January 2018
Mandatory Training
I hereby acknowledge that I am responsible for completing the following training no later than two weeks following my
start date of employment with Carleton University:
The mandatory training can be found in Carleton Central under the ‘Employee Services’ tab, then ‘Learning and
Professional Development’ and under ‘Online Courses’:
1. AODA Customer Service Standardfound here: http://central.carleton.ca
Module 1Understanding the AODA and the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service
Module 2 Communicating with Customers with Disabilities
Module 3Serving Customers with Disabilities
All three modules must be completed to qualify as completing the course.
2. AODA Employment Standard Training found here: https://carleton.ca/culearn/
Enrolment Key: training
3. AODA Information and Communications Trainingfound here: https://carleton.ca/culearn/
Enrolment Key: training
4. Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention Training 1 Module
You may also register through the EHS website at:
5. Worker Health and Safety Awareness1 Module
If you do not find this training already on your MyCourses, you may self-enroll by accessing the “Worker Health
and Safety Awareness” here: https://carleton.ca/culearn
Once you have entered your CarletonOne credentials, you will be asked to enroll.
Enrolment key: stay safe
For more information, please visit: carleton.ca/accessibility/aoda/
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Signature Date
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Name Please Print BANNER ID/Employee/Student Number
Please return the signed form to Human Resources 507 Robertson Hall
click to sign
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