Degree Check Request
200 South 14th StreetParsons, KS 67357(620)421-67001-888-LABETTE
Before the official degree check will be evaluated by the Registrar,
all official transcripts from other institutions must be on file in the Registrar’s Office;
the student’s college hours completed and currently enrolled in must equal 42 credit hours;
the degree check request form must be signed by the student’s major advisor and
the degree check request form must be completed in its entirety or will be returned to the advisor.
Name_____________________________________________LCC Student ID # __________________
Please Print
Local Address______________________________________________________________________
Street City State Zip Cell Phone #
This address will be used to send a copy of the completed degree check and the first correspondence
regarding graduation.
LCC email address__________________________________________________________________
All communication for this process will be sent to this email account.
Major____________________ Advisor______________________ First year of attendance _________
Transfer Student: List all colleges you have attended________________________________________
You must complete at least 15 credit hours at LCC to graduate.
Advisor: The catalog year used for this degree check is indicated in Jenzabar.
COMPLETE YOUR EXACT DEGREE INFORMATION: (For Social Science, Secondary Education and
Physical Education include emphasis.)
Associate in Arts______Concentration____________________________________________________
Associate in Science______ Concentration________________________________________________
Associate in Applied Science______ Concentration _________________________________________
Associate in General Studies______ (The Concentration Requirements can be any course that is a
program requirement or elective for an AA or AS degree, except for HEAL 124 Medical Terminology.)
Do you plan to continue your education after graduating from LCC? Yes__No__ If yes, where?_______
Student Signature________________________________________Date________________________
Student and advisor will receive a copy of the official degree check.
Students must have an overall GPA of 2.0 or better to graduate.
Advisor’s Signature______________________________________________________Date_________
Only the Major Advisor can sign a Degree Check. Please attach a “Substitution Form” if applicable.
For Office Use Only
Revised 01/2020