Directed Professional Experience Handbook
York College of Pennsylvania
Department of Education
York, PA 17403
May 21, 2019
General Information about Directed Professional Experiences
An Alternate Teacher Education Program, or Directed Professional Experience, is available to students
enrolled in any Education major who either do not wish to student teach or are ineligible for student
teaching. Students who do not student teach, but complete an alternate program instead, are not eligible
to apply for any state teaching certification. A student may still earn a baccalaureate degree without
certification, if all other course and credit requirements are met. These individuals may have developed
an interest in the broader concept of “education,” as it refers to related careers and interests.
Reflective of this option, students elect to schedule Directed Professional Experience for a minimum of
two, or maximum of four credits rather than professional semester coursework. This experience is
tailored to meet the personal goals of each individual. Students take much of the responsibility when
choosing this path and are responsible for securing their own agency placement. Additionally, the
experience may include coursework that correlates to the student’s particular needs and interests. Those
electing, or being recommended for, this option may seek career paths that include work experiences
dealing with people and education in a variety of settings other than the traditional classroom.
*Examples of career paths served by this non-certification degree are:
Positions involving training and development in a variety of businesses and corporations
Educational specialists or other positions within social service agencies, community agencies, or
other governmental agencies
Careers in public relations
Employment in youth organizations or youth programs
*The above list is not inclusive. Other options should be discussed with a trained Career Counselor
in the Career Development Center at York College of Pennsylvania.
Students opting for this program must consult with their advisor and officially apply approximately one
year prior to entering their Professional Semester.
Applying for Directed Professional Experience
The application can be found in the “Supporting Documents” section at the end of this Handbook.
The student is responsible for completing the application and securing all necessary signatures.
The student must first consult with his/her advisor about this option, and then notify the Director
of Field Services of his/her interest in the program. The advisor and the student should
determine how many credits are needed to graduate and this will determine how many credits the
Directed Professional Experience will be (minimum of 2, maximum of 4) and if additional
courses will need to be scheduled during that same semester.
The student then secures a tentative agency placement and mentor. This agency should be
selected by the student based on his/her interest and ability to use his/her skills learned
throughout the education program.
The student creates a proposal of a plan. The plan is tailored to the Agency Placement and must
be made in consultation with the Agency Cooperating Mentor. The proposal should include
activities, evaluation criteria, and a timeline to complete the experience. As the student creates
the proposal, he/she must consider the number of hours that will be required and include a draft
timeline with his/her proposal. The proposal should be typed and thorough. Please refer to the
following chart when formulating the plan.
o The following chart provides the number of required hours for Directed Professional
Experiences. All hours will be logged by the student and approved by the College
Supervisor and/or the Agency Cooperating Mentor.
Directed Professional Experiences Credits/Hours Required*
2 Credits
120 hours
3 Credits
180 hours
4 Credits
240 hours
The student will arrange a meeting to share the detailed plan with his/her agency mentor. At this
meeting, the mentor may provide suggestions and revisions to the student’s proposed plan. Then,
the student will secure the signature of the his/her mentor on the Application.
Next, the student will meet with his/her advisor. At this meeting, the student will share the plan
and discuss coursework. The advisor and student will complete the “Coursework” section of the
Application and the advisor will sign the Application.
The student will contact the Director of Field Services to arrange a meeting. At this meeting, the
Director of Field Services may provide suggestions and revisions to be made.
o At this meeting, the following will occur:
§ The student will bring his/her completed “Application for Directed Professional
Experience.” All signatures must be secured by the student prior to this meeting
(Student, Advisor, Cooperating Mentor)
§ The Student and Director of Field Services will discuss the number of credits
needed for both the Directed Professional Experience and any additional
coursework (as determined by the advisor), as well as the student’s proposed plan.
o If the Director of Field Services approves the Application, she will share the application
with the Chair of the Department of Education for consideration. If the Chair approves
and signs the Application, the Director of Field Services will share a copy of the
approved application with the student and his/her advisor. A copy of the approved
application will also be stored in the student’s departmental file.
o The Director of Field Services will contact the Registrar to request that the student is
registered for the Directed Professional Experience course (and note the appropriate
credit hours to be assigned).
o The student will register for any other coursework, if needed, which has been agreed
upon with his/her advisor and noted on the application.
o The Director of Field Services will assign a College Supervisor and share contact
information of the Supervisor with the student.
o The Director of Field Services will notify the Assistant Dean for Career Development of
the student’s path.
o The student will arrange an initial meeting with his/her College Supervisor. The College
Supervisor reserves the right to make revisions or additions to the proposal. The student
will contact the College Supervisor to arrange a meeting.
The Role of the Student
Students are to conform to policies, philosophies, and routines of the placement agency and
Agency Cooperating Mentor.
Students are to be prompt, punctual, and dependable. If a planned meeting or agreed-upon
placement activity must be met for any reason, it is imperative that the Student communicates in
a timely fashion with his/her College Supervisor and/or Cooperating Mentor.
Students are required to demonstrate requisite professional and personal dispositions as follows:
o Competence in written and oral expression
o Professional attitude
o Personal enthusiasm
o Ethical, moral character
o Personal organization
o Ability to meet deadlines
o Good interpersonal skills
o Ability to accept and profit from constructive criticism
o Personal maturity
o Attendance
o Demonstrates professional growth and reflection at a level expected
The Student is responsible for completing all projects and activities in the approved proposal.
The Student is also responsible for any additional activities required by the College Supervisor
and/or Cooperating Mentor.
In addition to the above activities, the student will complete the following:
o Reflective Log (including documentation of hours)
o Career Development Project
The Student will document all activities using a portfolio or notebook, organized as described
Student’s Portfolio/Notebook Contents
Students are required to keep a portfolio of documentation throughout their experience. The
components are outlined below. All projects should be shared with the College Supervisor.
Directed Professional Experience Information
o Directed Professional Experiences Handbook
o Approved Application
o Approved Student Proposal
Reflective Log
o A minimum of one entry per week is required.
o Each entry should include a summary of activities and personal thoughts/reflections
by the student. The template, found in the “Supporting Documents” section of this
Handbook should be utilized for the Reflective Log.
o In addition to agency-related hours, hours may also be logged for other activities (i.e.-
Meeting with College Supervisor; Independent completion of projects relating to the
placement; project completion outside of the placement, but pertaining to the
proposal, etc.).
o The Log should be shared with the College Supervisor every week until the required
hours have been met and the College Supervisor feels that program requirements have
been fulfilled.
Career Development Project
o The student will become acquainted with the career exploration resources found on
the College’s Career Development Center website and office.
o The student will use an online resource, found on the Career Development Center’s
website, to discover possible academic and occupational options that are consistent
with his/her interests, personality, skills, and values. An online account may be
needed. The student should contact the Career Development Center about any
questions regarding the account access and any other resources.
o After completing the survey, the student will call or email the Career Development
Center to arrange a meeting to discuss the results of the survey. At this meeting,
future career possibilities should be discussed.
o Upon completion of the survey and meeting, the student will write a paper (minimum
2 pages). The content of this paper should convey the results of the online
instrument, include a summary of the Career Counselor meeting, and weigh pros and
cons of all possible careers. In addition, the paper should include some research
results the student completed for the possible careers.
o A thorough description of the Career Development Project, including an
accompanying grading scale, can be found in the “Supporting Documents” section of
this handbook.
Proposal Activities
o Artifacts from activities explained in proposal
College Supervisor’s Input
o Visitation Forms
o Midterm Evaluation (optional)
o Final Evaluation
o Letter of completion from Agency Cooperating Mentor, as well as the Mid and/or
Final Evaluation completed by the student and Cooperating Mentor
o Any other documentation or useful information gained from the experience
The Role of the Cooperating Mentor
The College will award the Cooperating Mentor a stipend. The Cooperating Mentor will be
provided with a W-9 form near the beginning of the experience.
The Agency Cooperating Mentor serves a most important role in the Directed Professional
Experience by providing crucial professional advice and encouragement for the duration of the
experience. He/she is instrumental in formulating an overall plan for the Experience and serves
as the Coordinator at the placement.
The Cooperating Mentor will approve the student’s proposed plan, provide any input, and
support the student in meeting his/her goals.
The Cooperating Mentor should feel free to make suggestions to the student at any time. This
input is needed, expected and deemed necessary. Conferences concerning the Student’s
performance should be made at the earliest convenience following activities. As the experience
progresses the student should be delegated greater responsibility in activities, as deemed
The Cooperating Mentor should gradually release more responsibility to the student. The student
should be able to “get a feel” of what it is like to fulfill the position that the Cooperating Mentor
holds in the placement agency.
The Cooperating Mentor will complete a Final Evaluation Form (found in the “Supporting
Documents” section of this Handbook). A Mid-Term Evaluation Form is optional and only
completed at the request of the College Supervisor.
At the end of the experience, the Cooperating Mentor will write a “Letter of Completion”
verifying the semester in which the student completed the Directed Professional Experience. If
the Cooperating Mentor chooses, he/she may include in the letter a recommendation for the
The Role of the College Supervisor
The College will award the College Supervisor a stipend.
The College Supervisor acts as a coordinator and a liaison between the College and the Agency
to ensure that the experience is productive.
The College Supervisor will approve the student’s proposed plan, provide any input, and support
the student in meeting his/her goals. Additionally, the Supervisor will monitor progress on this
The College Supervisor will initiate site visits as deemed appropriate and meet with the student
throughout the experience. Each visit will be documented with a “Directed Professional
Experiences Visitation Form” (see Supporting Documents section of this Handbook).
The College Supervisor will be responsible to oversee all required assignments (explained in the
section of this handbook entitled “Student’s Portfolio/Notebook Contents”). He/she should be
reviewing the student’s notebook.
The College Supervisor will write a final evaluation in the form of a letter on York College of
Pennsylvania letterhead. A final evaluation meeting will also be held with the student (and
Cooperating Mentor if he/she is available). A mid-term evaluation meeting is optional.
The College Supervisor has the responsibility of assigning the final grade. The “Final
Evaluation” instrument, found in the “Supporting Documents” section of this Handbook,
provides numeric points that will be converted to a final York College of Pennsylvania grade.
At the end of the experience, the College Supervisor will submit the following paperwork to the
Department of Education Office (attn.: Director of Field Services), along with the required
checklist (found in the “Supporting Documents” section of this Handbook):
o Copies of all visitation forms
o A copy of the student’s Reflective Logs for each week (including Cooperating Mentor’s
signature and total hours)
o Cooperating Mentor’s “Letter of Completion”
o College Supervisor’s final evaluation letter (and Cooperating Mentor’s, if one was
o Final Evaluation Instrument (including the student’s final numeric grade)
Final Grading
The College Supervisor is responsible for assigning a final numeric grade to the student.
The “Final Evaluation,” completed by the College Supervisor, will determine the final grade.
The Final Evaluation instrument can be found in the “Supporting Documents” section of this
Handbook. The Final Evaluation document includes a key, which will be utilized to assign a
final grade.
The College Supervisor may consult with the Agency Cooperating Mentor for feedback on the
student’s performance.
The College Supervisor may review the student’s notebook as he/she determines the student’s
final grade. The student ultimately keeps the notebook and its contents (The Supervisor will
need to procure copies of artifacts if needed).
College Supervisor Visitation Form
Career Development Project
Mid-Term Evaluation
Final Evaluation
Reflective Log
Supporting Documents
tion for Directed Professional Experience
(Alternate Program)
The Directed Professional Experience is an alternate program that may be taken in lieu of the
professional semester coursework. Completion of this alternate program will not qualify a student
for teaching certification in any state.
Student Name: ___________________________________ Student ID#: ___________________
Current Address: ________________________________________________________________
(Street and #) (City) (State) (Zip code)
Student Contact Information: ____________________________________ _______________
(Phone number) (Email)
Major: ______________________________________ Advisor: _________________________
Reason for Requesting Directed Professional Experience (check one):
_____ The alternate program in lieu of student teaching
_____ Other: __________________________________________________________________
Coursework (to be completed by the student and advisor):
Anticipated Directed Professional Experience Semester and year: ______________________
Anticipated Directed Professional Experience Credits (choose 1):
2 credits 3 credits 4 credits
Additional coursework for which student will register (if applicable):
Course(s): Credits:
____________________________________________ _______________
____________________________________________ _______________
____________________________________________ _______________
____________________________________________ _______________
__________________________________________________________DATE: _______________
click to sign
click to edit
Location of Experience (student secures this placement):
Agency Name: _________________________________________________________________
Agency Address: ________________________________________________________________
(Street and #) (City) (State) (Zip code)
Agency Cooperating Mentor Name: _________________________________________________
Agency Cooperating Mentor Contact Information: ____________________ _______________
(Phone number) (Email)
_________________________________________________________DATE: _______________
Student Acknowledgements
I am responsible for securing alternative, off-campus placement(s) and mentors.
I am responsible for developing a proposed plan and sharing it with all parties involved.
I have read the Directed Professional Experiences Handbook.
I understand that, upon successful completion of this Directed Professional Experience in
Education in lieu of Student Teaching, that I will not be eligible for state teaching
I am aware that college faculty/administration reserve the right to remove a college student
from any course and I must abide by all professional dispositions of the Department of
In order to successfully complete this Directed Professional Experience, all activities
described above must be completed in a satisfactory manner, including required hours.
_________________________________________________________DATE: _______________
Approvals (to be completed by the Department of Education):
Directed Professional Experience Semester and year: ______________________
Directed Professional Experience Credits: ______________________ Course #:__________
_________________________________________________________DATE: _______________
_________________________________________________________DATE: _______________
College Supervisor Name: _________________________________________________
College Supervisor Email: _________________________________________________
Additional Comments:
York College of Pennsylvania
Department of Education
Name: ____________________________________ Date:_________________________
Location:_______________________________ Time: _____________________
Conference with Student: _________ Conference with Cooperating Mentor: ___________
Summary of Visit/ Items Addressed:
College Supervisor’s Reaction and Suggestions:
Student’s Signature: ____________________________ Supervisor’s Signature: _________________________
Date: _________________________________________
Original: Supervisor
Copy 1: Student
Copy 2: Cooperating Mentor
Career Development Project
1. This assignment will offer you an opportunity to learn more about the careers you might pursue
following the completion of your degree.
2. Begin by completing a career exploration self-assessment available from the Career Development
Center at York College of Pennsylvania.
3. Print the results of your survey.
4. Schedule a meeting with a Career Development Counselor at York College of PA.
5. Present the results of your survey to your Career Development Counselor and discuss your career
options with him/her.
6. Prepare a written reflection summarizing your findings. The reflection should adhere to the
following requirements:
Address potential career options and next steps following graduation.
Reference lessons learned from completing the FOCUS survey and meeting with the
Career Development Counselor.
Describe how the Career Development Project has affected their potential career choices.
Follow the following written conventions:
Two or more typed pages
Double spaced with 1 inch margins
Utilized Times New Roman font
Free of spelling, grammatical, or structural errors
7. Attach the following items to your project:
A copy of your completed survey signed and dated by the Career Development Counselor
with whom you met.
A typed copy of your reflection essay.
8. Submit the above (signed survey and essay) to your College Supervisor with this document.
Distinguished (10 Points)
Proficient (9-8 Points)
Basic (7 or Fewer Points)
Comprehensively summarized career
options and next steps following
Comprehensively summarized lessons
learned from completing the self-
assessment and meeting with the Career
Development Counselor.
Comprehensively summarized lessons
learned from the Career Development
Followed all required conventions for
the assignment.
Flawless spelling and grammar.
Summarized career options and next
steps following graduation.
Summarized lessons learned from
completing the self-assessment and
meeting with the Career
Development Counselor.
Summarized lessons learned from the
Career Development Project.
Followed nearly all required
conventions for the assignment.
Nearly flawless spelling and
Failed to adequately summarize career
options and next steps following
Failed to adequately summarize lessons
learned from completing the self-
assessment survey and meeting with the
Career Development Counselor.
Failed to adequately summarize lessons
learned from the Career Development
Did not follow required conventions for
the assignment.
Several spelling and grammar mistakes.
Total Points Possible: 10 Your Points: _____
Directed Professional Experience
Mid-Experience Evaluation
A mid-experience meeting (including the supervisor, cooperating mentor, and student) may need to be
held prior to the completion of this evaluation by the College Supervisor.
Distinguished (3)
Proficient (2)
Needs Improvement (1)
Student arrives on time and stays the duration of the scheduled
Student completes assigned work in a timely manner.
Student’s dress is consistent with the standards at the agency
Student’s language and demeanor is consistent with the
standards at the agency site.
Distinguished (3)
Proficient (2)
Needs Improvement (1)
Student made significant progress toward completion of the
required projects.
Student’s work demonstrates care and attention to detail.
Student’s public performances (meetings, presentations,
activities) are of high quality.
Professional Experience Activities
Distinguished (3)
Proficient (2)
Needs Improvement (1)
Student comprehensively describes the activities he/she engaged
in throughout the first portion of the experience.
Student comprehensively reflects on experiences throughout the
first portion of the experience.
Student is on-pace to complete the requisite number of hours
required to complete the alternative experience.
Mid-Experience Assessment
Student has started or completed the Career Development Project.
Student is performing at a distinguished level (4).
Student is performing at a proficient level (3).
Student is not currently performing at an adequate level and the following changes are required :
Additional comments may be provided on the back of this form or as an attachment.
Student’s Signature:
Date: _________________
Evaluator’s Signature:
Date: _________________
Evaluator’s Position:
Cooperating Mentor
College Supervisor
Student Name:
Agency Name:
College Supervisor Name:
Agency Cooperating Mentor:
Directed Professional Experience
Final Evaluation
A final experience meeting (including the supervisor, cooperating mentor, and student) may need to be
held prior to the completion of this evaluation by the College Supervisor.
Distinguished (3)
Proficient (2)
Needs Improvement (1)
Student arrived on time and stays the duration of the scheduled
Student completed assigned work in a timely manner.
Student’s dress was consistent with the standards at the agency
Student’s language and demeanor was consistent with the
standards at the agency site.
Distinguished (3)
Proficient (2)
Needs Improvement (1)
Student completed required projects.
Student’s work demonstrated care and attention to detail.
Student’s public performances (meetings, presentations,
activities) were of high quality.
Professional Experience Activities
Distinguished (3)
Proficient (2)
Needs Improvement (1)
Student comprehensively described the activities he/she
engaged in throughout the alternate experience program.
Student comprehensively reflects on experiences throughout the
alternate experience program.
Student has completed the requisite number of hours for the
alternate experience program.
Completed by College Supervisor Only:
Directed Professional Experience Points (total from above):
___ / 30
Career Development Project Assignment (from project rubric):
___ / 10
Total Points:
___ / 40
Final Directed Professional Experiences Grade Key
40-37 points
36-33 points
32-29 points
28-25 points
24-21 points
20 or fewer points
Additional comments may be included on the back of this document or as an attachment.
Student’s Signature:
Date: _________________
Evaluator’s Signature:
Date: _________________
Evaluator’s Position:
Cooperating Mentor
College Supervisor
Student Name:
Agency Name:
College Supervisor Name:
Agency Cooperating Mentor:
Department of Education
Division of Field Services
_____________________________________ _______________________________
(College Supervisor’s Name – Please Print) (YCP Student Name Please Print)
College Supervisor Checklist for Directed Professional Experience
Please print this checklist and use as a “coversheet” when submitting all paperwork (one packet
per Directed Professional Experience Student). Please do not staple any documents. Please
arrange paperwork in the order below.
1. ___ YCP Employee’s Expense Form & Log (Mileage form and log; download form and
instructions on the YCP College Supervisor Webpage:
-click on “Student Teaching” near the middle of the page, then click on “College
Supervisors” at the bottom of the page under “What Participants Need to Know”)
2. ___ Your Final Evaluation letter – typed on YCP letterhead
3. Cooperating Mentor “Letter of Completion
4. ___ Copies of all visitation forms
5. ___ A copy of the student’s Reflective Logs for each week (including Cooperating
Mentor’s signature and total hours)
6. Mid-Experience Evaluations (if completed by the student, mentor, and supervisor)
7. ___ Final Evaluations (completed by the student, mentor, and supervisor)
College Supervisor’s Signature: _______________________________________________
Paperwork, accompanied by this checklist, is due on the last day of classes or before.
Submit to Dept. of Education Office, LS134
click to sign
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click to sign
click to edit
Directed Professional Experience (Alternate Program)
Reflective Log
Use this form to record the experiences you engage in during your Directed Professional
Experience. Log each hour of your experience, reflect on your professional growth, and secure a
signature from your site Cooperating Mentor each week. Hours on site, as well as hours off-site
(completing projects, etc.) may be included. Be sure to complete your running total in the “Total
Cumulative Hours” section as well. Submit this log to your College Supervisor each week.
Student Name:
Agency Name:
Student ID:
Agency Cooperating Mentor:
Student Phone Number:
Cooperating Mentor Phone Number:
Student Email Address:
Cooperating Mentor Email Address:
Week 1
Please provide a detailed description of all tasks / projects / assignments completed.
Please provide a comprehensive reflection of your experience this week (i.e. What were your
setbacks/successes? What did you learn about professionalism? What surprised you this week? Etc.)
Hours Completed This Week
(on & off placement site)
Total Cumulative Hours Completed:
Cooperating Mentor Initials:
click to sign
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click to sign
click to edit
Week 2
Please provide a detailed description of all tasks / projects / assignments completed.
Please provide a robust reflection of your experience this week (i.e. What were your setbacks/successes?
What did you learn about professionalism? What surprised you this week? Etc.)
Hours Completed This Week
(on & off placement site)
Total Cumulative Hours Completed:
Cooperating Mentor Initials:
Week 3
Please provide a detailed description of all tasks / projects / assignments completed.
Please provide a robust reflection of your experience this week (i.e. What were your setbacks/successes?
What did you learn about professionalism? What surprised you this week? Etc.)
Hours Completed This Week
(on & off placement site)
Total Cumulative Hours Completed:
Cooperating Mentor Initials:
Week 4
Please provide a detailed description of all tasks / projects / assignments completed.
Please provide a robust reflection of your experience this week (i.e. What were your setbacks/successes?
What did you learn about professionalism? What surprised you this week? Etc.)
Hours Completed This Week
(on & off placement site)
Total Cumulative Hours Completed:
Cooperating Mentor Initials:
click to sign
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click to sign
click to edit
Week 5
Please provide a detailed description of all tasks / projects / assignments completed.
Please provide a robust reflection of your experience this week (i.e. What were your setbacks/successes?
What did you learn about professionalism? What surprised you this week? Etc.)
Hours Completed This Week
(on & off placement site)
Total Cumulative Hours Completed:
Cooperating Mentor Initials:
Week 6
Please provide a detailed description of all tasks / projects / assignments completed.
Please provide a robust reflection of your experience this week (i.e. What were your setbacks/successes?
What did you learn about professionalism? What surprised you this week? Etc.)
Hours Completed This Week
(on & off placement site)
Total Cumulative Hours Completed:
Cooperating Mentor Initials:
click to sign
click to edit
Week 7
Please provide a detailed description of all tasks / projects / assignments completed.
Please provide a robust reflection of your experience this week (i.e. What were your setbacks/successes?
What did you learn about professionalism? What surprised you this week? Etc.)
Hours Completed This Week
(on & off placement site)
Total Cumulative Hours Completed:
Cooperating Mentor Initials:
Week 8
Please provide a detailed description of all tasks / projects / assignments completed.
Please provide a robust reflection of your experience this week (i.e. What were your setbacks/successes?
What did you learn about professionalism? What surprised you this week? Etc.)
Hours Completed This Week
(on & off placement site)
Total Cumulative Hours Completed:
Cooperating Mentor Initials:
Week 9
Please provide a detailed description of all tasks / projects / assignments completed.
Please provide a robust reflection of your experience this week (i.e. What were your setbacks/successes?
What did you learn about professionalism? What surprised you this week? Etc.)
Hours Completed This Week
(on & off placement site)
Total Cumulative Hours Completed:
Cooperating Mentor Initials:
Week 10
Please provide a detailed description of all tasks / projects / assignments completed.
Please provide a robust reflection of your experience this week (i.e. What were your setbacks/successes?
What did you learn about professionalism? What surprised you this week? Etc.)
Hours Completed This Week
(on & off placement site)
Total Cumulative Hours Completed:
Cooperating Mentor Initials:
Week 11
Please provide a detailed description of all tasks / projects / assignments completed.
Please provide a robust reflection of your experience this week (i.e. What were your setbacks/successes?
What did you learn about professionalism? What surprised you this week? Etc.)
Hours Completed This Week
(on & off placement site)
Total Cumulative Hours Completed:
Cooperating Mentor Initials:
Week 12
Please provide a detailed description of all tasks / projects / assignments completed.
Please provide a robust reflection of your experience this week (i.e. What were your setbacks/successes?
What did you learn about professionalism? What surprised you this week? Etc.)
Hours Completed This Week
(on & off placement site)
Total Cumulative Hours Completed:
Cooperating Mentor Initials:
Week 13
Please provide a detailed description of all tasks / projects / assignments completed.
Please provide a robust reflection of your experience this week (i.e. What were your setbacks/successes?
What did you learn about professionalism? What surprised you this week? Etc.)
Hours Completed This Week
(on & off placement site)
Total Cumulative Hours Completed:
Cooperating Mentor Initials:
Week 14
Please provide a detailed description of all tasks / projects / assignments completed.
Please provide a robust reflection of your experience this week (i.e. What were your setbacks/successes?
What did you learn about professionalism? What surprised you this week? Etc.)
Hours Completed This Week
(on & off placement site)
Total Cumulative Hours Completed:
Cooperating Mentor Initials: