City of Gardner
Human Resources Department
95 Pleasant Street, Rm. 14
Gardner, MA 01440
(978) 630-4001 ♦ Fax (978) 630-4025
Community/Volunteer Service Application
(Applicants must be 16 or older or between the
ages of 13 and 15 accompanied by a parent volunteer.)
Street City/Town State Zip Code
Home Phone: Email Address:
If applicable:
Total hours required: Date hours need to be completed:
When are you available to perform community service:
Weekdays (please circle): Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Time of Day: (please circle): Mornings Afternoons
Preferred Location: Library Animal Shelter Council on Aging
Other: ________________________________________________
In case of an emergency or illness please notify:
Name: Relationship:
Street City/Town State Zip Code
Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell Phone:
Please check all of the ways in which you are available to assist as a volunteer:
Clerical Support (filing, data entry, phone messages)
Facility Cleaning (sweeping, mopping, dusting and general cleaning)
Grounds Maintenance/Laborer (mowing, raking, trash removal, weeding, watering plants,
sweeping sidewalks and parking areas, snow removal, etc…)
Other (please explain):
Community Service Application
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By submitting this application, I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete. I
understand that if I am accepted as a volunteer, any false statements, omissions, or other
misrepresentations made by me on this application may result in immediate dismissal. I
acknowledge that I am required to follow all instructions given by my supervisor or his/her
designee, to perform all assigned duties and to follow all rules of the City of Gardner. I agree to
demonstrate a good attitude and willingness to perform the duties assigned in a pleasant manner.
While working for the City of Gardner, I will:
Arrive clean, neat and appropriately attired.
Not consume alcohol or illegal drugs before or during my volunteer work assignment.
Not distribute literature of any type.
Not bring other people with me during my volunteer working hours.
Avoid the use of profanity while on site.
Not engage in inappropriate behavior with employees, members of the public or other
Applicant Signature: Date:
If the applicant is under the age of 18 years old, a parent or guardian must sign his/her consent to
the terms and conditions of this application below:
Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:
Background Check
I understand that the City of Gardner will conduct a background check prior to acceptance as a
community service volunteer. I agree to provide the necessary information as requested and
further understand that said background check may include a review of sex offender registries
and/or criminal history records (CORI request form attached hereto for execution by applicant).
Applicant Signature: Date:
I, for myself, my personal representatives and dependents hereby release, indemnify and hold
harmless the City of Gardner (the “City”), its elected officials, directors, employees, agents and
other volunteers from any and all liability in connection with any injury I may sustain, including
any injury caused by negligence, in conjunction with the volunteer activities for the City.
Further, I, for myself, my personal representatives and dependents hereby release, indemnify and
hold harmless the City, its elected officials, directors, employees, agents and other volunteers
from all damages, judgments, expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, costs of liabilities in
law or equity suffered because of damage to my personal belongings or any property that may
arise out of, or as a consequence of my negligent or intentional acts while volunteering for the
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I understand that as a volunteer, I am not an employee of the City, that my involvement will not
lead to employment status, that I will not be eligible for employee benefits or worker’s
compensation insurance coverage and that I will receive no compensation for my services. I
understand that I must operate within the scope of the duties associated with my volunteer
position, a description of which will be provided to me should I be accepted and approved as a
community service volunteer for the City.
Applicant Signature: Date:
If the applicant is under the age of 18 years old, a parent or guardian must sign his/her consent to
the terms and conditions of this application below:
Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:
Community Service Application
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City of Gardner
Community Service Policy Agreement
I. Application
Community Service volunteers must complete an application, criminal background history consent and
execute indemnity agreements contained in the application form before work begins.
II. Specifications
Community Service volunteers must be 16 years of age or older or between the ages of 13 and 15
accompanied by a parent volunteer. The City of Gardner only accepts court ordered volunteers who have
committed Class C Misdemeanors that DO NOT involve the following:
Crimes of moral turpitude.
Current or past crimes of violence.
Unstabilized mental issues.
III. Credit for Service
There is no payment or benefits for service. Time is given hour for hour.
IV. Conduct
Certain conduct will be expected of volunteers while working for the City of Gardner. Any violation of
the following may cause termination.
Arrive clean, neat and appropriately attired.
If working outside and performing physical labor, jeans or shorts and t-shirts are acceptable.
Volunteers CANNOT wear ripped or torn jeans or shorts. NO biking shorts or boxer shorts.
Volunteers CANNOT wear halters, low-cut tops, tube tops, tops that show any part of the abdomen,
or revealing clothing of any kind. T-shirts must NOT display pictures, emblems or writings that are
lewd, offensive, vulgar or obscene, or advertise or depict alcoholic beverages or drugs.
No consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs before or during volunteer work assignment.
No distribution of literature of any type.
Visitors are not allowed during volunteer shift.
No inappropriate behavior with employees, patrons or other volunteers.
Profanity will not be tolerated while on site.
V. Opportunity
Community Service opportunities include but are not limited to the following: office duties such as filing
and copying, trash pick-up, park beautification, cleaning and physical labors. The City of Gardner
reserves the right to limit the number of Community Service volunteers working within various
departments at any given time.
I affirm that I have read the above and understand the information presented.
Applicant Signature: Date:
Department of Criminal Justice Information Services
200 Arlington Street, Suite 2200, Chelsea, MA 02150
TEL: 617-660-4640 | TTY: 617-660-4606 | FAX: 617-660-5973
TobeusedbyorganizationsconductingCORIchecksforemployment,volunteer,subcontr actor,licensing,andhousing
provisionsofM.G.L.c.6,§172toreceiveCORIforthepurposeofscreeningcurrentandotherwisequalifiedprospectiv e
employees, subcontractors, volunteers, license applicants, current licensees, and applicants for the rental or lease of
applicant,currentlicensee, orapplicantforthe
rentalorleaseofhousing,IunderstandthataCORIcheckwillbesubmittedformypersonalinformation totheDCJIS.I
herebyacknowledgeand providepermissionto__________________________________________________________
to submit a CORI check for my information to the DCJIS. This authorization
is valid for one year from the date of my
signature.Imaywithdrawthisauthorizationatanytimebyproviding _________________________________________
By signing below, I provide my consent to a CORI check and affirm that the information provided on Page 2 of
AcknowledgementFormistrueand accurate.
___________________________________________________________ _________________________________
SignatureofCORISubject Date
The City of Gardner
The City of Gardner
The City of Gardner
The City of Gardner
The City of Gardner
Department of Criminal Justice Information Services
200 Arlington Street, Suite 2200, Chelsea, MA 02150
TEL: 617-660-4640 | TTY: 617-660-4606 | FAX: 617-660-5973
* FirstName:________________________________________________________ MiddleInitial: _________________
* LastName:_______________ __________________________________________ Suffix(Jr.,Sr.,etc.): _____________
FormerLastName1: _______________________________________________________________________________
FormerLastName2: _______________________________________________________________________________
FormerLastName3: _______________________________________________________________________________
FormerLastName4: _______________________________________________________________________________
* DateofBirth(MM/DD/YYYY): ___________________ PlaceofBirth:________________________________________
* LastSIXdigitsofSocialSecurityNumber: ______‐‐____________ NoSocialSecurityNumber
Sex: _________________ Height: _____ft. _____in. EyeColor:_______________ Race: ______________________
Driver’sLicenseorIDNumber:______________________________________ StateofIssue:____________________
Father’sFullName: ________________________________________________________________________________
Mother’sFullName: _______________________________________________________________________________
* StreetAddress:____________________________________________________________________________________
Apt.#orSuite: _____________ *City:__________________________ *State: ________ *Zip:_______________
___________________________________________________________ _________________________________
SignatureofVerifyingEmployee Date