Oct 2018
C #:
Computer Tag #:
Mabel Lee Hawkins
Center for Student Success
Open Computer Lab
Check Out Status
Check In Status
E __VG __G
E __VG __G
Correct Cords (2 total)
E __VG __G
Correct Cords (2 total)
E __VG __G
CD Rom
Yes __N
CD Rom
Yes __N
Condition of Laptop
E __VG __G
Condition of Laptop
E __VG __G
Check Out: By checking this box, I agree that the above personal information is correct and true. I further admit I have read,
understand, agree with, and accept the terms of use including the late return policy as described above. I have also
received a “date due form” and know when the laptop is due.
Student Signature: Date: STAFF INITIALS:
Check In:
Student Signature: Date: STAFF INITIALS:
Security Check In: Person returning laptop signs below
TERMS OF USE: Clovis Community College, through the Laptop Loan Program Policy, provides laptop
computers free of charge to all currently registered students. You, the student, are responsible for the laptop
computer at all times. You, the student, will be financially responsible for the replacement of all damaged,
lost, or stolen computers and/or accessory parts (excluding normal wear and tear). It is your responsibility to
take care of this equipment while it is assigned to you, especially keeping all pets and/or food and drinks away
from the computer. Any problems with the laptop or accessories must be reported to the Center for Student
Success. Failure to do so will result in punitive actions in accordance with campus policies. Failure to return the
laptop at the specific date and time may result in the filing of formal criminal charges.
Checkout Days and Times: Students may check out laptops Monday – Thursday, 8 am – 7 pm
Laptop Loan Period: Seven (7) days. Laptop is due the next week on the same day as checked out.
Clean Laptop: Laptop unit and bag must be returned in clean condition.
Return Policy: Laptops are due no later than 7:00 pm on the due date listed above. After 24 hours,
security will be notified.
Next Checkout: Students are eligible to check out a new laptop 24 hours after returning one.
LATE RETURN POLICY: Laptops returned after 7:00 pm are considered “late.”
1st Late Offense – Student is suspended from laptop checkout for 2 weeks from date returned.
2nd Late Offense – Student is suspended from laptop checkout for remainder of the semester.
3rd Late Offense – Student is suspended from laptop checkout until end of current academic year.
Permanent Suspension – occurs if laptop is stolen or damaged or POLICE INVOLVEMENT is necessary.
*If suspension occurs within 4 weeks of the end of a term, suspension may roll over to following term.
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit