Grade Appeal Form
Corresponding to Grade Appeal Policy
This form is in reference to Century College Grade Appeal Policy and Grade Appeal Procedure Review them
carefully before completing this form. Email this form to the appropriate dean or drop it off at E2340 or W3230.
To request assistance with the policy, procedure, completing the form, or in identifying the correct dean, please
contact Academic Affairs at 651-779-3360 (West Campus) or 651-747-4081 (East Campus).
Final course grades can be appealed only on the grounds that they are unfair, arbitrary, or capricious. Appeals must be
submitted within 30 calendar days of the posting of the final course grade.
Examples of unfair, arbitrary, or capricious include:
significant irregularities between the stated grading policies and how the final grade was calculated (e.g. syllabus says
that the final exam is worth 20% of the final grade, but it counts as 40% of the final grade)
significant inconsistencies in how the stated grading policies were applied to different students in the class (e.g. clear
evidence of bias or favoritism as evidenced by very similar final papers receiving significantly different grades)
final grade determined by chance or impulse rather than a reasonable application of the stated grading policies (e.g.
some students get high grades because the instructor states, “I was in a good mood when I entered those grades.”)
stated policies for late work were not followed in the assignment of the final course grade (e.g. syllabus states that
late work will be allowed until the last day of class with a deduction of %5/day late, but the instructor will not accept
a major assignment two weeks before the last day of class)
Printed Name Student I.D.
Date Submitted (MM/DD/YYYY)
Street Address City State Zip
Daytime Phone (ex: 651-779-3000) Email Address (Century Email preferred)
Course Number and Title (ex: 1021 Composition I) Course Section Semester Taken
Instructor Name Grade Received Grade You Think You Earned
Century College is a member of Minnesota State. We are an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educator. This document can be
available in alternative formats to individuals with disabilities by calling 651.773.1745 or emailing
The Grade Appeal Policy states, “Before an appeal can move forward, the student must communicate with their instructor,
if at all possible, to receive an explanation for the final course grade that the student received.”
What steps have you taken to communicate with your instructor and resolve the problem?
Provide a statement of reasons to justify your claim that your final grade was unfair, arbitrary, and/or
You are encouraged, but not required, to include evidence for your claim, such as the syllabus, screen shot of grade entries,
instructor explanations of your grade, etc. (Attach additional pages, if needed).
Provide any additional information that you believe is relevant to this appeal.
Provide a statement of the solution that you are requesting as a result of this grade appeal.
Student Signature Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
Date Received:
Action Taken:
Discussion with Student/Employee Forward to/Follow up:
Resolution: Century College Administrator/Respondent: