Application for Professional Development Funds (2019-20)
Name_______________________________________ Date submitted _____________________
Classification ______________________ (tenured, tenure-track; lecturer: full-time or part-time)
Department ______________________________
Amount Requested: _______________________
(If you overspend the amount requested, you may have to make up the difference.)
Applications should be submitted to the Academic Support Coordinator prior to the date of the
proposed activity. Electronic submissions are encouraged. A completed application includes the
1. This cover page;
2. A description of the proposed faculty development activity, including why the activity meets the
funding requirements of the award(s);
3. The starting and ending dates of the proposed activity;
4. A cost analysis of the proposed activity including how the costs are to be borne;
5. An explanation of how the activity will benefit Cal Maritime, being as specific as possible;
6. A description of how missed classes, labs, and other Academy responsibilities will be addressed
7. A written recommendation from the applicant’s department chair.
Read the Descriptions of Faculty Development Funds to see the background, criteria, and procedure for
applying for this fund.
______________________________________ ____________________________
Signature of Applicant Date
______________________________________ ____________________________
Signature of School or Library Dean Date
Dean’s Comments (optional):
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