Off-Campus Event Risk Assessment Form
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Name of Sponsoring Group: ____________________________________________________
Event Coordinator Name: ______________________________________________________
Phone Number and E-Mail: _____________________________________________________
Event Name: _________________________________________________________________
Event Description: ____________________________________________________________
Event Location: ______________________________________________________________
Events Date(s) and Times: _____________________________________________________
Approximate Expected Attendance: _____________________________________________
The following checklist is designed to provide guidance to Event Coordinators for analyzing
and minimizing risks to people and property during University-sponsored activities and events.
It is understood that not all risks can be known or prevented. Event Coordinators may identify
additional risks not on this list, and should add additional pages, as needed. Descriptions do not
need to be long, but provide sufficient information for Risk Management evaluation of risks.
1. Describe transportation arrangements and corresponding driver training and auto insurance:
2. Describe overnight arrangements: ______________________________________________
3. Describe, background checks that have been performed for all group leaders. ___________
4. Describe how University conduct policies and procedures, including drug and alcohol policies,
have been provided and explained to participants and participating staff. __________________
5. Describe how event travel, purchases, transportation, and coordination adhere to University &
State policies, including purchasing and travel policies.
Off-Campus Risk Assessment Form
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6. Please provide a copy of the proposed waivers for the event including a description of potential
risks which the participants may encounter that may pose additional risks such as mountainous
terrain, exposure to animals, snow activities, high-altitudes, sports, etc.
7. For overnight trips, describe how the leaders and participants have been provided travel safety
and preparation, detailed itineraries, and cultural orientations. __________________________
8. Describe the emergency response plan (or attach written plan) and the training and preparation
the Event Coordinator(s) and group leaders have received to implement the plan.
9. Describe the First Aid training/certification for staff and the first Aid equipment which will be
taken on the event.
10. If needed, describe the ADA accommodations that have been considered and implemented:
11. If possible, has a safety walk-through of the facility(ies) been performed? If so, please
describe what adjustments have been made to help minimize risks/injuries (Consider: fire-safety;
excessive noise levels; slip/trip/fall hazards such as uneven, wet, unstable surfaces; protruding
or sharp objects; ; temperature/weather extremes; secure overhead objects; escape
routes/exits/hallways clear, etc.): __________________________________________________
12. Are there other potential risks that you would like to or discuss with Risk Management?
Submit the Risk Assessment Form to the Office of EHS & Risk Management
Fax: 409-880-7977