations and holistic development
identify and select a variety of curriculum models and
approaches and determine the appropriateness for
application to curriculum and program development
interact with children to observe their emerging abilities,
interests and ideas
use a variety of strategies to support learning through
inquiry and play-based experiences
revise and adapt curriculum and programs when necessary,
in accordance with individual abilities and approaches to
learning, in order to optimize children’s development and
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Evidence of course work
(course name/course code)
Vocational Outcomes/Elements of Performance
Additionally, there must be evidence of at least 3 of the
following elements:
apply principles of early learning pedagogy to curriculum
and program development
identify and apply best practices based on current and
relevant research findings, literature, and other resources
to develop quality programs and curriculum
design inclusive curriculum that incorporates learning
throughout all activities of the day and reflects children’s
daily lived experiences
design, implement and evaluate early learning opportunities
to foster the development and appreciation of music and
creative arts
promote learning opportunities in natural settings that foster
an understanding of and appreciation for the environment
facilitate inclusive learning experiences based on accurate
ongoing and systematic observation of children
evaluate curriculum and programs based on observation
and analysis of children's behaviour and level of
evaluate early learning curriculum and programs to
determine if children's needs are met and their abilities,
interests and ideas are acknowledged
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Vocational Outcomes/Elements of Performance
Evidence of course work
(course name/course code)
2. Ability to establish and maintain inclusive early learning
environments that support diverse, equitable and accessible
developmental and learning opportunities for all children and their families.
Elements of the Performance (Total 13 there must be evidence
of at least 8 from the two groups below)
There must be evidence of the following 2 elements:
design, set up and modify the physical environment to support
all children’s ongoing development and learning
adapt learning opportunities and early
learning environments
for children living with special needs
Additionally, there must be evidence of at least 6 of the
following elements:
provide a welcoming and nurturing environment for all children
and their families
promote a sense of belonging and acceptance in all children
within a variety of learning environments
apply responsive and inclusive practices in all aspects of early
learning environments
identify and respond to opportunities that enhance and extend
all children’s natural inquisitiveness
foster inclusive learning environments that allow all children to
participate in ways that are meaningful and recognize individual
abilities and approaches to learning
establish partnerships with children and families from diverse
support the development and learning of individual children
within the context of their family, culture and community
establish learning environments that support positive behaviour
in all children
provide learning materials and opportunities that are culturally
inclusive, diverse and reflect anti-bias (Child Care Human
Resources Sector Council: Occupational Standards for Early
Childhood Educators, 2010)
provide flexibility and choice in learning materials and
opportunities in order to optimize development and learning for
all children and their families
select and use appropriate technology and assistive
technological tools to optimize all children’s development and
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Vocational Outcomes/Elements of Performance
Evidence of course work
(course name/course code)
3. Ability to select and use a variety of screening tools,
observation and documentation strategies to review,
support and promote children’s learning across the
continuum of early childhood development.
Elements of the Performance (Total 13 there must
be evidence of at least 8 from the two groups below)
There must be evidence of the following 2 elements:
use a variety of observation techniques to enhance work
with children families, and colleagues
use a variety of methods to document children’s
development and learning such as, portfolios, checklists,
anecdotal records and diary recordings
Additionally, there must be evidence of at least 6 of the
following elements:
select and use data collection strategies and tools that are
linguistically and culturally appropriate for identified children
use appropriate strategies to identify and interpret children's
abilities, interests and ideas
identify and respect the variations that occur in children’s
development, abilities and interests
gather relevant information and observations about children
from families, colleagues and other professionals
use and assess developmental screening tools to identify
children requiring further assessment, intervention or referral
share observations of children’s abilities, interests and ideas
with family, colleagues and other professionals
monitor children's development and assess on an ongoing
and systematic basis
document and report observations in a professional manner
identify and select technology tools to facilitate
documentation and record-keeping
comply with all required documentation policies and
safeguard the privacy and confidentiality of child and family
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Vocational Outcomes/Elements of Performance
Evidence of course work
(course name/course code)
4. Ability to establish and maintain responsive
relationships with individual children, groups of
children and families.
Elements of the Performance (Total 15 there must be
evidence of at least 9 from the two groups below)
There must be evidence of the following 4 elements:
initiate genuine, authentic interactions with children and
their families
recommend and support families’ access to appropriate
community resources
communicate children’s developmental progress to families
in an ongoing manner
use a variety of positive guidance techniques that support
self-regulation and positive behaviour in children
Additionally, there must be evidence of at least 5 of the
following elements:
establish respectful partnerships with families which
promote involvement in children’s early learning
identify the valuable input that parents/guardians contribute
as experts in their children’s abilities, interests and ideas
communicate to families the benefits of inclusive and play-
based early learning opportunities
respond with sensitivity to children's and parents’/guardians’
provide children with strategies to develop self-control, self-
regulation, resiliency and autonomy
promote competency and positive self-esteem in children
and families
model respectful relationships which are trustworthy and
support the development of positive pro-social behaviour
engage with children to model and support their successful
interactions in groups
engage children in reflection on own learning as a means to
develop insight and build on learning
support children’s transitions between daily activities and
between home and school environments
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Vocational Outcomes/Elements of Performance
Evidence of course work
(course name/course code)
5. Ability to assess, develop and maintain safe, healthy
and quality early learning environments, which meet
the requirements of current legislation, agency
policies and evidence-based practices in early
Elements of the Performance (11 – there must be
evidence of at least 7 from the two groups below)
There must be evidence of the following 5 elements:
plan and provide healthy and safe indoor and outdoor
environments and programming in accordance with
current legislation, guidelines and agency policy
use environmental rating scales such as the Early
Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS) to assess
learning environments
consult and plan with families and relevant professionals
to promote and support nutritional health in all children
meet specific health needs of children according to
individual needs
and developmental requirements
respond appropriately to unsafe and emergency situations
following agency policies and procedures
Additionally, there must be evidence of at least 2 of the
following elements:
assess and adapt health and safety environments and
practices based on current research and quality criteria
interpret and apply regulations of the Occupational
Health and Safety Act, 1990 to early learning settings
plan and adapt practices to enhance safety and
accessibility for children and others in the learning
create opportunities for families’ learning and support
related to health promotion, environmental hazards and
safety practices
promote regular, healthy physical activity in all children
model a healthy lifestyle
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Evidence of course work
(course name/course code)
Vocational Outcomes/Elements of Performance
6. Ability to prepare and use professional written, verbal,
nonverbal and electronic communications when working with
children, families, colleagues, employers, and community partners.
Elements of the Performance (Total 16 – there must be
evidence of at least 10 from the two groups below)
There must be evidence of the following 4 elements:
model respect for diversity by monitoring and modifying
establish and maintain ongoing reciprocal communication
with families regarding their children
maintain confidentiality in all written, verbal, and electronic
model and provide positive conflict resolution strategies in all
relationships with children, families, colleagues, employers
and others
Additionally, there must be evidence of at least 6 of the
following elements:
use active listening techniques
evaluate one's own interpersonal communication skills
through self-awareness and ongoing personal reflection and
taking into consideration peer and supervisor’s feedback
effect change in one’s own communication, based on
feedback received
use non-verbal language that is consistent with intended
be respectful, positive and open in all communication without
judgment or personal bias
validate communication initiated by individual children,
families and colleagues
adapt communication based on the needs of children and
their families considering factors such as culture, age, ability
and language
communicate information comprehensively, concisely,
accurately, objectively and in a timely manner
communicate professionally in written documentation
including vocabulary, grammar, spelling and format
appropriate to early learning settings
communicate effectively, respectfully and tactfully with
children, families, colleagues and other professionals
select and use appropriate technologies for professional
electronic communications and record keeping
establish and maintain effective communication as a
member of the early learning team
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Vocational Outcomes/Elements of Performance
Evidence of course work
(course name/course code)
7. Ability to identify, select and apply relevant legislation,
regulations, College of Early Childhood Educators’
Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics, policies and
evidence-based practice guidelines, and interpret their
impact on a variety of early learning environments.
**Proof of completion of the College’s Expectations for Practice
Module may assist in the achievement of this outcome.
Elements of the Performance (Total 8 – there must be
evidence of at least 5 from the two groups below)
There must be evidence of the following 3 elements:
practise in compliance with the Code of Ethics and
Standards of Practice for Early Childhood Educators
(College of Early Childhood Educators, 2017)
comply with key legislation impacting early learning
environments including the Early Childhood Educators Act,
2007, the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014, the Child
and Family Services Act, 1990 and the Education
Act, 1990
determine reasonable grounds to suspect when a child is at
risk for abuse or neglect and may be in need of protection,
and take appropriate action in reporting these incidences in
accordance with the Ontario Child and Family Services Act,
Additionally, there must be evidence of at least 2 of the
following elements:
identify and explain the roles and responsibilities (e.g.,
policy, funding, legislation) of all levels of government
related to early learning environments
identify the impact of legislative and regulatory bodies,
policy, funding, and administrative practices on the structure
and quality of early learning programs
provide rationale for professional self-regulation and
accountability in the practice of early childhood education
identify and maintain quality assurance practices in early
learning environments
identify and act in accordance with agency policies and
procedures including school board policies related to
practice in Full Day Early Learning Kindergarten classrooms
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Vocational Outcomes/Elements of Performance
Evidence of course work
(course name/course code)
**Proof of completion of the College’s Expectations for
Practice Module may assist in the achievement of this
Elements of the Performance (5 – there must be evidence of
at least 3 from the two groups below)
There must be evidence of the following 2 elements:
analyze a variety of philosophical theories and historical
trends related to the early childhood education practice
act in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Standards
of Practice for Early Childhood Educators (College of Early
Childhood Educators, 2017)
Additionally, there must be evidence of at least 1 of the
following elements:
maintain congruency between one's personal philosophy of
early learning and interactions with children, families and
identify and use evidenced-based resources to build one’s
own developing philosophy of early childhood learning
reflect on practice experiences and integrate them with
theoretical perspectives when refining one’s own developing
philosophy of early childhood learning
8. Ability to apply a developing personal philosophy of
early learning in accordance with ethical and
professional standards of early childhood education
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Vocational Outcomes/Elements of Performance
Evidence of course work
(course name/course code)
Elements of the Performance (Total 10 – there must be
evidence of at least 6 from the two groups below)
There must be evidence of the following 3 elements:
protect and promote the rights of children within their
families and communities
work in partnership with families and community partners
to advocate for quality, inclusive early learning
lead others in the planning and implementation of
inclusive and play-based learning strategies in a variety of
early learning environments including daycare centres,
homes and neighbourhood child and family centres
Additionally, there must be evidence of at least 3 of
the following elements:
collaborate and consult with other early learning
professionals in the identification and referral of children
and families to community resources
model and support families in advocating for their children
consult with other professionals on the early learning team
to reflect their knowledge and value their respective roles
and scope of practice
participate in the planning and organization of the Full Day
Early Learning Kindergarten program
advocate for the advancement of early childhood
education through professional networking and sharing
support and guide colleagues and students in early
learning settings
communicate to the public the benefits of quality early
learning environments
9. Ability to advocate for quality early learning
environments and collaborate with members of the early
learning team, families and community partners to
establish and promote such settings.
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Vocational Outcomes/Elements of Performance
Evidence of course work
(course name/course code)
Elements of the Performance (Total 10 – there must be
evidence of at least 6 from the two groups below)
There must be evidence of the following 2 elements:
use self-reflection and self-evaluation skills in an ongoing
research and analyze current studies and evidenced-
based practices in early learning and support their
integration into one’s own practice
Additionally, there must be evidence of at least 4 of
the following elements
keep current with changes in the field and maintain contact
with the early childhood learning community
seek out and take advantage of professional development
assess personal learning needs and develop realistic
strategies to meet educational goals
research and use support and resources for learning within
personal and professional environments
maintain all required certifications and training e.g.,
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), First Aid,
anaphylaxis training, Workplace Hazardous Materials
Information System (WHMIS)
develop a written personal development plan with specific
learning goals, resources and timeframes
evaluate and document progress towards achieving
professional learning goals and modify plan accordingly
assess personal health and well-being and develop
strategies to maintain a healthy work-life balance
10. Ability to engage in reflective practice, develop
learning goals and maintain an ongoing professional
development plan in accordance with evidence-based
practices in early learning and related fields.
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