Notes on completion
completing this form please refer to the
Electricity Network
Electricity Network Innovation Competition
Screening Submission Pro-forma
completing this form
please refer to the
Electricity Network
Competition (NIC) Governance Document.
Please use the default font (Verdana size 10) in your submission, the text entry areas
are predetermined and should not be changed. The full-completed submission should
not exceed 10 pages in total.
Ofgem will publish all the information contained within the Screening Submission.
Funding Licensee
Network Licence Project Partners
Funding Licensee area
Project title
Project Summary
The Licensee must provide an approximate Project start and end date.
Estimated Project funding
The Licensee must provide an approximate figure of the total cost of the project and the NIC funding it is applying for.
Total cost of Project NIC funding requested
Cross Sector Projects
only: requested
funding from Gas
NIC, NIA or second
tier LCN Fund?
If yes, please specify
The Licensee must provide a narrative which explains the Problem(s) which the Project is seeking to address.
The Licensee must describe the Method(s) which are being demonstrated or developed. It must also outline how the
Method(s) could solve the Problem The type of Method should be identified where possible
technical commercial etc
Method(s) could solve the Problem
The type of Method should be identified where possible
commercial etc
Method(s) continued
Funding commentary
The Licensee must provide a commentary on the accuracy of its funding estimate. If the Project has phases, the Licensee
must identify the approximate cost of each phase. OFTOs should indicate potential bid costs expenses.
Specific Requirements (please tick which of the specific requirements this project fulfils)
A specific piece of new (ie unproven in GB) equipment (including control and/or communications
systems and/or software)
A speci
ic nove
arrangement or app
ication o
existing e
ectricity transmission equipment
control and communications systems software)
A specific novel operational practice directly related to the operation of the electricity transmission
A specific novel commercial arrangement
Accelerates the development of a low carbon energy sector & has the potential to
deliver net financial benefits to existing and/or future customers
The Licensee must demonstrate that the Solution has the potential to accelerate the development of the low carbon energy
sector in GB and/or deliver wider environmental benefits to GB customers. The Licensee must demonstrate the potential to
deliver net financial benefits to existing and/or future customers
deliver net financial benefits to existing and/or future customers
Delivers value for money for electricity customers
The Licensee must demonstrate that the Method(s) being trialled can derive benefits and resulting learning that can be
attributed to or are applicable to the electricity transmission system.
Demonstrates the Project generates knowledge that can be shared amongst all
Network Licensees
The Licensee must explain the learning which it expects the Method(s) it is trialling to deliver. The Licensee must demonstrate
that it has a robust methodology in place to capture the learning from the Trial(s).
that it has a robust methodology in place to capture the learning from the Trial(s).
Please tick if the project conforms to the default IPR arrangements set out in
the NIC Governance Document?
If the Licensee wishes to deviate from the default requirement for IPR then it must demonstrate how the learning will be
disseminated to other Licensees and how value for money will be ensured. The Licensee must also outline the proposed
alternative arrangements and justify why the arrangements are more suitable than the default arrangements.
How is the project innovative and with an unproven business case where the
innovation risk warrants a limited Development or Demonstration Project to
demonstrate its effectiveness?
Demonstrate why the Licensee has not previously used this Solution (including where the Solution involves commercial
arrangements) and why NIC funding is required to undertake it. This must include why the Licensee would not run the trial as
part of its normal course of business and why the Solution is not Research.
Project Partners and external resourcing/funding
The Licensee must provide evidence of how Project Partners have been identified and selected, including details of the process
that has been followed and the rationale for selecting participants and ideas for the project.
The Licensee
should provide details of any Project Partners who will be actively involved in the Project and are prepared to
The Licensee
should provide details of any Project Partners who will be actively involved in the Project and are prepared to
devote time, resources and/or funding to the Project. If the Licensee has not identified any specific Project Partners, it should
provide details of the type of Project Partners it wishes to attract to the Project.
Derogations or exemptions
The Licensee should outline if it considers that the Project will require any derogations, exemptions or changes to the
regulatory arrangements.
Customer impact
The Licensee should outline any planned interaction with customers or customers’ premises as part of the Project, and any
other direct customer impact (such as amended contractual or charging arrangements, or supply interruptions).
Details of cross sector aspects
The Licensee should complete this box only if this Project forms part of a larger cross sector Project that is seeking funding
from multiple competitions (Electricity NIC, Gas NIC or LCN Fund). The Licensee must explain about the Project it will be
collaborating with, how it all fits together, and must also add a justification for the funding split.
Any further detail the Licensee feels may support its submission
Contact name
Contact Address
Direct telephone line
Job title