Aquat Microb Ecol
Vol. 61: 149162, 2010
doi: 10.3354/ame01445
Published online October 20
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are a significant threat
to fisheries, public health, and economies around the
world. There are strong links between increased nutri-
ent loading and HABs (Anderson et al. 2008, Heisler et
al. 2008), particularly within freshwater ecosystems
(Paerl 1988, Paerl et al. 2001). Traditionally, rates of pri-
mary production in freshwater ecosystems have been
thought to be limited by phosphorus (P; Schindler 1977,
Smith 1983, Hecky & Kilham 1988), and increases in P-
loading (mainly due to anthropogenic influences) have
often been associated with blooms of cyanobacteria
within these systems (Likens 1972, Paerl 1988). This
paradigm is partly based on the assumption that dia-
zotrophic cyanobacteria such as Anabaena and Apha-
nizomenon will dominate P-enriched systems that are
depleted in nitrogenous nutrients (Paerl 1982, 1988).
Nitrogen (N) may also play an important role in the
occurrence of freshwater cyanobacteria blooms, par-
© Inter-Research 2010 ·
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Effects of nitrogenous compounds and phosphorus
on the growth of toxic and non-toxic strains of
Microcystis during cyanobacterial blooms
Timothy W. Davis
1, 3
, Matthew J. Harke
, M. Alejandra Marcoval
, Jennifer Goleski
Celia Orano-Dawson
, Dianna L. Berry
, Christopher J. Gobler
Stony Brook University, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook, New York 11794-5000, USA
Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Annapolis, Maryland 21401, USA
Present address: Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University, Nathan, Queensland 4111, Australia
ABSTRACT: Since the mid-twentieth century, both nutrient delivery rates and the frequency of
harmful algal blooms (HABs) in coastal aquatic ecosystems have intensified. Recent studies have
shown that nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) can limit primary production in freshwater systems, and
Microcystis is able to utilize both inorganic and organic forms of N. The present study quantified the
microcystin synthetase gene (mcyD) and the ribosomal RNA gene (16S) to assess how various nutri-
ent sources affected the growth of toxic and non-toxic strains of Microcystis during natural blooms.
During the present study, dense Microcystis blooms (>10
cell equivalents l
) were observed within
2 contrasting ecosystems in the eastern USA: a tidal tributary and a eutrophic lake. In both systems,
all Microcystis populations were stimulated by N more frequently than P during nutrient amendment
experiments. The abundance of toxic strains of Microcystis was enhanced by nutrient enrichment
more frequently (83% of experiments) than non-toxic strains (58% of experiments), suggesting that
toxic strains may have a greater demand for both nutrients. Furthermore, abundances of toxic strains
of Microcystis were enhanced by inorganic N more frequently (67% of experiments) than organic N
(8% of experiments), while non-toxic strains were stimulated by organic N (50% of experiments)
more frequently than inorganic N (25% of experiments). Inorganic P increased abundances of toxic
strains of Microcystis more frequently than non-toxic strains (42 and 33% of experiments, respec-
tively). Therefore, the dominance of toxic Microcystis may be influenced by both the concentration
and species of nutrients, with higher concentrations of inorganic N and/or P likely promoting blooms
dominated by toxic strains and potentially yielding higher microcystin concentrations.
KEY WORDS: Microcystis · Toxic · Non-toxic · Nitrogen · Phosphorus · Inorganic · Organic ·
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Aquat Microb Ecol 61: 149162, 2010
ticularly for non-diazotrophic cyanobacteria such as
Microcystis. Laboratory studies have demonstrated
that higher N concentrations enhance the growth and
toxicity of non-diazotrophic cyanobacteria such as
Microcystis and Oscillatoria (Watanabe & Oishi 1985,
Codd & Poon 1988, Utkilen & Gjølme 1995, Orr & Jones
1998). Some freshwater systems that have either large
external P supplies or are shallow and have strong
benthic mobilization of P from sediments can host
levels of dissolved N that limit primary production
(Vollenweider & Kerekes 1982, Paerl 2009). Finally,
recent field studies have demonstrated that N-loading
can promote Microcystis blooms (Gobler et al. 2007,
Moisander et al. 2009a).
Many cyanobacteria (both diazotrophic and non-
diazotrophic) are able to utilize both organic and in-
organic forms of N (Paerl 1988). Studies examining
assimilation by cyanobacterial blooms have observed
uptake rates were highest for ammonium, followed by
urea, then nitrate, suggesting that reduced forms of N
may promote cyanobacterial blooms (Takamura et al.
1987, Mitamura et al. 1995, Présing et al. 2008). Fur-
thermore, a recent study conducted by Dai et al. (2009)
found that a toxic clone of Microcystis aeruginosa was
able to take up and utilize amino acids, such as ala-
nine, leucine, and arginine, to support growth and
toxin production. Overall, these previous studies sug-
gest both organic and inorganic N can be important in
promoting blooms of cyanobacteria.
Bloom populations of Microcystis are comprised of
toxic and non-toxic strains, which are distinguishable
only via quantification of the microcystin synthetase
gene (mcyA-J; Kurmayer & Kutzenberger 2003, Rinta-
Kanto et al. 2005, Davis et al. 2009). Previous labo-
ratory studies have found that non-toxic strains of
Microcystis and Anabaena require lower nutrient con-
centrations to achieve maximal growth rates compared
to toxic strains (Rapala et al. 1997, Vézie et al. 2002).
Further, laboratory research suggests toxic strains of
Microcystis are able to outgrow non-toxic strains at
high inorganic N concentrations (Vézie et al. 2002).
While the role of nutrients in the growth of total Micro-
cystis populations in culture and in the field has been
studied (Watanabe & Oishi 1985, Codd & Poon 1988,
Blomqvist et al. 1994, Fujimoto et al. 1997, Orr & Jones
1998, Baldia et al. 2007, Gobler et al. 2007, Moisander
et al. 2009a), the manner in which nutrients may pro-
mote toxic and non-toxic strains of Microcysits within
an ecosystem setting is unknown.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the
role of various forms of organic and inorganic nitroge-
nous compounds, as well as orthophosphate, in the
growth of toxic and non-toxic strains of Microcystis
during natural bloom events. The dynamics of Micro-
cystis blooms and nutrients in a lake and a tidal tribu-
tary were monitored. Concurrently, nutrient amend-
ment experiments were conducted to investigate how
organic and inorganic N as well as orthophophate
affected the dominance of toxic and non-toxic strains
of Microcystis. This combined observational and
experimental approach allowed for a robust assess-
ment of how different forms of N and P may promote
toxic Microcystis blooms. To our knowledge, this is the
first study to specifically quantify the differential
responses of toxic and non-toxic strains of Microcystis
to nutrients during bloom events.
Sampling-site and water-quality monitoring. Dur-
ing the present study, 2 hydrodynamically different
ecosystems were studied in 2008. The Transquaking
River (TR; 38° 30’ 45’ N; 75° 58’ 7’ W) is a flowing tribu-
tary that empties into the Chesapeake Bay. It spans
37 km along Maryland’s (USA) eastern shore, and has
previously been host to annual toxic cyanobacterial
blooms (Tango & Butler 2008). The seasonal rainfall
(May to September) for this system during 2008 was,
higher during May and June (14 and 11 cm, respec-
tively) when compared to July through September
(11 cm total). Lake Agawam (LA) is a small (0.5 km
shallow (4 m maximum depth), closed eutrophic sys-
tem on Long Island, New York (USA; 40° 52’ 05’ N;
72° 25’ 96’ W) that often experiences dense and toxic
cyanobacterial blooms (Gobler et al. 2007). In 2008,
rainfall near LA was light in May and October (5.5 and
3.2 cm, respectively) and higher from June through
September (13 ± 3.7 cm mo
). Both systems had simi-
lar levels of light transmission (mean Secchi depths =
0.6 ± 0.1 m). During 2008, LA and TR were sampled bi-
weekly to monthly before, during, and after cyanobac-
terial blooms (May to November). At each site, surface
temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH were mea-
sured using a YSI 556 sonde. Twenty liters of surface
water was collected in acid-cleaned carboys and taken
to the laboratories where triplicate extracted chloro-
phyll a and in vivo phycocyanin (as a proxy for total
cyanobacteria) were measured with Turner Designs
fluorometers using standard techniques (Parsons et al.
1984, Watras & Baker 1988, Lee et al. 1994). For micro-
cystin analysis, whole water was filtered onto triplicate
47 mm glass fiber filters (GF/F) and stored at –20°C
until analysis. Duplicate whole water samples were
preserved with Lugol’s iodine solution (5% final con-
centration) to characterize and quantify the phyto-
plankton assemblage. For molecular analysis of
Microcystis, water was filtered onto triplicate 2 µm
polycarbonate filters and immediately placed in CTAB
(cetyl trimethylammonium bromide) lysis buffer. The
Davis et al.: Nutrient effects on toxic Microcystis
samples were heated at 50°C for 10 min, then flash
frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at –80°C until
analysis. Triplicate dissolved nutrient samples were
collected by filtering lake water through combusted
GF/F glass fiber filters and stored at –20°C until analy-
sis. All nutrient analyses were conducted using wet
chemistry methods. Nitrate was analyzed by reducing
the nitrate to nitrite using spongy cadmium as per
Jones (1984). Ammonium, phosphate, and silicate
were analyzed according to Parsons et al. (1984). Urea
was analyzed following Price & Harrison (1987). Dis-
solved free amino acids (DFAA) were measured in
duplicate by high performance liquid chromatography
(HPLC) (Lindroth & Mopper 1979, Cowie & Hedges
1992). Total dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus (TDN
and TDP, respectively) were analyzed using persulfate
digestion (Valderrama 1981). Dissolved organic N and
P (DON and DOP) were determined by subtracting
DIN (dissolved inorganic N = nitrate, nitrite, and am-
monium) from TDN and by subtracting DIP (ortho-
phosphate) from TDP, respectively. The degree to
which individual biological and environmental vari-
ables were correlated was evaluated by a Pearson’s
correlation matrix.
Impacts of inorganic and organic nitrogen on toxic
and non-toxic Microcystis. Experiments were con-
ducted to assess the impact of increased organic and
inorganic N or orthophosphate concentrations on toxic
and non-toxic Microcystis populations in TR and LA.
Sets of triplicate, 1 l bottles (n = 21) were filled with
surface water from each experimental site and were
either left unamended to serve as a control, or
amended with various forms of N: 20 µM nitrate
), 20 µM ammonium (NH
), 10 µM (=20 µM N)
urea, 10 µM (=20 µM N), L-glutamine (GA), P (1.25 µM
orthophosphate), or a combined treatment of NO
P. For the experiments conducted in LA, the bottles
were placed in Old Fort Pond at the Stony Brook
Southampton marine station located ~1 km west of
Lake Agawam. For the experiments conducted in TR,
experimental bottles were placed in an incubator
(REVCO) with light and temperature levels matching
conditions in TR. Light intensity and temperatures dur-
ing experiments were measured every minute with in
situ loggers (Onset Computer Corporation) and indi-
cated that incubation temperatures and light levels
remained within the same range as those found in each
ecosystem. All bottles were gently inverted every 6
to 8 h. After 48 h, samples were filtered as described
above to quantify chlorophyll a concentrations and
densities of total, toxic, and non-toxic Microcystis via
molecular methods. Using the molecular techniques
described below, the densities of total and toxic Micro-
cystis in each experimental bottle were quantified and
the densities of non-toxic Microcystis were determined
by difference, providing triplicate densities for each
population within each treatment. For the 4 communi-
ties measured (total phytoplankton, total Microcystis,
toxic Microcystis, and non-toxic Microcystis) differ-
ences in abundances among nutrient treatments were
compared by means of 1-way ANOVAs or non-para-
metric Kruskal-Wallis tests, and differences among
individual treatments were subsequently assessed
with post hoc Tukey multiple comparison tests. For all
results the standard variance presented is ± 1 standard
error (SE).
Microscopic analysis. Densities of Microcystis and
other co-occurring cyanobacteria were quantified
using gridded Sedgewick-Rafter counting chambers.
For all samples, at least 200 cells, colonies, chains, or
trichomes were enumerated. Microcystis, Anabaena,
and Aphanizomenon were enumerated to the colony,
chain, or trichome level, respectively. For eukaryotic
plankton such as diatoms, dinoflagellates, and chloro-
phytes, cells were enumerated. This approach pro-
vided good reproducibility (<15% relative standard
deviation) among samples.
Microcystin analysis. Filters for microcystin analyses
were extracted in 50% methanol containing 1% acetic
acid using ultrasound (four 20 s bursts with a 20 s
pause between bursts). Previous work has demon-
strated that this extraction protocol provides >90%
recovery of microcystin-LR from glass fiber filters
(Boyer et al. 2004). Following extraction, the methano-
lic extract was stored at –80°C until analysis. Before
analysis, the microcystin extract was diluted to 5%
methanol and buffered to a pH of 7 using a 5% Tris-
EDTA buffer solution. Microcystin concentrations
were measured using a microcystin enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (Abraxis LLC) following the
methodologies of Fischer et al. (2001). This assay is
congener-independent as it is sensitive to the ADDA
moiety that is found in almost all microcystins. These
analyses yielded a detection limit of 0.10 µg l
, a rela-
tive standard deviation of 10 ± 1% for replicated envi-
ronmental samples, and 99.5 ± 8.2% recovery from
environmental samples spiked with 5 µg l
cystin-LR, a concentration within the range of samples
collected during the present study.
Molecular analyses. Total cellular nucleic acids
were extracted from field and experimental samples
using methods described in Coyne et al. (2001). Fil-
tered environmental or experimental samples were
submersed in CTAB buffer (Dempster et al. 1999) and
supplemented with 20 µg l
pGEM-3z(f+) plasmid
(Promega Corporation), which served as an internal
control for extraction efficiency and PCR inhibition
(Coyne et al. 2005). The filters were then flash frozen
using liquid nitrogen and stored at –80°C until extrac-
tion. Nucleic acids were extracted after an initial heat-
Aquat Microb Ecol 61: 149162, 2010
ing step at 65°C, followed by a double chloroform
extraction, and an isopropanol precipitation. Extracted
nucleic acids were resuspended in 20 µl of LoTE
(3 mmol l
Tris-HCl [pH 8.0], 0.2 mmol l
[pH 8.0]). The quantity and quality of nucleic acids
were assessed with a NanoDrop 1000 UV spectropho-
tometer (NanoDrop Technologies).
Two Microcystis-specific genetic targets were used
during the present study, the Microcystis 16S rRNA
gene (Microcystis 16S rDNA) and mcyD gene. The
Microcystis 16S rRNA gene is specific to the Micro-
cystis genus and permitted quantification of the abun-
dance of the total Microcystis population. The mcyD
gene is found within the microcystin synethtase gene
operon, which is responsible for the production of
microcystin and is only found in toxic strains of Micro-
cystis (Tillett et al. 2000), thus allowing us to quantify
the toxic population of Microcystis (Davis et al. 2009).
The non-toxic population was calculated as the differ-
ence between the total and toxic population. Quanti-
tative PCR (qPCR) was carried out using an ABI 7300
Real Time PCR instrument using TaqMan labeled
probes (Applied Biosystems) and Microcystis-specific
mcyD and 16S rDNA primers (Table 1). Each 10 µl
reaction included 5µl of 2× TaqMan Master Mix
(Applied Biosystems), 10 µM of each primer (Inte-
grated DNA Technologies), 10 µM TaqMan probe
(Table 1), and 1 µl of a 1:25 dilution of the unknown
DNA or standard. For amplification of the pGEM and
16S targets, the cycling conditions were 95°C for
10 min, followed by 55 cycles of 95°C for 15 s and
60°C for 1 min. For the mcyD gene, the cycling condi-
tions were 95°C for 10 min, followed by 55 cycles of
95°C for 15 s, followed by 50°C for 1 min, then 60°C
for 1 min. To prepare standard samples, cultured toxic
Microcystis aeruginosa, Clone LE-3 (Rinta-Kanto et al.
2005), was enumerated by standard microscopy and
collected on polycarbonate filters that were prepared
and extracted as described above for field samples. A
standard curve of dilutions of the extracted LE-3
genomic DNA was run with each analytical run to
serve as a reference for numbers of total and toxic
Microcystis cells. Such analyses indicate the number
of 16S rDNA and mcyD genes per LE-3 cell and were
not statistically different. Since some Microcystis cells
may carry varying copies of the 16S rDNA and mcyD
genes, data were expressed as ‘cell equivalents’
rather than cell number (Rinta-Kanto et al. 2005).
The numbers of toxic and total Microcystis cells
were determined using the ΔΔCT method (Livak &
Schmittgen 2001, Coyne et al. 2005). The difference
between the number of mcyD cell equivalents (toxic
cells) and 16S rDNA cell equivalents (total cells) rep-
resented the number of non-toxic cell equivalents
(Rinta-Kanto et al. 2005).
Molecular quantification of Microcystis has been
used in multiple field studies to date (e.g. Rinta-Kanto
et al. 2005, Oberholster et al. 2006, Rinta-Kanto &
Wilhelm 2006, Hotto et al. 2008, Davis et al. 2009, Ha et
al. 2009, Moisander et al. 2009a,b, Rinta-Kanto et al.
2009a,b, Ye et al. 2009, Baxa et al. 2010). Despite the
increasingly common use of this method, there are fun-
damental differences between it and traditional cell
counts that could create deviances between cell equiv-
alents and traditional microscopic counts. Traditional
microscopic counts can underestimate total Micro-
cystis densities. Individual Microcystis cells range be-
tween 4 and 6 µm in diameter, and in wild field popu-
lations both individual cells and colonies are present.
However, it is not possible to distinguish between indi-
vidual Microcystis cells and small phytoplankton in
natural bloom samples using light microscopy. In con-
trast, our molecular method quantified all Microcystis
cells caught on a 2 µm filter. Furthermore, there can be
multiple gene copies per cyanobacterium cell, which
could also lead to differences between molecular
DNA target Primer Sequence (5’–3’) Source
pGEM plasmid DNA M13F CCCAGTCACGACGTTGTAAAAACG Coyne et al. (2005)
pGEM probe (Taq) FAM-CACTATAGAATACTCAAGCTTGCAT Coyne et al. (2005)
Microcystis 16S rDNA 184F GCCGCRAGGTGAAAMCTAA Neilan et al. (1997)
431R AATCCAAARACCTTCCTCCC Neilan et al. (1997)
Probe (Taq) FAM-AAGAGCTTGCGTCTGATTAGCTAGT- Rinta-Kanto et al. (2005)
Microcystis mcyD F2 GGTTCGCCTGGTCAAAGTAA Kaebernick et al. (2000)
R2 CCTCGCTAAAGAAGGGTTGA Kaebernick et al. (2000)
Probe (Taq) FAM-ATGCTCTAATGCAGCAACGGCAAA- Rinta-Kanto et al. (2005)
Table 1. Primers (Integrated DNA Technologies) and probes (Applied Biosystems) used in the qPCR analysis. F: forward primer;
R: reverse primer; FAM: 6-Carboxyfluorescein; BHQ-1: Black Hole Quencher-1 (quenching range 480 to 580 nm)
Davis et al.: Nutrient effects on toxic Microcystis
quantification and microscopic counts. Importantly, we
have consistently obtained identical cell densities of
the toxic Microcystis clone LE-3 when quantified via
light microscopy or qPCR with the 16S or mcyD gene
markers (T. W. Davis et al. unpubl. data). Furthermore,
prior studies (Davis et al. 2009) have found that toxic
(mcyD-containing) Microcystis cells are consistently (4
ecosystems, multiple years) correlated with micro-
cystin concentrations, whereas non-mcyDcontaining
cell equivalents are not correlated with toxin levels,
suggesting that this method accurately enumerates
toxic and non-toxic Microcystis populations.
Transquaking River cyanobacteria blooms
In 2008, TR hosted dense cyanobacterial blooms
co-dominated by Microcystis and Aphanizomenon
(Table 2). Peak algal and cyanobacterial densities
occurred on 10 June, while peak Microcystis densities,
as measured by the 16S rRNA gene (3.1 ± 0.63 ×
cell equivalents l
) occurred on 24 June (Fig. 1).
Within the total Microcystis population, toxic strains
dominated from late May through early July with peak
densities of 2.8 ± 0.23 × 10
cell equivalents l
, repre-
senting 62 ± 20% of the total Microcystis population
(Fig. 1). After mid-July, dominance shifted towards
non-toxic strains of Microcystis, which achieved peak
densities of 3.6 ± 0.13 × 10
cell equivalents l
in late
August (Fig. 1). Microcystis colonies in TR on average
comprised 47 ± 19 cells. Microcystin concentrations
ranged from 0.36 to 12.1 µg l
and peaked in unison
with toxic Microcystis densities on 24 June (Fig. 1).
Microcystin concentrations were significantly corre-
lated with toxic Microcystis densities (p < 0.01), but not
Sampling date Microcystis Anabaena Aphanizomenon Diatoms Chlorophytes Dinoflagellates
Transquaking River
13 May 325 (25) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1100 (25) 125 (30) 0 (0)
10 Jun 400 (27) 35000 (110) 0 (0) 130 (9) 0 (0) 210 (80)
24 Jun 4900 (100) 700 (100) 51000 (2800) 2600 (220) 1100 (100) 3000 (180)
9 Jul 7350 (250) 125 (125) 120000 (7100) 16000 (1100) 3900 (580) 125 (130)
29 Jul 4800 (80) 15 (15) 20000 (1400) 1400 (10) 990 (50) 210 (70)
26 Aug 11000 (95) 240 (30) 21000 (600) 1500 (55) 15 (15) 100 (10)
9 Sep 3300 (24) 845 (12) 44000 (1100) 2800 (12) 4800 (210) 155 (10)
30 Sep 1000 (45) 0 (0) 24000 (182) 1600 (68) 3000 (50) 95 (5)
Lake Agawam
3 Jun 952 (95) 0 (0) 0 (0) 200 (20) 540 (50) 0 (0)
5 Jun 1420 (142) 0 (0) 0 (0) 170 (20) 250 (30) 0 (0)
1 Jul 813 (81) 27 (3) 13 (1) 20 (2) 67 (7) 0 (0)
23 Jul 1300 (130) 380 (38) 820 (82) 180 (20) 160 (0) 0 (0)
18 Aug 1800 (180) 0 (0) 30 (30 0 (0) 40 (4) 0 (0)
23 Sep 5000(500) 47 (5) 80 (8) 890 (90) 20 (2) 0 (0)
15 Oct 4000 (400) 0 (0) 40 (4) 170 (20) 27 (3) 0 (0)
30 Oct 4900 (490) 67 (7) 220 (22) 290 (30) 40 (40) 0 (0)
Table 2. Mean autotrophic plankton densities (SE in parentheses) as quantified via light microscopy for the Transquaking
River and Lake Agawam in 2008. Counts are in colonies, chains, and trichomes per milliliter for Microcystis, Anabaena, and
Aphanizomenon, respectively, and in cells per milliliter for the other groups
13 May
10 Jun
24 Jun
9 Jul
29 Jul
26 Aug
9 Sep
30 Sep
Chlorophyll a (x10 µg l
or phycocyanin (RFU)
Temperature (°C)
Toxic, non-toxic, or total
Microcystis (10
cell equiv. l
Chlorophyll a Phycocyanin Temperature
Total Microcystis
Toxic Microcystis
Non-toxic Microcystis
Microcystin (µg l
Fig. 1. Time series of parameters measured in the Transquak-
ing River in 2008. Upper panel: levels of total chl a, phyco-
cyanin, and temperature. Lower panel: densities of total, non-
toxic, and toxic Microcystis, as well as concentrations of
microcystin. Error bars represent ±1 SE of replicated samples
Aquat Microb Ecol 61: 149162, 2010
non-toxic Microcystis densities, chlorophyll a, phyco-
cyanin, or the total cyanobacterial densities (p > 0.05).
Concentrations of inorganic nitrogen were highest
during May and June (>1 µM), but dropped to <1 µM
during the summer and early fall (Table 2), while
DIN:DIP ratios were chronically low (3.2 ± 1.8). Silicate
levels were high in TR (25 ± 8.3 µM), while urea and
DFAA concentrations were quite low (0.3 ± 0.1 and 0.1
± 0.01 µM, respectively). DON was the largest aqueous
N pool, with concentrations ranging from 14.1 ± 6.59 to
44.8 ± 1.85 µM (Table 3), while DOP concentrations
ranged from 0.4 to 1.4 µM (Table 3). Non-toxic strains
of Microcystis were significantly correlated with DON
concentrations from June through October (p < 0.01).
Temperatures in TR rose from 13.4°C in May to 29.2°C
in July and dropped to 21.4°C by October (Fig. 1).
Lake Agawam cyanobacteria blooms
LA hosted cyanobacterial blooms that differed from
those in TR in community composition and intensity
(Table 2, Fig. 2). The LA blooms were dominated by
Microcystis on every date sampled (Table 2). Total
Microcystis densities ranged from 1.59 ± 0.09 to 17.3 ±
0.10 × 10
cell equivalents l
, with peak densities
occurring on 15 October (Fig. 2). Unlike TR, the total
Microcystis community was dominated by non-toxic
strains throughout the 2008 field season (83 ± 4% of
total Microcystis cells; Fig. 2). Non-toxic strains of
Microcystis ranged from 1.42 ± 0.06 to 15.3 ± 0.06 × 10
cell equivalents l
(Fig. 2), while toxic Microcystis
strains ranged from 0.7 ± 0.3 to 2.81 ± 0.20 × 10
equivalents l
, with peak densities occurring on
Sampling date Inorganic nutrients
Nitrate Ammonium Silicate DIN DIP
Transquaking River
13 May 10.25 (0) 6.36 (0.13) 16.0 (3.28) 16.6 (0.23) 3.87 (0.38)
10 Jun 1.99 (0.68) 3.56 (0.02) 1.23 (0.04) 3.77 (0.35) 2.92 (0.39)
24 Jun 0.08 (0.02) 0.84 (0.13) 48.5 (7.21) 0.92 (0.12) 1.09 (0.06)
9 Jul 0.17 (0.10) 0.74 (0.07) 71.6 (3.02) 0.91 (0.06) 0.97 (0.08)
29 Jul 0.07 (0.02) 0.57 (0.03) 11.9 (0.27) 0.65 (0.04) 0.63 (0.05)
26 Aug 0.30 (0.16) 0.62 (0.02) 10.0 (1.07) 0.91 (0.17) 0.37 (0.04)
9 Sep 0.59 (0.03) 0.57 (0.03) 27.6 (4.99) 0.82 (0.23) 0.41 (0.05)
30 Sep 0.26 (0.08) 0.57 (0.08) 15.8 (0.03) 0.69 (0.20) 0.39 (0.01)
Lake Agawam
5 Jun 5.48 (0.13) 2.45 (0.28) 22.6 (0.01) 7.94 (0.34) 0.06 (0.00)
1 Jul 1.18 (0.08) 3.44 (0.77) 20.7 (1.23) 4.62 (0.70) 0.38 (0.05)
23 Jul 1.25 (0.03) 1.23 (0.15) 45.9 (10.7) 2.06 (0.57) 0.12 (0.01)
18 Aug 0.43 (0.25) 0.48 (0.01) 59.4 (2.79) 0.78 (0.33) 0.30 (0.08)
23 Sep 4.14 (0.12) 0.47 (0.04) 68.5 (1.30) 4.61 (0.15) 0.21 (0.10)
15 Oct 6.85 (0.14) 0.68 (0.04) 68.1 (5.80) 7.53 (0.14) 0.18 (0.02)
Sampling date Organic nutrients Ratios
Transquaking River
13 May 0.38 (0.02) 0.1 (0.002) 14.1 (6.59) 0.61 (0.06) 4 23
10 Jun 0.42 (0.01) 0.28 (0.005) 19.4 (1.78) 1.06 (0.05) 1 18
24 Jun 0.45 (0.01) 0.1 (0.002) 24.1 (1.44) 1.05 (0.16) 1 23
9 Jul 0.31 (0.01) 0.06 (0.002) 28.5 (2.82) 0.86 (0.27) 1 33
29 Jul 0.38 (0.09) 0.07 (0.002) 21.9 (0.99) 0.31 (0.06) 1 71
26 Aug 0.13 (0.02) 0.09 (0.006) 44.8 (1.85) 0.56 (0.10) 2 79
9 Sep 0.27 (0.05) 0.05 (0.002) 24.6 (1.71) 0.47 (0.09) 2 52
30 Sep 0.14 (0.08) 0.07 (0.002) 23.9 (6.69) 0.55 (0.25) 2 43
Lake Agawam
5 Jun 0.06 (0.06) 0.13 (0.003) 17.0 (8.27) 1.09 (0.37) 262 16
1 Jul 0.05 (0.02) 0.18 (0.01) 13.4 (2.81) 0.68 (0.13) 12 20
23 Jul 0.04 (0.00) 0.10 (0.003) 14.0 (2.66) 1.15 (0.10) 17 12
18 Aug 0.06 (0.04) 0.05 (0.002) 7.94 (0.78) 0.60 (0.06) 3 13
23 Sep 0.35 (0.02) 0.09 (0.002) 12.6 (1.59) 0.72 (0.23) 22 17
15 Oct 0.26 (0.14) 0.11 (0.003) 4.91 (1.15) 0.97 (0.29) 42 5
Table 3. Mean dissolved inorganic and organic nutrient concentrations (µM with SE in parentheses) for the Transquaking
River and Lake Agawam, 2008. DIN: dissolved inorganic nitrogen; DIP: dissolved inorganic phosphate; DON: dissolved organic
nitrogen; DOP: dissolved organic phosphorus; DFAA: dissolved free amino acids
Davis et al.: Nutrient effects on toxic Microcystis
23 September (Fig. 2). Microcystis colonies in LA on
average comprised 65 ± 9 cells. As was the case in TR,
microcystin concentrations (3.1 to 17.8 µg l
) were sig-
nificantly correlated with toxic Microcystis cell equiva-
lents (p < 0.01), but not with total or non-toxic Micro-
cystis cell equivalents (p > 0.05). DIN concentrations in
LA were high in the early summer (4 to 7 µM), lower in
July and August (<2 µM), and elevated again in the fall
(4 to 7 µM; Table 3). In contrast, silicate levels were
always high (20 to 70 µM) in LA (Table 3), while DIP,
urea, and DFAA were always low (<0.4, 0.1, and
0.1 µM, respectively; Table 3). DON and DOP were the
largest dissolved N and P pools in LA, with mean
concentrations of 10 ± 2 and 1.2 ± 0.2 µM (Table 3).
Temperatures in LA rose from 23.3°C in June to 27.5°C
in August and dropped to 10.3°C by the end of October
(Fig. 2).
Growth responses of toxic and non-toxic strains of
Microcystis during nutrient amendment experiments
Transquaking River
Biomass of the total phytoplankton community in TR
was significantly increased by one form of N in every
experiment conducted and was most consistently stim-
ulated by nitrate (p < 0.05; Table 4). Similarly, the total
Microcystis population in TR was stimulated by N
through most of the field season (5 of 6 experiments;
p < 0.05; Table 4, Fig. 3). Interestingly, the total Micro-
cystis community was more frequently stimulated by
urea (50% of experiments) than by nitrate (33% of
experiments), and was never stimulated by ammonium
(p < 0.05; Table 4; Fig. 3). GA also stimulated the total
Microcystis population in a third of the experiments
conducted, doubling cell equivalents above the control
in the final 2 experiments (p < 0.05; Table 4, Fig. 3).
Increased phosphate concentrations yielded signifi-
cantly increased Microcystis cell equivalents in 2
experiments conducted in June and early July (p <
0.05; Table 4, Fig. 3).
Toxic strains of Microcystis were stimulated more
often by N enrichment (83% of experiments) than their
3 Jun
5 Jun
1 Jul
23 Jul
17 Aug
23 Sep
15 Oct
Total Microcystis
Toxic Microcystis
Non-toxic Microcystis
Chlorophyll a
Chlorophyll a (µg l
or Phycocyanin (RFU)
Temperature (°C)
Total and non-toxic Microcystis
cell equiv. l
) or
microcystin (µg l
Toxic Microcystis
cell equiv. l
Fig. 2. Time series of parameters measured in Lake Agawam
in 2008. Further details as in Fig. 1
Sampling date Total phytoplankton Total Microcystis Non-toxic Microcystis Toxic Microcystis
Transquaking River
10 Jun NO
, U, P NO
, U, P
24 Jun N+P U, GA, N+P NO
, NH
9 Jul NO
, N+P NO
, P NO
, P
29 Jul NO
, NH
, U, GA P, N+P P NO
, NH
, N+P
26 Aug NO
, NH
, U, GA, N+P U, GA U, GA
9 Sep NO
, GA, N+P U, GA, N+P U, GA N+P
Lake Agawam
5 Jun P
1 Jul NH
, P, N+P NH
, P, N+P
23 Jul N+P NO
, NH
, U, P NO
, NH
, U, P NO
18 Aug NO
, U, GA, N+P NO
, U, P, N+P NO
, U, P, N+P
23 Sep N+P NO
, NH
15 Oct NO
, NH
, U, GA, P, N+P NO
, NH
, U, GA, P, N+P NO
, NH
, P
Table 4. Treatments that significantly stimulated the total cyanobacterial community, total Microcystis community, non-toxic
Microcystis, and toxic Microcystis relative to control treatments (p < 0.05) during nutrient amendment experiments in the
Transquaking River and Lake Agawam in 2008. NO
: nitrate; NH
: ammonium; N + P: nitrate and orthophosphate; P: orthophos-
phate; U: urea; GA:
L-glutamine. A dash indicates no treatment significantly increased the population over the control
Aquat Microb Ecol 61: 149162, 2010
non-toxic counterparts (66% of experiments; p < 0.05;
Table 4, Fig. 3). Toxic strains were stimulated by inor-
ganic forms of N during most experiments (83%),
increasing cell equivalents from 1 to 4 times above the
control (p < 0.05; Table 4, Fig. 3). In contrast, cell
equivalents of toxic strains were enhanced by urea in
only 1 experiment, but were never affected by GA
(Table 4, Fig. 3). P additions yielded increased toxic
Microcystis in one-third of the all TR experiments,
increasing cell equivalents, on average, 2-fold beyond
the control (p < 0.05; Table 4, Fig. 3). Finally, on 2 dates
(29 July and 9 September), the combined addition of
N and P stimulated toxic Microcystis populations (p <
0.05; Table 4, Fig. 3). In a manner nearly the opposite
of toxic strains, non-toxic strains of Microcystis were
never significantly affected by the addition of any indi-
vidual inorganic N compound (p > 0.05; Table 4,
Fig. 3). These strains were stimulated, however, by
organic N compounds (urea and GA) during half of the
experiments, displaying cell equivalents between 2
and 6 times higher than the control (p < 0.05; Table 4,
Fig. 3). Finally, non-toxic strains were significantly
enhanced above the control by P in 1 experiment and
by the dual addition of N and P in another experiment
(p < 0.05; Table 4, Fig. 3).
Lake Agawam
None of the phytoplankton populations monitored
were limited by any form of N in LA in June (Table 4,
Fig. 4). From early July to late September, the total
Control NO
Urea GA P N+P
Control NO
Urea GA P N+P Control NO
Urea GA P N+P
Control NO
Urea GA P N+PControl NO
Urea P N+P
Control NO
Urea GA P N+P
Total, toxic, and non-toxic Microcystis (x10
cell equiv. l
10 June
24 June
9 July
29 July
26 August
9 September
Total Microcystis
Non-toxic Microcystis
Toxic Microcystis
Fig. 3. Total, non-toxic, and toxic Microcystis densities during nutrient amendment experiments conducted in the Transquaking
River during the summer of 2008. Error bars represent ±1 SE of triplicate experimental bottles. NO
: nitrate; P: orthophosphate;
N + P: nitrate and orthophosphate; NH
: ammonium; GA: L-glutamine. During several experiments and treatments, the non-toxic
Microcystis population was below methodological detection limits
Davis et al.: Nutrient effects on toxic Microcystis
phytoplankton community was stimulated by both in-
organic and organic forms of N (p < 0.05; Table 4).
Since the non-toxic strains of Microcystis comprised
most (84%) of the total Microcystis community in LA,
their growth responses to nutrients were generally the
same as those in the total Microcystis population. The
densities of the total and non-toxic Microcystis cells
were not affected by nutrients until late July, when
both inorganic and organic N additions yielded densi-
ties significantly higher than the control treatment (p <
0.05; Table 4, Fig. 4). In a manner similar to TR, the
total Microcystis and non-toxic populations were stim-
ulated by urea and nitrate more frequently than
ammonium, displaying cell equivalents 2 to 5 times
beyond the control (p < 0.05; Table 4, Fig. 4). The addi-
tion of P significantly enhanced total and non-toxic
Microcystis abundances in half of the experiments con-
ducted, increasing densities 2 to 9 times above the con-
trol (p < 0.05; Table 4, Fig. 4).
The response of toxic strains of Microcystis to
nutrient enrichment differed from that of other algal
populations. The abundance of toxic Microcystis cell
equivalents was significantly enhanced by nutrient
enrichment over the controls (p < 0.05) more frequently
(83% of experiments) than that of the non-toxic popu-
lation (50% of experiments; Table 4, Fig. 4). Unlike
their non-toxic counterparts, toxic Microcystis in LA
was enhanced only by inorganic forms of N, with
nitrate and ammonium yielding densities that were
between 2 to 5 times greater than that of the control
(p < 0.05; Table 4, Fig. 4). Toxic Microcystis was also
enhanced by P additions in half of the experiments, as
Total and non-toxic Microcystis (x10
cell equiv. l
) or toxic Microcystis (x10
cell equiv. l
Control NO
Urea GA P N+P Control NO
Urea GA P N+P
Control NO
Urea GA P N+P Control NO
Urea GA P N+P
Control NO
Urea GA P N+P Control NO
Urea GA P N+P
5 June
1 July
23 July
18 August
23 September
15 October
Total Microcystis
Non-toxic Microcystis
Toxic Microcystis
Fig. 4. Total, non-toxic, and toxic Microcystis densities during nutrient amendment experiments conducted in Lake Agawam
during the summer of 2008. Note that the scale for the toxic cells is 1 order of magnitude less than that of the total and non-toxic
cell scale. Error bars represent ±1 SE of triplicate experimental bottles. NO
: nitrate; NH
: ammonium; GA: L-glutamine;
P: orthophosphate; N + P: nitrate and orthophosphate
Aquat Microb Ecol 61: 149162, 2010
P increased cell equivalents 2 to 4 times beyond those
of the controls (p < 0.05; Table 4, Fig. 4). Finally, on 1
date (1 July), the combined addition of N and P yielded
toxic Microcystis densities 2 times above that of the
control (p < 0.05; Table 4, Fig. 4).
Eutrophication is considered a primary cause of
many HABs (Paerl 1997, Anderson et al. 2008, Heisler
et al. 2008), particularly within freshwater ecosystems
(Paerl 1988, 2008, Paerl et al. 2001). Because fresh-
water ecosystems are traditionally viewed as P-limited,
management plans for such systems are commonly
aimed toward reducing P loads (Schindler et al. 2008).
The present study provides new insight into the role of
nutrients in the occurrence of toxic and non-toxic
Microcystis blooms. Specifically, the findings demon-
strate that N enrichment can promote blooms of Micro-
cystis more frequently than P and that inorganic nutri-
ents may favor toxic strains over those which cannot
produce microcystin.
Microcystis community composition differed be-
tween the 2 ecosystems studied. Toxic strains of Micro-
cystis dominated the TR community during the early
summer months (May and June) before non-toxic
strains became more abundant, whereas non-toxic
strains dominated the LA Microcystis community (83 ±
4%) on every date sampled. The dominance of toxic
strains in TR but not in LA could be related to the avail-
ability of P in each system. Vézie et al. (2002) reported
that the growth rates of toxic Microcystis exceeded
those of non-toxic strains under high P concentrations,
and concentrations of P were nearly an order of magni-
tude higher in TR (1.3 µM) compared to in LA
(0.19 µM; p < 0.05; t-test). Changes in the dominance
of toxic strains throughout the year further implicated
the importance of P for this population in TR, as P con-
centrations were significantly higher from May
through mid-July (2.2 ± 0.71 µM), when toxic strains
dominated the Microcystis population (62 ± 20%), than
in late July through October (0.45 ± 0.06 µM; p < 0.01;
t-test), when non-toxic strains were most abundant
(77 ± 7%; Table 3, Fig. 1). In addition, toxic Microcys-
tis abundances were enhanced by P more frequently
than non-toxic strains, a finding consistent with our
prior work on lakes in the northeast United States
(Davis et al. 2009). Oh et al. (2000) reported that P-
limitation can enhance the levels of microcystin per
cell in Microcystis. In contrast, we found significant
(p < 0.05) linear co-variance between densities of toxic
cells and concentrations of microcystin in each ecosys-
tem studied, suggesting cellular microcystin content
did not change substantially as P levels changed, per-
haps in part because non-toxic Microcystis cells suc-
ceeded toxic cells when P concentrations declined. The
association of toxic Microcystis with high DIP and
non-toxic strains with lower DIP may be due to several
factors. Hesse et al. (2001) reported that a microcystin-
producing Microcystis strain had a higher content
of light-harvesting pigments than non-toxic mutant
strains. Hence, the RNA and DNA required for the syn-
thesis of both light-harvesting pigments and micro-
cystin by toxic strains of Microcystis may represent a
significant P requirement.
Toxic strains of Microcystis were stimulated by N
enrichment more frequently than the non-toxic strains
during the present study (Table 5). This difference was
strongest in TR, where DIN concentrations and DIN:
DIP ratios were lowest and N enrichment enhanced
the abundance of toxic Microcystis in all but a single
experiment, but did so for the non-toxic strains in only
half of the experiments (Table 4, Fig. 4). The stronger
response of toxic Microcystis to N is consistent with
laboratory studies, which have reported that toxic
strains of Microcystis and Anabaena require higher N
concentrations to achieve maximal growth rates com-
pared to non-toxic strains (Rapala et al. 1997, Vézie et
al. 2002). Furthermore, laboratory experiments have
established clear relationships between DIN supply
and microcystin production by toxic strains of Micro-
cystis (Orr & Jones 1998, Long et al. 2001), which is
consistent with the N requirements for microcystin
synthesis, as microcystin is a N-rich compound (10 N
atoms per molecule), and studies have found that
microcystin can represent up to 2% of the cellular dry
weight of Microcystis (Nagata et al. 1997). Beyond this
N in the toxin, toxic Microcystis strains will have addi-
tional N requirements associated with the enzymes
involved in the synthesis of microcystin (Tillett et al.
2000), as well as with additional light-harvesting pig-
ments they may possess (Hesse et al. 2001). Although
the precise mechanism is unclear, toxic Microcystis
cells seem to have a higher N requirement than non-
toxic cells (Rapala et al. 1997, Vézie et al. 2002, present
The species of N employed during field experiments
strongly influenced whether toxic or non-toxic strains
dominated Microcystis populations. For example, in
every experiment where toxic strains of Microcystis
were stimulated by individual N compounds (n = 8),
they were always stimulated by at least 1 form of inor-
ganic N (Table 4). On the other hand, this population
was enhanced by organic N in only 1 experiment
(Table 4). Conversely, when non-toxic strains were
stimulated by individual N forms (n = 6), this happened
more frequently via organic N compounds (n = 6) than
inorganic N compounds (n = 2; Tables 4 & 5). These
findings are consistent with the results of Vézie et al.
Davis et al.: Nutrient effects on toxic Microcystis
(2002), who found that increases in nitrate concentra-
tions yielded faster growth rates for toxic Microcystis
cultures compared to non-toxic cultures. While the bio-
chemical mechanism(s) responsible for these trends
are unclear, there was a clear differentiation regarding
the response of toxic and non-toxic Microcystis popu-
lations to organic and inorganic N during the present
For both study sites, all Microcystis populations were
more frequently enhanced by N enrichment than by P
enrichment, indicating that, in both systems, these
populations were more N- than P-limited (Tables 4 &
5). This finding is contrary to the long held view that
freshwater ecosystems are exclusively P-limited
(Schindler 1977, Smith 1983, Hecky & Kilham 1988,
Schindler et al. 2008), but consistent with more recent
laboratory (Vézie et al. 2002) and field (Gobler et al.
2007, Moisander et al. 2009a) studies of Microcystis.
Importantly, during all of the experiments conducted
across both sites, N or P increased the abundance of 1
or more of the Microcystis populations relative to con-
trol treatments, and there were 3 occasions at each site
when increases in N and P concentrations did so, sug-
gesting these populations were occasionally co-limited
by N and P (Table 4, Figs. 3 & 4). As such, the dual
management of N and P will be required to control the
future occurrence of toxic Microcystis blooms in these,
and likely other, systems (Howarth & Paerl 2008, Lewis
& Wurtsbaugh 2008, Conley et al. 2009, Paerl 2009, Xu
et al. 2010).
The differing responses of toxic and non-toxic
strains of Microcystis during N and P enrichment, and
our observations of these populations and nutrients in
TR, provide evidence for a hypothesis that may partly
account for the seasonal dynamics of these strains in
temperate ecosystems. In TR, we observed a seasonal
transition from higher inorganic nutrients, lower
organic (DON, DOP, urea, DFAA) nutrients (Table 3),
and dominance by toxic Microcystis strains during
early summer (May to July; Fig. 1), followed by a de-
pletion of inorganic nutrients, an elevation in organic
nitrogen, and dominance by non-toxic Microcystis in
late summer (Table 3, Fig. 1). This pattern of nutrients
is common for aquatic ecosystems, as warming sum-
mer temperatures bring decreases in freshwater-
based nutrient delivery rates (Gobler & Sañudo-Wil-
helmy 2001) and increases in phytoplankton nutrient
assimilation rates (Goldman & Carpenter 1974). Thus,
while toxic Microcystis thrives on the abundant
sources of inorganic nutrients during early summer,
the depletion of these nutrients by mid-summer,
potentially due to the decreased rainfall and/or
groundwater flow, likely contributes to the demise of
this population, a pattern observed in TR. The rem-
ineralization of dead cells and higher pelagic and
benthic remineralization rates within warmer summer
waters (Boynton et al. 1995) both likely contribute
towards a water column that is enriched in DON dur-
ing late summer. The present study demonstrated that
non-toxic strains of Microcystis experience increased
growth rates after enrichment with organic com-
pounds, which could partially account for their domi-
nance during late summer in TR. This population shift
between toxic and non-toxic strains concurrent with
decreases in DIN has been found in other systems,
such as Lake Ronkonkoma, New York (Davis et al.
2009). Furthermore, Briand et al. (2009) found a simi-
lar seasonal shift in genotypes from toxic strains to
non-toxic strains in a French reservoir. This trend was
not seen in LA possibly due to the low P (mean =
0.19 µM DIP) concentrations, which may have inhib-
ited toxic strains from becoming dominant within this
system due to their high P requirement (Vézie et al.
2002); toxic strains are always a minor component of
the total Microcystis community in this system (Davis
et al. 2009, present study).
In conclusion, Microcystis populations in LA and
TR were frequently stimulated by N and, to a lesser
Compound Experiments (%)
Total phytoplankton Total Microcystis Non-toxic Microcystis Toxic Microcystis
Any N compound 83 (10/12) 67 (8/12) 50 (6/12) 75 (9/12)
Nitrate 50 (6/12) 42 (5/12) 25 (3/12) 58 (7/12)
Ammonium 25 (3/12) 17 (2/12) 17 (2/12) 42 (5/12)
Inorganic N 58 (7/12) 42 (5/12) 25 (3/12) 67 (8/12)
Urea 25 (3/12) 50 (6/12) 50 (6/12) 8 (1/12)
L-glutamine 33 (4/12) 25 (3/12) 33 (4/12) 0 (0/12)
Organic N 33 (4/12) 50 (6/12) 50 (6/12) 8 (1/12)
Orthophosphate 8 (1/12) 50 (6/12) 33 (4/12) 42 (5/12)
Table 5. The percentage of experiments in which N compounds significantly increased the density of the total phytoplankton
community, total Microcystis community, non-toxic Microcystis, and toxic Microcystis relative to control treatments (p < 0.05)
during nutrient amendment experiments. Percentages and number of significant treatments out of total number of experiments
(in parentheses) shown
Aquat Microb Ecol 61: 149162, 2010
extent, P. Toxic strains of Microcystis were more fre-
quently promoted by N than non-toxic strains, but
non-toxic strains were more frequently stimulated by
organic N than toxic strains were. Therefore, domi-
nance of toxic Microcystis and, ultimately, the toxic-
ity of Microcystis blooms may be influenced by both
the concentration and species of available nutrients,
with increases in inorganic N- and/or P-loading
likely promoting blooms dominated by toxic strains
and potentially yielding higher microcystin concen-
Acknowledgements. This research was supported by a grant
from the US EPA-ECOHAB program #R83-3220. We thank
Peter Tango, Walter Butler, and Mary Price for field and labo-
ratory support in Maryland. We thank Charles Wall, Amanda
Burson, and Lindsay Koza Moore for field and laboratory
assistance. We thank Drs Greg Boyer, Nicholas Fisher, Jackie
Collier, Darcy Lonsdale, and 3 anonymous reviewers for help-
ful comments on earlier drafts of this manuscript. The Stony
BrookSouthampton Marine Science Center provided logisti-
cal support.
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Editorial responsibility: Douglas Capone,
Los Angeles, California, USA
Submitted: March 2, 2010; Accepted: August 7, 2010
Proofs received from author(s): October 7, 2010