_____ All of the child support or _____ a portion of the child support in the amount of
$___________ shall be redirected to the Petitioner.
3. Amount
a. Parent {name or designation} __________________’s Obligation
Parent {name or designation} ________________ shall be obligated to pay child support
at the rate of $_______ per month for the _______children {total number of parties’
minor or dependent children} commencing _______________________ {month, day,
year} and terminating ________________________ {month, day, year}. Child support
shall be paid in the amount of $______________ per _____________ {week, month,
other} which is consistent with Parent {name or designation} ___________’s current
payroll cycle.
Upon the termination of child support for one of the parties’ children, child support in the
amount of $_____________ for the remaining _________ children {total number of
remaining children} shall be paid commencing __________________ {month, day, year}
and terminating _________________________ {month, day, year}. This child support
shall be paid in the amount of $_________ per _________ {week, month, other}
consistent with Parent {name or designation} ________________’s current payroll cycle.
{Insert paragraph for the child support obligation, including the amount, and
commencement and termination dates, for the remaining minor or dependent children,
which shall be payable as the obligation for each child ceases.}
Parent {name or designation} _______________ shall pay child support until all of the
minor or dependent children: reach the age of 18, become emancipated, marry, join the
armed services, die, or become self-supporting; or until further order of the court or
agreement of the parties. The child support obligation shall continue beyond the age of
18 and until high school graduation for any child who is dependent in fact, between the
ages of 18 and 19, and is still in high school, performing in good faith with a reasonable
expectation of graduation before the age of 19.
If the child support ordered deviates from the guidelines more than 5%, the factual
findings which support that deviation are: ____________________________________
b. Parent {name or designation} __________________’s Obligation
Parent {name or designation} ________________ shall be obligated to pay child support
at the rate of $_________ per month for the ________children {total number of parties’
minor or dependent children} commencing______________________ {month, day, year}
and terminating __________________ {month, day, year}. Child support shall be paid in
Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.970(f), Order Granting Petition for Concurrent Custody by
Extended Family (02/18)