I, __________________ understand that I have 3 attempts at the CPCE exam and 3 attempts at
the Integration exam. If I do not pass after three attempts I know I can appeal for a fourth
attempt. However, I am aware it is not guaranteed to be approved. I also understand there is no
time restraint on taking the Comprehensive Exam within a certain number of years. However, I
understand it is my responsibility to not break enrollment or have any courses exceed 10 years
or it may affect my ability to complete the exam. I am aware that the CPCE exam can only be
taken once per semester.
I acknowledge that I have the opportunity to test offsite at a Pearson VUE location closer to my
home or on-campus at Liberty University.
I acknowledge that the Integration exam is not an open book exam and nothing is allowed to aid
me during the exam.
I am aware that I can contact the Registrar’s Office at graduateregistrar@liberty.edu to inquire
about breaking enrollment.
Student’s Signature
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