Human Subjects Research Sponsor Form
This form must be completed by a TCC employee sponsor of the proposed research project when the
Principal Investigator is a student or otherwise not a TCC employee. This form must be included with
the IRB application.
Principal Investigator: _________________________________________________________________
P.I. Institutional Affiliation: _____________________________________________________________
P.I. Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Research Project Title: _________________________________________________________________
TCC Employee Sponsor: ________________________________________________________________
TCC Sponsor Title & Department/Office: __________________________________________________
TCC Sponsor Email Address: _____________________________________________________________
I, _______________________________________, certify that I have read the IRB application and am
familiar with the research project listed above that is being submitted by a researcher not affiliated with
TCC for approval by the TCC Institutional Review Board. I am willing to serve as the TCC sponsor to this
research project which includes the following responsibilities:
I am familiar with the protection of human subjects.
I have read the IRB application being submitted to TCC’s Institutional Review Board by the
Principal Investigator listed above.
I am affiliated with the human subjects being used in this study (e.g., you are the faculty advisor
of the student organization that the researcher is going to survey), and can support this research
on their behalf.
Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: _____________________
click to sign
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