Revised 10/31/19
Individualized instruction is a part of Wesleyan’s academic program, overseen by the Office of Academic Services/Registrar.
All individualized instruction is an agreement, a “contract” between student and faculty member to complete specified learning and
work tasks for academic credit. This contract establishes learning objectives, a plan to accomplish those objectives and the method
of evaluation by which the sponsoring faculty member evaluates those objectives.
Types of Individualized Instruction
1. Directed Study refers to a one-to-one teaching arrangement for a course listed in the college catalog. Directed Study is
offered only when failure to do so would negatively affect the student’s ability to graduate or otherwise diminish the
student’s academic experience at Wesleyan.
2. Independent Study is a specially developed individualized course in which a student pursues a plan of readings, field study
or research under the one-to-one guidance of a faculty member. Independent Studies are appropriate for academically
advanced students who can profit from study in depth. Such courses are not regularly listed in Wesleyan’s course catalog.
The student must have sophomore standing.
A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
Retroactive credit is not possible, and will not be applied.
The completed Application for Individualized Instruction should be submitted to the Academic Services Office prior
to registration for the semester in which it is to occur but absolutely no later than the last day of add/drop. Late
submissions will require written justification and approval of the Admission and Academic Standing Council.
All individualized instruction experiences shall be for at least one credit, and no single experience independent
study or directed study-may exceed six (6) credit hours without the approval of the Dean of the Faculty.
No more than 15 hours of Individualized Instruction (independent study, directed study, and internships) shall be
applied toward graduation.
Volunteer/community service that satisfies requirements for scholarship funds cannot be considered
individualized instruction.
Waiver of any of the above requirements is the discretion of the Dean of the Faculty.
1. Meet with the faculty sponsor to discuss the possibility of individualized instruction.
2. Draft a preliminary proposal of the course. The following criteria must be included in an accompanying syllabus
attendance requirements, method of instructional delivery, semester timeline, clear learning objectives, course learning
outcomes and methods of evaluating learning objectives and outcomes.
3. With the help of the faculty sponsor, compile a syllabus. The document must be typed and free from spelling and
grammatical errors.
4. Secure all necessary signatures.
5. Enroll in the appropriate number of hours for the directed study/independent study under INDP 201 (directed) or INDP-202
(independent) as a placeholder until the paperwork is approved and a course # assigned. All individualized study courses are
noted on the course schedule with a 90+ section number.
6. Submit the data sheet and syllabus to the Registrar for approval. It will be reviewed and may be returned for revision or
approved as submitted.
7. Copies of the approved form will be provided to the student and faculty sponsor. The original will be filed in the Registrar’s
Revised 10/31/19
All items must be included in the course syllabus
Attendance Requirements
Outline of Instructional Delivery including a semester timeline
Learning Objectives & Course Learning Outcomes (required for catalog courses)
For a directed study, all course learning outcomes for the designated catalog course must be included in the syllabus.
Learning objectives give direction to the course or study. They should be precisely stated and reasonable in number,
with a minimum of four. They may include cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitudinal, emotional or valuing behaviors)
and psychomotor (physical) skills.
These objectives should state unambiguously what the student intends to accomplish. They should identify the
competency or skills expected at the completion of the course. Objectives are commonly phrased as “to describe, or
explain, to solve, to construct, to define, to classify, to compose, to design, to identify, to analyze, to discover.” “To
learn” or “to understand” is not an objective, but the means to achieve it.
Incorrect - - to learn about the different religions in India.
Correct - - List the major religions of India and outline their more common beliefs and practices.
Incorrect - - to know how to conserve energy in a classroom building.
Correct - - Identify and list current energy conservation techniques and explain how they can be applied to a classroom
Learning Methods and Materials
These should be consistent with the objectives and outcomes. They may be texts, equipment, periodicals, software,
manuals, travel, reading lists, research guides, or trips to laboratories or libraries.
Evaluation Methods
The student and faculty sponsor must have a clear understanding of how each completed objective will be evaluated
and a grade determined (include grading scale). Exams, essays, research papers, reports, self-studies, demonstrations,
presentations, job diaries, software or computer programs, creative projects and other methods can be used to
document the learning accomplished.
Academic credit will depend on the learning experience as compared to a typical college class. More credit requires more
work and more evaluation. For a three credit course, an equitable amount of instructional time must be clearly
demonstrated within the syllabus. For courses identified as online delivery, there must be work equivalent to the amount
of work expected in an in-seat course (see chart below). Before teaching an online course for the first time, faculty must
demonstrate the ability to design and administer online courses by successfully completing training modules leading to
WVWC Certification for Online Instruction. Information is available in Blackboard under the Center for Teaching &
Online Course/Time on Task/Full semester
Using the rule of thumb that for every hour in class, a student should spend two hours in preparation (HLC, Assignment of Credits), a student
should expect to spend the following:
3 credit course = 135 time on task total hours
2 credit course = 90 time on task total hours
1 credit course = 45 time on task total hours
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The student will:
Achieve all learning objectives to the best of his/her ability.
Notify the Director of Academic Services of the need to terminate/change the contract.
Maintain standards of professional excellence: promptness, initiative, dependability.
Complete and return all forms and assignments due the faculty sponsor, and Registrar or the Office of Academic
Follow all guidelines as outlined in the syllabus
The Faculty Sponsor will:
Review the student’s proposal, and in consultation with the student, establish learning objectives and methods
of evaluations.
Meet with the student and maintain contact as noted in the syllabus to review the student’s progress on the
course of study.
Make a final evaluation of the student’s performance based on evaluative measures outlined in the syllabus and
submit the grade to the Registrar.
The Office of Academic Services will:
Keep all records related to the student’s course.
Provide assistance in solving problems related to the successful completion of the course of study.
Clarify the relationship between classroom and individualized learning and assist the student in creating a
meaningful course of study.
Act as a liaison between Wesleyan, student, and faculty.
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DATA SHEET Directed/Independent Study
Type of study: Independent Directed (catalog course)
Date submitted: ________________________
Title to appear on transcript (if independent study): _______________________________________________________
Contract Period From: ____________________________ To: ____________________________ Year: _______________
Student Name:_________________________________________________________________ ID #: ________________
Class: ____ Soph. ___ JR. ___ SR. Major (s): _________________________________ Minor: _______________________
Box # _____________ Phone ____________________ Email: ____________________________________
Credits to be Earned ____________ Indicate Course Level Undergraduate Graduate
How will course instruction be delivered? Face to Face Online Hybrid (In Person & Online)
If not Face to Face, describe how instructional content will be delivered ________________________________________
If this is a directed study specific catalog course number _________________________(required)
NOTE: Failure to include correct course number may result in incorrect course number being awarded!
Course learning outcomes for specified catalog course must be included when submitting documentation.
I wish these hours of Independent Study/Directed Study to be assigned and credit awarded in:
Major: __________ Minor: __________ Exploratory: __________ (outside major/minor--three hour limit)
Reason for completing course:_______________________________________________________________________
Student: _________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________
Faculty Sponsor: _________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________
School Director/Dept Chair: ________________________________________________________ Date: ____________
Director of Academic Services: ______________________________________________________ Date: ____________