Law Clinics Application for Spring 2019
Priority Deadline: November 2
Name: _______________________________________ Year of Graduation: ______________
Gender Pronoun: ___________ Phone Number: __________________
E-mail: _______________________________________
Please specify the Clinic you wish to enroll in:
Environmental Law and Justice Clinic (ELJC) –
Women’s Employment Rights Clinic (WERC) –
(There is a mandatory immersion training on Friday, January 11, 2019, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm.)
Check this box if applying in the clinic for your HLP placement.
(HLP applicants must consult with the HLP director to determine the requirements regarding hours.)
Check this box if you are a night student.
(If you will need to do your clinic hours outside of 9-5 Mon.-Fri. please contact the Professors.)
How many units do you intend to enroll in for the clinic, not including the seminar? _______________________
(2L HLP students enroll only in the seminar, not the clinic.)
Have you taken another Clinic/Externship?
Please specify which one and when: ____________________________________________________________
Have you taken Evidence?
Please indicate semester you took or will take Evidence: ____________________________________________
For informational purposes, are you sufficiently fluent in a language other than English to conduct a legal
interview without an interpreter?
No Please specify language(s): ____________________________
Additional Information:
Please attach a copy of your resume. Please respond to the following questions on separate sheet(s) of paper.
Why are you interested in enrolling in the clinic?
What prior and concurrent course work and work/volunteer experience is relevant to your application to the clinic?
For ELJC, list other environmental courses you have already taken.
For WERC, list any employment law or skills courses you have taken.
What other information do you feel is relevant to your enrollment in the clinic?
Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________________
To apply to ELJC: Please e-mail the application including any attachments to Professor Helen Kang and Professor Steve
Castleman and to Fe Gonzalez -,, and
To apply to WERC: Please e-mail the application including any attachments to Professor Hina Shah and Professor Anna
Kirsch and to Fe Gonzalez -,, and
Please carefully review the website FAQs for ELJC and WERC
before submitting your application.