Instructions: In order to serve alcohol at any event associated with Golden Gate University, the sponsoring/hosting
individual or group representative must complete this form in full and submit it to the Dean of Students or the Director
of Human Resources (for faculty/staff events) at least two weeks prior to the event. The requestor must also attend the
Alcohol and Policy Training facilitated by the Student Affairs Office.
Name of person making request: ________________________________ Phone number: _________________
Name of group sponsoring event: ________________________________ Expected attendance: ____________
Purpose of event: _____________________________________________ Event date: ____________________
Event location: _______________________________________________ Event time: ________ to _________
(Room must be reserved prior to the submission of this form)
Beer and wine are the only alcoholic beverages permitted at University events. Non-alcoholic beverages must also be
served. Beverages to be served:
Beer ……………………………………
Amount: __________________________________________
Wine …………………………………...
Amount: __________________________________________
Soda ……………………………………
Amount: __________________________________________
Sparkling water ………………………...
Amount: __________________________________________
Other (must identify) …………………..
Amount: __________________________________________
Food must be served at events during which alcoholic beverages are available. List food types and amounts that will
be served:
Type: ____________________________ Amount: __________________________________________
Type: ____________________________ Amount: __________________________________________
Type: ____________________________ Amount: __________________________________________
Describe the plan to verify the legal drinking age of event participants:
Person(s) who will serve alcohol during the event (include names and contact information):
Server: ____________________________ Contact Information: ________________________________
Server: ____________________________ Contact Information: ________________________________
Who will pay for the alcohol? _______________________________________________________________________
Name of staff/faculty who will have authority over and be present at the event: ________________________________
I have attended the Alcohol Awareness Program, have read the University’s Policy on Serving Alcohol at University
Sponsored/Hosted Events, and agree to comply with policy provisions. I understand that failure to comply with the
Policy may result in suspension or termination of my/my group’s right to serve alcohol at University events.
Requestor’s Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: ____________
Student Event:
Dean of Students: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________
Faculty/Staff Event:
Director of Human Resources: __________________________________ Date: ____________