Copyright © Swun Math Grade 6 Unit 5 Lesson 18 C SJ
Applied MP
* Embedded MP
Conceptual Lesson
Grade 6 · Unit 5 · Lesson 18
MC: 6.EE.5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Read the problem.
2. Write an equation or inequality.
Vocabulary Notes
Variable: a letter or symbol that represents
an unknown value
Equality: math statement comparing two
equal values
8 = 2 + x
Inequality: math statement comparing two
unequal values
8 < 2 + x
< (less than)
> (greater than)
≠ (not equal to)
Equation: two expressions of equal value
separated by an equal sign
7a + 3 = 17
Infinite: limitless, endless
Copyright © Swun Math Grade 6 Unit 5 Lesson 18 C SJ
Directions: Create models with the equation given and solve.
1. Create a square model for the equation m + 6 = 10.
2. Create a scale model for the inequality
+ 5 < 8.
Copyright © Swun Math Grade 6 Unit 5 Lesson 18 C SJ
Directions: Create models with the equations given.
1. Using the equation below, create a model with squares.
7 =
+ 5
2. Using the inequality below, create a scale model.
+ 1 > 4
Copyright © Swun Math Grade 6 Unit 5 Lesson 18 C SJ
Recap today’s lesson with one or more of the following questions:
MP1: What strategy can you use to solve the equation or inequality?
MP4: Name an equation or inequality that matches the diagram.