Request for Guest Travel
Step 1: W-9 Form
The guest must fill out the attached W-9 form and return it to the music office. (email: or fax: 479-968-0467)
The W9 must be filed and processed before a requisition can be processed.
Allow 6 days for guest to return form.
Step 2: New Vendor Form
The Music Secretary fills this out and submits for processing.
Please allow 2 working days (in addition to step 1).
Step 3: Guest Information
If the guest is driving, an “Authorization to Operate a Vehicle” form must be filled out and returned to the Music Office.
The guest’s license plate number and issuing state are required.
If you are transporting the guest, then please fill out a travel request for yourself.
Once steps 1-3 have been completed, submit the following form to the music office.
Guest must pay up front for travel; once receipts are submitted, they can be reimbursed.
If you are using Foundation Funds, a check can be ready prior to the travel only if all forms and requisitions
have been filled out and cleared by the foundation. Note: This process can take an additional week.
This entire process can take up to 4 weeks; early process is essential.
Requisition must be completed and approved by Department Head before travel.
Requesters Name:
Today’s Date:
Guest’s Full Name:
Guest Address:
Guest’s Email:
Guest Phone Number:
For Dept. Head Use Only
Guest Arrival Date:
Guest Departure Date:
Date of Event:
Event Description:
Rationale of Event/Guest:
Guest Lodging Needed?
Yes No
If yes, how many nights?
How many rooms?
Estimated Cost:
Room receipts are required for reimbursement.
Yes No
If yes, how many?
Estimated Cost