Purchasing Department
(Please neatly print or type application)
Date of application: ________________ Semester: Fall___ or Spring ____ SID#:__________________
Name: ______________________________________________ SS#: _______________________________
Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________________________
City: __________________________________________ State: __________ Zip: _____________
Telephone: (____)_______________________________ Email: ______________________________
Marital Status (optional):___________________ Spouse’s Name (optional): ___________________________
Place of Employment: _______________________________ Hours worked per week: ________________
High School attended: _______________________________ High School Graduation Date: ___________
College hours completed (include other colleges): _________ College Major: _______________________
College cumulative GPA (include other colleges): _________ (minimum 2.0 required for this award)
Other colleges or universities attended and dates attended: ______________________________________________
Are you currently enrolled at BPCC? ________ Program of study: ___________________________
When do you plan to complete your program at BPCC? _________________________________________________
List any other type(s) of financial aid or scholarships you are currently receiving, or plan to receive:
REQUIRED WITH THIS APPLICATION: The following documents must be attached with this application:
1. A completed application.
2. School Transcripts.
(Students who have attended any other college/university must submit a transcript from each school.)
3. Entering freshmen must submit a high school transcript.
Please explain the need for assistance:
To my knowledge, all of the above information is true as indicated. If selected to receive
the Validis Scholarship, I agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the scholarship.
Applicant’s Signature _______________________________________ Date ______________
Note: Student must submit completed application to the BPCC Purchasing Department.
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