TPE = Teacher Performance Expectations; TPEs are aligned with the California Standards and the PACT teaching event
*All students without regard to gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disabilities, native language, or ability level
Multiple Subject Credential Program San Francisco State University
SECTION 1 Please fill in the data. Midterm Evaluation due 7
week of semester Final Evaluation due 14
week of semester
Student Teacher
Master Teacher
School and Grade Level
Directions: The purpose of this evaluation is to provide feedback to the student teacher so s/he may improve her/his
teaching. At midterm, this feedback is to be acted upon prior to the end of student teaching. At the final evaluation, the
feedback is used in determining the student teacher’s suitability for a credential. Please score each item in each category
according to the scale given below. In the comments sections, please note any outstanding examples of strengths and/or
suggestions for improvement.
SECTION II Please indicate the rating number (4 1). Use “comments section” to expand
Strong (4) Competent (3) Needs improvement (2) Weak (1)
1. Interactions with students (provide rating of 4 1) *TPE 11
Shows respect for students
Requires students to show respect for others
Establishes rapport through verbal communication
Establishes rapport through nonverbal communication
Maintains appropriate student behavior
Communicates effectively with all students *
2. Planning skills (provide rating of 4 1) TPEs 8, 9, 10
Designs, writes articulates and teaches complete daily lessons
That include appropriate concepts, instructional objectives
Incorporates a variety of teaching strategies in plans
Utilizes a variety of sources in planning instruction
Takes students’ interests into account in preparing lessons
Designs lessons for critical thinking and problem solving
Plans lessons that are equitable for all students *
3. Instructional skills (provide rating of 4 1) TPE 1 through 11
Implements a diversity of teaching strategies
Manages whole group, small group, and individual instruction
Uses clear and appropriate oral and nonverbal communication
Adjusts instruction and communication for students needs
Motivates/encourages all students to participate
Uses written, verbal, and nonverbal reinforcements
Provides for all students to demonstrate what they have learned
Encourages all students* to use academic language
Appropriate use of transitional time
Appropriate pacing of lesson
See back
TPE = Teacher Performance Expectations; TPEs are aligned with the California Standards and the PACT teaching event
*All students without regard to gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disabilities, native language, or ability level
4. Presentation skills (provide rating of 4 1) TPE 10, 11
Demonstrates language ability in its correct grammatical form; oral, reading and written
Demonstrates the ability to use academic language correctly while adjusting to the varied levels of the students
Demonstrates oral communication in a clear, concise and coherent manner incorporating language skills and voice placement appropriate for
classroom teaching
Demonstrates the knowledge and ability to recognize errors as they occur in oral and written language as well as demonstrating the ability to
analyze, evaluate and remedy those errors
5. Assessment skills (provide rating of 4 1) TPE 2, 3
Uses assessments to determine student readiness for instruction
Establishes clear and reasonable academic expectations for students
Communicates academic behavioral expectations to students
Diagnose students’ current understanding and skills
Uses a variety of formal and informal assessments
Provides regular and timely feedback to students
Uses unbiased evaluation plans to ensure success for all *
Addresses critical thinking and problem solving in student assessment
6. Professionalism (provide rating of 4 1) TPE 12, 13
Communicates in a professional manner with teachers and staff
Prepared to teach
Communicates in a professional manner with parents
Is able to reflect upon and critique one’s own performance
Accepts and uses the advice and critiques of others
Additional Comments:
Master Teacher Signature: _______________________________ Date: __________________
Master Teacher Email: ___________________________________________________________
Student Teacher Signature: __________________________________Cohort #: ______________
* My signature indicates that I have had an opportunity to read and discuss this evaluation with my master teacher and/or university
practicum supervisor.
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