An applicant requesting to use Maori names for roads will be directed to consult with the IWI prior to seeking Council
approval (refer to Road Naming Policy). Upon receipt of the application, staff will consult with the IWI to ensure consultation
has occurred.
A list of road name suggestions is available from QLDC. This list has been compiled by local historic groups and the Council
believes they are appropriate names.
Have you enclosed:
A copy of the subdivision plan highlighting the road/s
A location map
Application fee of $56.25 per road name (Please give three suggestions for each Road)
The Council has requested you must provide three choices for each name
Name of Applicant:
Postal Address: Post code:
Phone Numbers: Work: Home: Mobile:
Email Address:
First Choice Second Choice Third Choice
Page 1/2 // June 2018
Application Guide and Form
Queenstown Lakes District Council Private Bag 50072, Queenstown 9348 Gorge Road, Queenstown 9300
P: 03 441 0499 E:
LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ROAD/S // please state if it is Private or to Vest in QLDC
Legal Description of Road/s
Background details explaining the reasons for the preferred name/s:
Signature: Date:
Queenstown Lakes District Council
Private Bag 50072, Queenstown 9348
Gorge Road, Queenstown 9300
P: 03 441 0499
Page 2/2 // June 2018
click to sign
click to edit
1 AUGUST 2016
1. Policy and Objectives
The objective of this policy is to provide a consistent and comprehensive approach to
the nam
ing of roads in the Distric
The Q
ueenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) is responsible for naming roads
within its boundaries. Roads are named to reflect the identity of the local area and to
ensure ease of identification for the Council, the public and key services such as
emergency, postal and courier services. The procedures under which the Council
wishes to achieve these objectives are set out below. The Council is empowered
e roads under Section 319 A of the Local Government Ac
t 1974.
2. Scope
The Council’s policy will apply to new or unnamed roads including roads with existing
names that are not officially recognised, changes in road names, and it also includes
areas that require an official address for identification purposes such as private rights
of way, service lanes and pedestrian access ways.
3. Procedure for Naming a Legal Road
1. When a new road is formed the applicant will submit a written application on the
oved form to the Council requesting the Council’s formal approval for the
name of the road. Each written application shall be accompanied by:-
a) Preferred name plus two alternatives listed in order of preference.
b) Legal description of the road and a copy of the subdivision plan highlighting
the road
c) A location map.
d) A background to the names, their origins and their link with the area with
onfirmation that the same name does not exist within the Queenstown Lakes
District or within 30km of the Queenstown Lakes District boundary.
e) The applicants address and contact phone number.
f) R
oad naming application deposit fee. Note charges incurred will be char
at a pr
o rata basis and will therefore reflect the complexity of the applicati
and information provided
g) Signed copies of the APA (Affected Parties Approval) form, from each party
affected by the proposed road name change, in cases where the subject r
to be named has inhabited properties along it at the time of the application.
h) If APA is not received from all parties submissions from those parties will be
provided with the application or evidence will be provided of wri
communication with or from the parties identifying that they are either not in
support or are indifferent to the proposal and do not wish to comment.
2. The C
ouncil receives the application and checks the suitability of the preferr
and al
ternative names against its Policy
3. If in accordance with policy it is approved by a Council officer. If not in
cordance with the policy it will go to Property Sub Committee, Wanak
munity Board or full Council for approval.
4. The Council approves, declines or amends the name for the road by way of a
formal resolution of the appropriate Council committee or Council Officer.
5. The Council advises the applicant in writing of the Council’s decision.
6. If the Council approves the name of the road, the Council will require the
applicant to erect street signs showing the name of the road. All costs associate
ith the creation and erection of such signs are borne by the applicant, and such
signs shall be erected as soon as practicable after the date of the Council’s
decision. The sign must conform to Council’s street sign specification.
7. Immediately after the Council approves the name of any road, the Council will
advise the Electoral Office, Land Information NZ, Valuation NZ, Quotable Value,
Z Post, Council’s rating and GIS departments and all emergency services in the
area of the name of the r
8. Council’s subdivision engineers will ensure that the road naming process is
completed and the signs installed before the Section 224C certificate is prepar
issue. Performance bonds are not acceptable.
4. Procedure for Naming of Private Roads and Rights of Ways
Names for private roads and rights of way must be submitted for consideration on the
approved form and will go through the same process as for legal roads. The
approved name will then be recorded in Council’s GIS system and flagged as a
private road or right of way. The street sign must have the word “Private” under the
street name and the applicant is required to pay for the signage. (Refer to the Signs
Bylaw for exact specifications).
ights of Ways
Where more than five allotments are served by a private right of way the council
requires the ROW be named, and numbered accordingly. The name of the right o
ay must be submitted to Council for approval following the process set out above.
Where five or less allotments are served by a private right of way the ROW may
cially named following the procedures set out in this policy.
5. Guidelines for the selection of new road names.
1. There must not be another street named the same in the Queenstown Lakes
District emergency services area or within 30km of the QLDC district boundary.
2. Identical names or homophones in the District or within 30km of the District
boundary, will not be accepted. If the road name consists of more than one word
(excluding the suffix) then the significant part of the word must not be the same
as the significant part of any other road name i.e. Coronet Peak Road and Peak
View Ridge are fine, but Coronet Peak Road and Coronet Drive woul
d not be
3. The nam
e has significant local content or meaning. The name should reflect one
of the following:
a) Common or established theme
Where more that one road is being created in a subdivision, a common theme
is recommended for the names. If a naming theme is already established in a
suburb, the names for that suburb should remain consistent with that theme.
b) Historical Person or Event
The name of a notable person or event from early history should ideally have
a local association with the ar
c) S
ignificant feature
It is appropriate to name a road after a significant feature in the area (for
example, geographical feature, landscape, flora, or fauna). Naming after
features which do not exist in the area should be avoided (for exampl
ing after native trees or plants that are not evident in the area or views
that cannot be identified).
d) Traditional or appropriate Maori name
If the name suggested is a Maori name, then the name will hav
e to be
hecked by the applicant with Southern and Otago Runanga to ensure that i
s not offensive to manawhenua and Maori and is appropriate, spelt correctly
and interpreted correctly. There is no formal requirement to check a Maori
name, however a Maori road or street name will not be considered unless the
following have been consulted with:
1. K
ai Tahu ki Otago Ltd (KTKO Ltd) (Otago Iwi)
2.Te Ao Marama Incorporated (Southern Iwi)
It is also a courtesy to consult with local whanau.
e) Personal name for special service
This can be for conservation, sport, community service or other sphere of
activity with local association which can be duly recognised. Naming after
persons living or recently deceased should generally be avoided and will not
be considered unless that person has made a noteworthy contribution to that
4. Names should be easy to spell and pronounce and have an appropriate meaning.
5. The name should not be considered to be in poor taste or likely to cause offenc
6. Ful
l names may only be used where the name is of a reasonable length
and the
rst name needs to be used to correctly identify the individual bei
ommemorated. Full names that are longer than 15 letters (including the space
between the names, but not including the ”road type”) will not usually be
7. The end name for the roadway should be the one that most accurately reflects
the type of roadway that it is. A list of accepted end names and meanings for
these names is included with Council’s list of available street end names. .
8. A name can also be taken off Council’s list of street names if it is appropriate for
that area. This list will be given out with application forms
6. Councils List of Street Names
There is a list of names which have been accepted by Council that the applicant can
lise if it falls within the policy. These names have come from:
war memorials in the district.
nominations from individuals or societies.
surveyed and named streets which have never been formed.
7. Costs / Fees for Road Naming Applications
The cost of processing different types of road naming applications will be set by
Council from time to time. The rate charged will be for administration support as
outlined in the QLDC Fees and Charges schedule found by following the link below.
Council’s list of accepted end names
A narrow street or passage, usually enclosed on either side.
Covered walkway with shops along the sides.
A roadway with trees or other objects at regular intervals.
A broad main street with rows of trees along it.
A street surrounding a circular or oval shaped space.
A short enclosed roadway ie a cul-de-sac.
A short enclosed roadway ie a cul-de-sac.
A street of houses in a crescent shape.
An especially scenic road or street.
Level piece of ground especially one used for public promenade.
Roadway usually in a valley of trees.
As for Common, but not necessarily bounded by a reserve.
A roadway which often features a group of trees standing
Main thoroughfare between major destinations.
A narrow street or road, may be single passage only.
Roadway that diverges from and rejoins the main thoroughfare.
Wide walkway, usually with shops along the sides.
A roadway having houses grouped around the end.
A public promenade or roadway.
A short sometimes narrow enclosed roadway.
Wide flat walkway, usually along the water’s edge.
Roadway alongside or projecting into water.
A roadway going to a higher place of position.
A roadway forming a means of communication between one
place and another.
A street surrounding a square or rectangular shaped space.
Walkway consisting mainly of steps.
A township carriageway that has houses on both sides.
A roadway usually with houses on either side raised above the
road level.
A narrow country street that may end in pedestrian access.
Thoroughfare for pedestrians.
A track or path for passing along.
A roadway on a wharf or pier.