During graduate study, exceptional circumstances may arise which restrict the ability
of individual graduate students to continue their graduate studies without timely
assistance. The Graduate Student Emergency Funds may provide a resource for
graduate students who are experiencing such difficulties. This assistance will be
considered only for short-term emergency situations.
uidelines to awarding Graduate Student Emergency Funds:
Students must present a written statement of the financial need, a plan
ailing how the assistance would help them complete their degree,
current billing statement from Student Accounts, and a completed
application (see reverse side for application) to the Associate Vice
President of Academic Affairs in order to initiate the process for
consideration of assistance.
Students may request a tuition waiver or assistance, depending on the
Grants of one credit of tuition waiver or a maximum of $500 in assistance
will be considered. (Important: According to current tax laws, there may
ax implications related to the monetary assistance requested.)
The Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs along with select
members of the Graduate Advisory Council and the student’s program
director will review the application and written statement
All applications will be reviewed by the Financial Aid Office of Nazareth
College for approval to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations.
The student will receive a reply from the Associate Vice President of
ademic Affairs within seven business days from the receipt of th
cation materials. The reply will detail whether the request has
oved and if any additional action is required by the student.
Students will be awarded, at most, one grant from the Graduate Student
Emergency Funds during their graduate study.
Questions? Contact the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs
Application for Graduate Student Emergency Funds
Date: ______________________________ Name: _______________________________________________________________
Student ID#: _______________________________________ Program: ____________________________________________
Address/City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________
Number of graduate credit hours completed: ______________ Anticipated Grad Date_______________________
Are you currently receiving financial aid through the Yes
Financial Aid Office of Nazareth College? No
Indicate your specific funds request below:
Tuition Waiver 1 Credit OR Assistance in the amount of $______________
Check if applicable: DPT MSW (not to exceed $500)
Please write a statement, which explains your need for assistance and how this assistance would help
you complete your degree program (attach a separate sheet if needed):
Please attach a current billing statement from Student Accounts.
Return this completed application form to the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs by one of
the following methods
In Person: Smyth Hall, Room 122
By Mail:
Nazareth College, Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs
4245 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618
By Fax: 585-389-2013