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Language Analysis
You want to be the trusted insider in your market. To do that, you need to be able to “speak”
your market’s language like a local.
One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a marketer is to use language that actually
alienates you from your market.
There are some specic steps you can take that will help you nd the language that really
speaks to your market:
Adopt a Comparison Mindset
Create Separate Word Clouds For Hypers and Non-Hypers
Analyze Your Word Clouds
This worksheet is focused on the nal step in the process: Analyze Your Word Clouds. You can
use this worksheet when analyzing your Word Clouds to record your observations.
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Step 1: Look for the most prominent words in your
Word Cloud
Find the most prominent words (these will be the largest words in the word cloud) and note
them down.
Prominent Words—Hyper-Responsives Word Cloud:
Prominent Words—Non Hyper-Responsives Word Cloud:
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Step 2: Look for Context
Now you know the most prominent words being used by your market in relation to your Deep
Dive Survey, you want to understand WHY those words are featuring so highly in the minds of
your Hyper-Responsives and also why there might be key dierences between your Hypers
and your Non-Hypers.
To do that, you can go back to the individual responses that featured the prominent words
you are looking at. This will give you context for the word and start to paint a picture for you of
what your market is thinking around this topic. For example, when we looked into the Saving
Dinner responses, we found the context for the “Husband” keyword was women were having
trouble getting their husbands on board to be at the dinner table each night. Their husbands
didn’t want to comply—they either wanted to go out to eat or they wanted to eat their own
thing at their own time, but they didn’t want to sit down at home. This kind of insight is
incredibly useful. It helped Saving Dinner see a family dynamic they didn’t know existed, which
they were able to address in their email marketing, their web content, Facebook ads and more.
Try nding the context for your top 3 most prominent or intriguing words from your
Word Cloud.
Context—Hyper-Responsives Word Cloud:
Prominent Word Insights from Individual DDS Responses Using This Word
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Context—Non Hyper-Responsives Word Cloud:
Prominent Word Insights from Individual DDS Responses Using This Word
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Step 3: Look at What They Are NOT Saying
Another way to really understand the prominent words being used by your hyper-responsives
is to look at what they are NOT saying.
For example, with Saving Dinner, one of the prominent sets of words used was “grass fed.”
What is interesting here is they were NOT saying a lot of the other buzz words like “organic” or
“cage free” or “free trade”, they are specically saying “grass fed.” THAT’s the buzzword. That’s
the specic intonation for this particular language group.
If you don’t go through this exercise, you might be making a big deal of the WRONG buzz word.
For example, you could be leading with the word “Organic” when what’s actually going to get
your market’s attention is “Grass Fed” and these two words may NOT be interchangeable in the
minds of those people in your market. It’s a small nuance, but it can make a big dierence.
Try nding what your market is NOT saying in relation to your top 3 most prominent or
intriguing words from your Word Cloud.
Words To Avoid—Hyper-Responsives Word Cloud:
Prominent Word Words or Phrases NOT used to explain this concept
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Words To Avoid—Non Hyper-Responsives Word Cloud:
Prominent Word Words or Phrases NOT used to explain this concept
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