Authorization for Travel Instructions Page | 2
☐ Indicate the payment method, either:
o Traveler to Pay: You are using personal funds to cover the cost, you will provide an itemized
receipt for all expenses, and you will be reimbursed after the trip is complete
o P-Card: You are using your P-Card for the purchase, you will provide a P-Card transaction ID#
on your Per Diem, and you will provide an itemized receipt
o Check Request: You are requesting a physical check to pay for the hotel fees, the check will be
issued to the hotel (not the traveler), and a completed check request form must be attached
listing the hotel name and hotel VID#
☐ If paying with a check, determine if the hotel has been set up as a vendor by searching for the hotel
name and location in the Banner FOAIDEN form.
☐ If hotel vendor is in Banner, submit Check Request Form (found under Valencia Forms under the
Employee tab in Atlas) and hotel confirmation.
☐ If the hotel vendor is not in Banner, complete a Vendor Profile and request a signed W-9 from the
vendor. The Vendor Profile can be found at and should be completed and submitted
to Procurement. Once the vendor has been set up, submit a Check Request Form found in Atlas under
the Employees tab in the Valencia Forms link.
☐ Indicate the number of nights & the per night room rate
☐ Calculate the number of meals if applicable.
You are only able to claim meals if you are attending an overnight conference. Meals are based on
your departure and arrival times:
o Breakfast allowed: If depart before 6 a.m.
If return after 8 a.m.
o Lunch allowed: If depart before 12 noon
If return after 2 p.m.
o Dinner allowed: If depart before 6 p.m.
If return after 8 p.m.
☐ Indicate the payment method, either:
o Traveler to Pay: You are using personal funds to cover the cost, you will provide an itemized
receipt for all expenses, and you will be reimbursed after the trip is complete
o P-Card: You are using your P-Card for the purchase, you will provide a P-Card transaction ID#
on your Per Diem, and you will provide an itemized receipt
o Check Request: You are requesting a physical check to pay for the transportation fees, the check
will be issued to the vendor (not the traveler), and a completed check request form must be
attached listing the vendor name and vendor VID#
☐ Indicate type of travel, either airplane, bus/van, or personal vehicle
☐ If driving private vehicle, this means that you are driving your personal vehicle. Please specify the estimated
miles you expect to drive, attach estimated routes with mileage, and list the driver’s name and passenger names.
D.O.T. is for the Department of Transportation, and you can use their
estimated mileage without having to provide routes as support documents.
PLEASE NOTE: You can claim mileage to and from the airport.
PLEASE NOTE: If registration fee is paid, you can include in-district mileage on this form with support documents
☐ Rental car must be approved in advance by budget manager and included in the miscellaneous section.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are attending a Valencia sponsored conference or event and NOT using SPD funds,
an internal budget transfer will need to be done by Chris Kretchik to pay for your registration fees. Please
contact Chris Kretchik at ext. 3304 for assistance with this.
☐ Indicate the payment method, either:
o Traveler to Pay: You are using personal funds to cover the cost, you will provide an itemized
receipt for all expenses, and you will be reimbursed after the trip is complete
o P-Card: You are using your P-Card for the purchase, you will provide a P-Card transaction ID#
on your Per Diem, and you will provide an itemized receipt
o Check Request: You are requesting a physical check to pay for the registration fees, the check
will be issued to the vendor. A completed check request form must be attached listing the vendor