Tennessee Tech University
Direct Deposit Authorization Form
(Accounts Payable Use Only)
I hereby authorize Tennessee Technological University to initiate credit entries, and if
necessary, debit entries for any credit entries in error to my account indicated below.
This authorization will be used for all reimbursements, travel, and payment of invoices
by the Accounts Payable Office.
New Authorization Change Authorization
Please select one account:
The bank account currently used for Direct Deposit of TTU Payroll Funds
New account Type (choose one): Checking Savings
Bank name ____________________________________________________
Bank Routing No. ____________________________________________________
Account Number ____________________________________________________
This authorization revokes all prior payment direction notifications (for Accounts
Payable only).
Print Name ___________________________________________
Banner ID# T__________________________________________
Department ___________________________________________
Phone # _______________________________
Complete the requested information including signature and date and return to Accounts Payable:
P.O. Box 5037 (Derryberry Hall Room 117) or scan and email to ttudirectdeposit@tntech.edu