Board of Directors checklist for 2021
Board meetings:
For virtual Board meetings via Zoom, please keep your camera on. We like to see you.
Review all meeting material before the BOD meeting. Email questions in advance.
Read the monthly broker bulletin.
Join at least one committee.
Legislative and Political Support:
Attend a Government Affairs meeting
Register and Attend Hill Day in January
Invest extra $$ in RPAC and Donate an item to our RPAC Event
Come to our RPAC event in March
Attend the Housing Issues Briefing in June
Be an Ambassador:
Tell your office about Realtor Scholarships
Have Russ come to your office to speak about Realtor Value
Set up a meeting with a Non-Realtor Office with Russ
Tell 5 agents about your Realtor work
Tell 5 non realtor agents about your Realtor work.
Recruit 1 Realtor to join a committee. Invite 1 Realtor to run for the Board
Event Support:
Invite 10 agents to come to Realtor events throughout the year
Attend Battle of the Barristers and invite your office
Attend a YPN Event
Let your office know about First Citizen
Attend the First Citizen Dinner
Attend the NAR Conference (May and November)
Affiliate Support:
Use one of our SKCR Affiliates from the affiliate list
Get a new Affiliate to join SKRC
Meet 5 of our SKCR Affiliates and thank them for their support
Attend and support one Affiliate event
Staff support:
Learn all the Staff’s names and what their position is- Russ, David, Scott, Darla, Marie, Annie, Lisa, Kia
Quarterly, thank one staff member for a job well done and CC Russ