SC0881Ai (7/30/2018) e
For Energy Efficient Improvements
To avoid delays in the processing of your loan, please fill out the application completely, including your signature on page 1 and initials on page 2.
Requesting an Energy Efficient loan for: (see list on page 2)
Full Name (First, Middle, Last, Suffix)
Electric Acct #:
Street Address (or PO Box) Apt/Unit/Lot #
State Zip Code
Email Address:
Street Address (Physical Address) Apt/Unit/Lot #
Zip Code
Years of Service:
Street Address
State Zip Code
Gross Monthly Salary (before taxes): $
Separated Unmarried
Full Name (First, Middle, Last, Suffix) - If Including Income
No No
Legal Description of Property
(Ex. Lot, Block, Phase, if applicable):
Parcel/Property/Acct. No.: County:
Mortgage Holder:
Title in Name of:
Auto Loan:
Other Creditors:
Other Creditors:
Other Creditors:
Mailing Address:
Name on Account:
(must be on deed)
Service Address:
Other Income/Employment: $
(child support,disability,rental property,retirement,salary,social security,spouse's income, etc.)
Employer Address:
Marital Status:
Spouse's Full Name:
Are you a comaker, endorser, or
guarantor on any loan or contract?
Have you been declared
bankrupt in the last 10 years?
Are there any unsatisfied
judgments against you?
Everything that I stated in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I also agree to report any changes to my credit history that are not included on
this report. I understand that you will retain this application whether or not it is approved. Santee Cooper is hereby authorized to check my credit and employment
history and to answer questions about my credit experience with Santee Cooper. I also understand that under this program Santee Cooper offers no guarantee or
warranty, expressed or implied, on the workmanship or performance of the conservation measures or associated equipment.
Santee Cooper Use Only
Phone: (843) 347-3399
Fax: (843) 347-8781
Santee Cooper
ATTN: Smart Energy Loan
305A Gardner Lacy Road
Myrtle Beach SC 29579
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SC0881Ai (7/30/2018) e
Heat Pump Water Heaters
High Efficiency Electric Heat Pumps
Weatherization - Whole Home Duct Replacement
Smart Thermostats (Single family smart thermostat)
Once the loan is approved at the current rate, the rate is
fixed for the life of the loan. This rate can be viewed at
Who can perform the work?
All items financed through the Smart Energy Loans
Program must be installed by an approved Residential
Trade Ally. A list of approved Residential Trade Allies is
available at any Santee Cooper Retail Office or online at
To apply, you must be a homeowner as well as a
Santee Cooper residential customer. Name on deed and
Santee Cooper electric must match.
A Smart Energy loan from Santee Cooper allows you to finance energy efficient
improvements for your home that should help you reduce your energy costs. You can
apply for Smart Energy loans ranging from $500 to $20,000 with up to 60-months to repay
loans over $1000. All with no money down. Maximum outstanding energy efficiency loans
per customer cannot exceed $20,000.
If you are interested in a loan but need more information, here are answers to many of the
frequently asked questions:
Loans must be paid off at the time of sale or transfer of
the title. However, there is no prepayment penalty.
1. Fax or mail completed application to address on the
reverse side or go to and submit
online. Then Santee Cooper will notify you, not the
Residential Trade Ally, when your credit application has
been approved. If a heat pump emergency, you may
request 24-hour approval. Application remains active for
90 days.
2. Send one proposal of your choice for the heat pump,
as well as other improvements, along with a manual J8
calculation to the area Santee Cooper Energy Advisor.
You will be notified by phone when the proposal has been
approved. You must have received the approval for your
credit application and the proposal before any work takes
place. If work begins before approval, the loan may be
denied. Santee Cooper will then inform you to contact
your Residential Trade Ally to schedule the work.
3. When work is complete, contact your area Santee
Cooper Energy Advisor who conducted the evaluation, to
schedule the inspection and signing of the loan
4. A check will be issued to the Residential Trade Ally.
If you still have questions about a Smart Energy loan or
application, call Santee Cooper at 843-347-3399 in Horry
& Georgetown Counties or 843-761-8000 for Berkeley
If You Are Interested In A Smart Energy Loan, Simply Apply:
How do I apply and what steps do I take to get a
What if I move or sell prior to paying off the loan?
Am I qualified for a Smart Energy loan?
What interest rate will I be charged?
What can I finance with an Energy Efficient
Monthly payments will be included on your electric bill.
How do I repay the loan?
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