1) Complete one unique Career Advancement (CA) form for each job for which you wish to apply.
2) Create a Staff or Faculty Application online and apply to the specific position(s) of interest.
3) Scan CA form as a PDF file and attach the unique CA form when directed to attach additional documents at the time of applying
to the position online.
4) In order for a CA form to be processed, the following criteria must be met:
a) Candidate has been in current position for at least one full year (if a full-time employee) or at least six months (if a part-
time employee).
b) Position applying for is in a higher pay range than current position.
c) Candidate is not under corrective review.
d) CA form MUST include both your current supervisor and the department manager signatures at the bottom of this
Employee Name (Please Print):
E-mail: Phone:
Current Position Title:
Department: Supervisor:
Hire Date for Current Position: Current Pay Grade:
New Position Applying For (Only List ONE):
Department Applying To:
My qualifications for this position are:
Employee Signature Date
Current Supervisor’s Signature Date Department Head Date
Career advancement requests will be administered without regard to race, color, ancestry, age, sex, national origin, pregnancy or childbirth, disability, military
veteran status or other status protected by law. This application and any resulting career advancement does not set forth either express or implied contractual
obligations of the University and does not affect nor alter the at-will employment status of the employee in any way.
L I B E R T Y U N I V E R S I T Y Human Resources Office 03/15