Transparency is essential for a reader’s trust in the scientific process and for the credibility of published
articles. At Cell Press, we feel that disclosure of competing interests is a critical aspect of transparency.
Therefore, we require that all authors disclose any financial or other interests related to the submitted
work that (1) could affect or have the perception of affecting the author’s objectivity or (2) could
influence or have the perception of influencing the content of the article, in a “Declaration of Interests”
UWhat types of articles does this apply to?
We require that you disclose competing interests for all submitted content, including research articles as
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Interests” form below. We also require that you include a “Declaration of Interests” section in the text
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require you to include a “Declaration of Interests” section only when you have information to declare.
UWhat should I disclose?
We require that you and all authors disclose any personal financial interests (examples include stocks or
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Authors should also disclose relevant financial interests of immediate family members. Cell Press uses
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UWhere do I declare competing interests?
Competing interests should be disclosed on the “Declaration of Interests” form as well as in the last
section of the manuscript before the “References” section, under the heading “Declaration of Interests.
This section should include financial or other competing interests as well as affiliations that are not
included in the author list. Examples of “Declaration of Interests” language include:
“AUTHOR is an employee and shareholder of COMPANY.”
“AUTHOR is a founder of COMPANY and a member of its scientific advisory board.”
NOTE: Primary affiliations should be included on the title page of the manuscript with the author list and
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these articles, reporting of funding sources is not required.)
UWhat if there are no competing interests to declare?
For research and review articles, if you have no competing interests to declare, please note that in a
“Declaration of Interests” section with the following wording:
“The authors declare no competing interests.”
All other front-matter articles do not need to include this section when there are no competing interests
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“Declaration of Interests” section in the manuscript.
Institutional Affiliations
We require that you list the current institutional affiliations of all authors, including academic,
corporate, and industrial, on the title page of the manuscript. Please select one of the following:
All affiliations are listed on the title page of the manuscript.
I or other authors have additional affiliations that we have noted in the “Declaration of
Interests” section of the manuscript and on this form below.
Funding Sources
We require that you disclose all funding sources for the research described in this work. Please confirm
the following:
All funding sources for this study are listed in the “Acknowledgments” section of the
*A small number of front-matter article types do not include an “Acknowledgments” section. For these, reporting
funding sources is not required.
Competing Financial Interests
We require that authors disclose any financial interests and any such interests of immediate family
members, including financial holdings, professional affiliations, advisory positions, board memberships,
receipt of consulting fees, etc., that:
(1) could affect or have the perception of affecting the author’s objectivity, or
(2) could influence or have the perception of influencing the content of the article.
Please select one of the following:
We, the authors and our immediate family members, have no financial interests to declare.
We, the authors, have noted any financial interests in the “Declaration of Interests” section of
the manuscript and on this form below, and we have noted interests of our immediate family
Advisory/Management and Consulting Positions
We require that authors disclose any position, be it a member of a board or advisory committee or a
paid consultant, that they have been involved with that is related to this study. We also require that
members of our journal advisory boards disclose their position when publishing in that journal. Please
select one of the following:
We, the authors and our immediate family members, have no positions to declare and are not
members of the journal’s advisory board.
The authors and/or their immediate family members have management/advisory or consulting
relationships noted in the “Declaration of Interests” section of the manuscript and on this form
We require that you disclose any patents related to this work by any of the authors or their institutions.
Please select one of the following:
The authors and our immediate family members, have no related patents to declare.
We, the authors, have a patent related to this work, which is noted in the “Declaration of
Interests” section of the manuscript and on this form below, and we have noted the patents of
immediate family members.
Please insert any “Declaration of Interests” statement in this space. This exact text should also be
included in the “Declaration of Interests” section of the manuscript. If no authors have a competing
interest, please insert the text, “The authors declare no competing interests.”
On behalf of all authors, I declare that I have disclosed all competing interests related to this work. If
any exist, they have been included in the “Declaration of Interests” section of the manuscript.
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