Quality Control for Procured Printing
On-Site Inspection Report
State Code
Contractor Code
Contractor Name
Inspector’s Name
Inspection Date
Jacket No.
Press Insp.
Bindery Insp.
Type of Product
No. Pages
No. Colors
1. What equipment was used for this order?
Sheet fed
2. Who was the person responsible for QC on this order?
Who did you work with in this inspection; and what is their position?
What is their knowledge of our QC Program?
3. Where was the inspection done? Pressroom Inspection Booth Bindery Other
Describe the conditions/atmosphere.
4. Were the copy, proofs and samples available and ready? Yes No
5. Was the contractor on time for the inspection? Yes No
If late, how late and why?
6. What difficulties were encountered?
7. What was the cause of the difficulties? GFM Other
8. Was any unusual assistance required? Yes No
9. What were the results of the inspection?
10. Would you recommend this firm for similar products at this level? Level
Yes No
11. Continuation (No.)
Report Date
Inspector’s Initials
Send the form via mail to Quality Control for Procured Printing, U.S. Government Printing Office, Room C848, Stop PPSQ, 732 N. Capitol Street, NW, Washington, DC 20401,
email to QCPP@gpo.gov, or fax to 202.512.1343.