TDLR Form ELC003 rev September 2019
11. WORKERS’ COMPENSATION INSURANCE - Check the box that identifies how you have satisfied the Workers’
Compensation Insurance requirement.
• I have workers’ compensation insurance: Proof of workers’ compensation insurance can be submitted on
an industry standard certificate of insurance form with a 30-day cancellation notice. Insurance must be
obtained from an admitted company or an eligible surplus lines carrier, as defined in the Texas Insurance
Code, Arti- cle 1.14-2, or other insurance companies that are rated by A.M. Best Company as B+ or higher.
• I have self-insurance: The Self-Insurance program administered through the Texas Department of
Insurance, Division of Workers’ Compensation (DCW) is limited to larger-size employers. Employers must
show a manual premium of at least $500,000 in Texas or $10,000,000 nationally, post a minimum-security
deposit of $300,0000, in addition to other substantive requirements in order to be approved as a Certified
Self- Insurer. Generally, companies with less than 200 employees will not meet the above criteria.
For more information or to request an initial application packet, contact Division of Workers’ Compensation
elf-insurance Regulation by calling (512) 804-4345 or faxing (512) 804-4346 during normal business hours
of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday CST.
lf-Insurance Regulation
Texas Department of Insurance
Division of Workers’ Compensation
7551 Metro Center Drive Suite 100, MS-96
Austin, Texas 78744-1609
• I do not have workers’ compensation insurance: Subchapter A, Chapter 406, Labor Code and the rules of
the Texas Department of Insurance provide for employers to not have workers’ compensation insurance. An
Employer Notice of No Coverage or Termination of Coverage Form (DWC Form-005) is filed and can be
obtained by calling TDI/DWC forms management at (512) 804-4990. The form and related instructions ca
be d
ownloaded at:
www.tdi.texas.gov/forms/form20numeric.html. Contact TDI/DWC at (800) 372-7713 or (512)
804-4000 for additional information.
tion must be completed by the master electrician or master sign electrician.
∗ An Electrical Contractor can ONLY have a master electrician assigned to the electrical contractor.
• An applicant for an electrical contractor license must be:
♦ licensed in Texas as a master electrician or
♦ employs a person licensed in Texas as a master electrician.
∗ An Electrical Sign Contractor can have EITHER a master electrician or master sign electrician assigned to the
electrical sign contractor.
• An applicant for an electrical sign contractor license must be:
♦ licensed in Texas as a master electrician or master sign electrician or
♦ employs a person licensed in Texas as a master electrician or master sign electrician.
∗ Do you own more that 50 percent of this contracting business? - Check YES or NO to this question.
• A person who holds a Texas master electrician or master sign electrician license can only be assigned to a
single electrical contractor, unless the master electrician owns more than 50 percent of the electrical con-
tracting business.
∗ Name, license number, date, and signature of master electrician/master sign electrician - Sign this section, print
your name and license number as it appears on your master electrician/master sign electrician license issued by
13. STATEMENT OF OWNER - Carefully read the statement before signing and dating your application. This section
can be completed by an officer of the business.