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Arts, Culture & Events office T: 250.361.0246
720 Douglas St E:
Victoria, BC V8W 3M7
Event Name: ___________________________________ Event Date(s): ________________________________________
Event website(s): ____________________________________________________________________________________
Venue(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________
Organization Name: _________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________ City: __________________________ Postal Code: ______________
Contact Person(s): __________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________ Email Address: ________________________________________
Cash Grant Amount Requested: $___________ (max 25% of total event budget) Total Cash Expenditure: $____________
City Services Support Requested: Yes No Description: _________________________________________________
(City Services include police, fire, traffic control, parks, street cleaning, public works etc).
Declaration (Two Authorized Signatures Required)
1) On behalf of and with authority of the Society, I certify that the information given on this grant application and
attachments is true, correct and complete in every respect and if the Society is awarded the grant, agrees to abide
by the established grant terms and conditions.
2) The information provided in this grant application is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
Act. The City cannot guarantee that any of the information provided by you will be treated as confidential if a
request for access is made under the Act.
Name of Board Chair or President (please print): __________________________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________
Name of person preparing the form (please print): _________________________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________
Please forward your completed application by DECEMBER 31 4:30 pm by mail or email to:
Festival Investment Grant
Arts Culture & Events Division
720 Douglas St, Victoria, B.C. V8W 3M7
Questions? Phone: 250.361.0357 or email or visit
Festival Investment
Grant Application
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Part 1: Summary of Event
1. Summary Description (no more than 50 words please):
2. Detailed Description:
3. Purpose(s):
4. Changes from last year:
5. Artistic Discipline
Is there an artistic component to your event? If so, please select the PRIMARY artistic discipline:
Visual Arts
Other (please specify):
Please describe how the artistic discipline will be incorporated into your event:
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Part 2: Community Impact and Involvement
1. Audience
Have you previously conducted an audience survey? Yes No If yes, please include the survey and your results
with your application.
Expected total audience:
o Local residents:
o Visitors:
Last year’s audience: _____
Please describe your audience:
2. Public accessibility
Free component: Yes No
How many hours of free programming do you anticipate?
How many hours of free programming did you offer last year?
Total cash expenditures related to free component: $ Percentage of cash event budget: %
Gated or ticketed: Yes No
Expected event admission or ticket revenue: $ Percentage of cash event budget: %
Detailed description of free component:
Admission prices (if applicable):
3. Community Support:
Describe your event’s involvement or partnerships with community organizations/local businesses:
Describe your event’s involvement or partnership with local professional performers, producers, technicians:
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Part 3: Economic Impact
1. Employment
No. of full-time employees:
No. of part-time employees:
No. of contractors (performers & production crew etc):
No. of volunteers:
No. of volunteer hours:
2. Spending
What spending do you estimate will occur as a result of your event? e.g. hotel rooms, visits to downtown, eating etc.
What % of your budget is spent locally? $______
Part 4: Organizational Effectiveness
1. Organization Incorporation Number: ______________
Date of incorporation: ______________________
In “Good Standing? Yes No
2. Organization mandate or purpose :
3. Please provide a copy of your organizations most recent ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT and comment on your
Financial stability:
Current fundraising initiatives:
Long range planning:
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Part 5: Event Budget
Please complete attached revenue and expense spreadsheets. Please indicate which revenue is confirmed and reflect in-kind
contributions for both your revenue and expenditure. Please ensure in-kind contributions are included under expenditures. In-
kind includes provision of equipment, services, advertising etc. instead of cash. **Note any in-kind donation included as
revenue must also be accounted for as an expense **
Applicants carrying budgetary surpluses must clearly explain their intended use of these funds. If a deficit exists, the applicant
must demonstrate that a realistic deficit reduction/elimination plan is in place.
Part 6: Additional Information
Please include any pertinent additional information. Information may be written in the box below or attached as an appendix.
*NEW* Part 7: Scenario B
Please share a brief (1 2 paragraphs) description of how you would pivot your program under continued COVID-19
restrictions on gatherings and events, as per the BCCDC recommendations. Also include an alternative Budget (both
Expenditures / Revenues). Grant Spending should prioritize a) Artist / Performance fees b) Cost to pivot to alternative
programming, i.e. Web-based programming c) Primary financial needs (consideration will be given to applicants who have not
received other primary funding)
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Completed and signed application form
Budget template sheets (revenue and expenditure) completed
Scenario B Budget template sheets (revenue and expenditure) completed *NEW*
Audience Survey (if available)
Organization’s Most Recent Financial Statements
Proof of society’s “good standing” with BC Registry Services
Appendix with additional information (if applicable)
Deadline December 31 4:30 pm