Billings Clinic Healthcare Scholarship
Recommendation Questonnaire
Please complete your recommendation on this form and carefully follow the instructions.
Reference writers need to address the question(s) outlined on this recommendation
Reference writers must date and sign the recommendation questionnaire.
At least one (1) of the two (2) references must be from an instructor.
Recommendations from relatives are not acceptable.
Please save completed questionnaire as a PDF and include applicant’s name.
Example, save as: Recommendation Questionnaire for John Smith
Email completed questionnaire to sseader@billingsclinic.org
Include applicant’s name in saved PDF, and email subject line.
Recommendation Questionnaire
1. Applicant’s Name:
2. Your Name & Title:
3. Relationship to applicant:
4. Length of time you have known applicant:
5. Email address:
6. Why should the applicant be considered for this scholarship?
7. How has the applicant shown an interest in healthcare?
8. What qualities does this person have which indicate an ability to succeed in the
healthcare field?
9. Other Information about the applicant pertinent to this application:
Scholarships are awarded to Individuals who exhibit a strong desire and the potential to excel
in the healthcare field.
Must be postmarked by March 5, 2021. Late or incomplete questionnaire will not be
Equal Opportunity: Billings Clinic Foundation awards scholarships without regard to race,
religion, creed, age, sex or national origin.