777 Garner Road East
Ancaster ON L9K 1J4
T. 905.648.2131 x4419
TF. 1.877.779.0913
Go to Redeemer’s Career Resource page to access helpful career and job search tip sheets and
Visit local employment centres. They provide free services such as resume reviews, interview
workshops, job-specic training opportunities and more. They also have specic knowledge about
the local job market.
Create a professional LinkedIn prole. Clean up your social media accounts and online presence.
Employers will Google you.
Create a list of contacts of your current network (family, friends, family friends, colleagues). Contact
this list to let them know what you are looking for in a career opportunity and ask if they have any
connections or know of any opportunities. Networking is key to nding a job today!
Attend local job fairs and networking events. Bring business or networking cards and request
cards from others after making meaningful connections. Prior to the event research who and what
organizations will be attending.
Searching for jobs online may give you many opportunities to pursue, but may not yield high
results. Jobs posted online can get hundreds of applications. Tips to give yourself an advantage:
When searching for jobs online, be resourceful by using variations of keywords in your search to
obtain dierent results, i.e. student, summer job, internship, seasonal employment.
Ensure that your cover letter and resume are tailored for EACH job application.
Find a connection: Do you know anyone that works at this company? Can they make an
introduction for you when you apply? Use your network and LinkedIn to research any possible
Stay positive. Searching for jobs online can be exhausting. Stay motivated by setting weekly
goals and keeping track of the jobs you apply for. Follow up on all opportunities.
Get up, get dressed and go out to a dierent location than your home to apply for jobs – library,
coee shop, friends house etc. This will help you focus.
Another avenue to breaking into the job market is to nd a recruitment company that hires people
in your eld of interest. Recruiters have the inside scoop on jobs that may not even be advertised.
Recruiters don’t charge you a fee as they get paid by employers to ll positions.
Arrange informational interviews with professionals employed in your eld of interest.
Volunteer for an organisation that reects your interests and future career goals. This will allow you
to make connections, gain experience, and grow your network.