Girl Scout Bronze Award
Final Report
When the prerequisites are complete, the girls, along with an adult, formulate a project plan and the Troop Leader approves
the project. When the project is complete, the Troop Leader may purchase the Bronze Award pins at any GSOSW shop.
Complete this form, make copies for your troop, and submit to the shop cashier upon purchasing pins. Girl Scouts OSW, 9620 SW Barbur Blvd., Portland, OR 97219 form #130 • 09/18 • page 1 of 2
Leader ____________________________________________________________________ Replacement Pin
Troop # ______________________ Service Unit # ________________ Phone _________________________________
Girl Scout Journey ____________________________________________________ Leader’s initials _________________
Title of Junior Journey and date completed _______________________________________________________________
Names and current grade of girls completing all requirements and project:
Name Grade
Name Grade
Girl Scout Bronze Award Take Action Project
Title of Take Action Project ____________________________________________________________________________
Start date (mm/dd/yy) ______________________________ Completion date (mm/dd/yy) _____________________________
Bronze Award Project Advisor (if other than leader) ________________________________________________________
Project Advisor’s Phone ___________________ Project Advisor’s Email ________________________________________
List team members (including other Girl Scouts) and/or community members and what role they played in your
project. If you need more space, please attach extra page or write on back.
Name Role Girl Scouts OSW, 9620 SW Barbur Blvd., Portland, OR 97219 form #130 • 09/18 • page 2 of 2
Reflection Please type on a separate piece of paper if more space is needed.
1. Describe your Take Action project and why you selected the project.
2. What issue did your project address? Who did it benefit?
3. What impact do you see this project having on your community?
When you have completed all requirements, you may purchase Girl Scout Bronze Award pins at
any GSOSW Shop. To purchase the pins, you must turn in this final report.
Purchased ____________ Girl Scout Bronze Award pins on _______________________
# of pins date