Revised 01/14/2016
Disabled Students Programs & Services
You must be currently enrolled as a student in the course in which you are willing to
share notes.
You must take detailed, well-organized notes. Notes are not required to be in any
particular format, but should be easy to follow.
Student and/or Volunteer will fill out a Volunteer Note Taker form, provided by the
DSPS student.
Volunteer must complete a Note Taker form each semester, for each student whom
notes are being taken for.
Volunteer must take notes for the “Entire” semester.
Notes need to be provided to the DSPS student in a timely manner either by scanning
and emailing the notes to the student, transferring them to the student’s flash drive or
by making copies (to be paid for by the DSPS student) in the Library or another
location. Scanning can be done in the DSPS High Tech Lab.
Schedule changes: Notify DSPS immediately if you drop a class for which you are
taking notes.
Confidentiality: If a DSPS student with whom you are taking notes elects to introduce
himself or herself to you, his or her DSPS status must be kept confidential.
Notify DSPS if any issues with taking notes or with the DSPS student occur.
You are a Note Taker, not a tutor.
You do not need to take or supply notes for the DSPS student if they are absent.
Do not, under any circumstances, tolerate any abuse (either verbal or physical) by the
DSPS student. If this should occur, please come to the DSPS office and report the
violation immediately.
You are not obligated to give your phone number to the DSPS student.
If you are “fired”, contact DSPS immediately.
I have read and agree to the responsibilities as a Volunteer Student Note Taker.
Volunteer Note Taker Signature: ___________________________ Date: __________________
DSPS Staff Signature: ____________________________________ Date: __________________
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
Revised 01/14/2016
Disabled Students Programs & Services
Thank you for taking the time to volunteer for the above DSPS
student. We greatly appreciate your time and energy given to
this student’s success. It is students like you that help keep
our program running.
At the end of the semester, automatically, we will email you a
certificate showing completion of your volunteer hours for
taking notes.
DSPS offices:
SJC/SGP (951) 487-3305
MVC/TEC (951) 639-5305
Volunteer Contact Information
Volunteer’s Name: ______________________________________________________________
Phone: (________) ______________________ Email: __________________________________
Student ID#: ___________________________ Semester: _______________________________
DSPS Student & Class Information
DSPS Student Name: _______________________________________ ID#: ________________
Class/Section: __________________________ Days: __________________________________
Class/Section: __________________________ Days: __________________________________
Class/Section: __________________________ Days: __________________________________